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Akhurst, B.A.
Assessing Intellectual Ability.
Barnes and Noble.
Pages sightly tanned otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0389041637.
Albers, Susan.
50 Ways To Soothe Yourself Without Food.
New Harbinger Publications, Inc.
Volume is tight. Some underlining in text. Good. Paperback.
ISBN: 9781572246768.
Alexander, Franz and Ross, Helen.
The Impact of Freudian Psychiatry.
University of Chicago.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Anderson, Barbara; Gaulstich, Gretchen; Ashe, Mary; and Vietze, Peter.
Observation Manual For Assessment Of Behavior Sequences Between Infant and Mother: Newborn to 24 Months.
Demonstration and Research Center for Early Education.
Papercovers, plastic spiral binding. Good Plus. Paperback.
Anderson, Lee.
Depression Is A Monster: A Collection of Poems. ( Insightful words of wisdom that address numerous aspects of depresssion.).
Inscription on front end page. Contents are clean and tight. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Bell, Roger A, Goldsmith, Harold F., and Lin, Elizabeth.
Social Indicators for Human Services Systems (Prepared by the Department of Psychiatry and Behavorial Sciences-School of Medicine, University of Louisville).
University of Louisville.
Page edges slightly tanned otherwise good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Bloomfield, Harold H., Michael P. Cain and Dennis T. Jaffe.
Transcendental Meditation: Discovering Inner Energy and Overcoming Stress.
Delacorte Press.
ISBN: 0440060486.
Borg, Celeste (Editor).
Annual Editions: Personal Growth And Adjustment 80/81 (Instructors Copy. One in a series of volumes designed to provide the reader with convenient, unexpensive access to a wide range of current, carefully selected articles from some of the most important magazines, newspapers and journals.).
Dushkin Publishing.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0876967282X.
Brannum, Mary.
When I Was 16 (Includes chapters by Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson; Marianne Moore; Suzanne FArrell; Bette Davis; Gloria Foster; Frances Fitzgerald Lanahan; Marietta Tree; Betsey Johnson; Sandra Hochman; Margaret Mead; Sybil Christopher and other outstanding women).
Platt and Munk.
As New in original shrink wrap.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Brussel, James A.
The Layman's Guide to Psychistry.
Barnes and Noble.
1968 Reprint of 1961 Edition.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0389002771.
Buros, Oscar Krisen (Editor).
The Seventh Mental Measurements Yearbook (Two Volume Set).
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 910674116.
Campbell, Sarah F. ( Editor ).
Piaget Sampler: An Introduction To Jean Piaget Through His Own Words.
Jason Aronson, Inc.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0876683286.
Carroll, John B.
Language and Thought (A volume in the Foundations of Modern Psychology Series).
Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise clean, tight and legible Reading Copy. Hardcover.
Castle, Kit and Stefan Bechtel.
Katherine, It's Time: An Incredible Journey Into The World of a Multiple Personality.
Harper & Row.
1989 First Ed.
Initials and date on front end page.The right corners of two pages were folded otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 006015926X.
Cavanagh, John R. and McGoldrick, James B.
Fundamental Psychiatry.
The Bruce Publishing Company.
Child Study Association of America.
What to Tell Your Children About Sex.
Meredith Press.
Good Plus. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Covine, Walter J.; Costello, Timothy W.; and Rourke, Fabian L.
Abnormal Psychology (College Outline Series).
Barnes and Noble.
Pages tanned. Volume slightly creased otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0064600947.
Crow, Alice,.
Educational Psychology (Revised Edition. Edited by Francesco Cordasco).
Littlefield, Adams and Company.
ISBN: 0822600536.
Crow, Lester D.
Psychology of Childhood: For Students of Child Psychology, Parents, and Teachers.
Prinit Press.
Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Crow, Lester D. and Crow, Alice.
An Outline of General Psychology: With Questions and Answers.
Littlefield, Adams.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Crow, Lester D. and Crow, Alice.
An Outline OfGeneral Psychology:With Questions and Answers.
Littlefield, Adams, and Company.
Good plus.Name on front end page.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Daly, Martin and Wilson, Margo (Editors).
Evolution and Human Behavior: Official Journal of The Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Volume 26, Number 1, 2005.
Elsevier Inc.
Desiraju, T. (Editor).
Mechanisms In Transmission Of Signals For Conscious Behaviour.
Elsevier Scientific Publishing.
Pages slightly tanned.Volume is bound upside-down otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0444413979.
Diamond, Edwin.
The Science of Dreams.
MacFadden Books.
Pages tanned otherwise Good Reading Copy.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Dingman, Robert L. (Guest Editor) / Ginter, Earl (Editor).
Journal of Mental Health Counseling: Volume17, Number 3, July 1995. Special Issue; Disasters and Crises: A Mental Health Counseling Perspective.
American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA).
Residue of mailing label on rear cover otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Dombro, Amy Laura and Leah Wallach.
The Ordinary Is Extraordinary: How Children Under Three Learn (Why everyday routines are the most important educational activities you can share with your child).
Simon and Schuster.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0671631748.
Dosani, Sabina.
Defeat Depression: Tips and Techniques For Beating The Blues (52 Brilliant Ideas: One Good Idea Can Change Your Life).
Perigee Book/Penguin.
Good Plus.This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 9780399533730.
Dunne, Desmond.
Yoga: The Way to Long Life and Happiness (Illustrated by Erna Pinner).
Funk and Wagnalls.
This book was Never Read but it does have a price sticker on the front cover. Good. Paperback.
Ekman, Paul and Davidson, Richard J. ( Editors ).
The Nature Of Emotion: Fundamental Questions. .
Oxford University Press.
ISBN: 0195089448.
Elkind, David.
A Sympathetic Understanding of the Child Six to Sixteen.
Allyn and Bacon.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0205150187.
Enelow, Allen J.
Programmed Films and Audiotapes on Crisis Intervention and Suicidology (Six audio cassettes-Response Sheets For Choice Points Detailed Instructor's Guide-Vinyl Case).
Michigan State University-Department of Psychiatry.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Erskine, Alex.
A Hypnotist's Case Book (1960 Edition).
Wilshire Book Company.
Good.This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Evans, Roy.
International Journal of Adolescence and Youth. Volume 2, Number 1 (Includes: An Audiovisual and Psychological Technique: The Use of the Viodepdrama with Adolescents; Peer Effects on the Motivation of Adolescents with Learning Difficulties; Problems of Youth In Anglophone West Africa-A Review; Adolescent Obesity; The Elementary School Counselor: A Role Definition; Clinical Intervention in the Postmodern World; Research Note; Book Reviews).
A.B. Academic Publishers.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Faris, Robert E.L.
Social Psychology.
Ronald Press Company.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Fenn, Richard K.
The Spirit of Revolt:Anarchism and the Cult of Authority (A penetrating and creative analysis of the nature and behavior of the modern state. Illuminating disorder, it gives sociological shape to the possibilities for genuine freedom in a truly secular and egalitarian society).
Rowman and Littlefield.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 084767522X.
Flach, Frederic., ed.
The Schizophrenias (Directions In Psychiatry Monograph Series Number 4).
W.W. Norton.
1988 First Edition.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0393700623.
Flugel, J.C.
A Hundred Years of Psychology 1833-1933: With Additional Part on Developments 1933-1947.
Gerald Duckworth and Company, Ltd. (London).
Pages slightly tanned otherwise good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Freeman, Paul.
An Introduction to Sigmund Freud, M.D., and Psychoanalysis (Including the first public printing of Dr. Freud's paper, "Der Mutti" A humorous illustrated guide to Freud.).
Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Fried, Barbara.
Who's Afraid? The Phobic's Handbook (Illustrated and designed by Seymour Chwast.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0070224005.
Galdston, Iago (Editor).
Freud and Contemporary Culture (The New York Academy of Medicine).
International Universities Press For New York Academy of Medincine.
Pages slightly tanned. Name on front end page otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Gesell, Arnold
The First Five Years of Life: A Guide to the Study of the Preschool Child (From the Yale Clinic of Child Development).
Harper and Row.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Gitter, A. George and Grunin, Robert.
Communication: A Guide to Information Sources.
Gale Research.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0810314436.
Glasser, Paul; Sarri, Rosemary and Vinter, Robert.
Individual Change Through Small Groups.
Free Press.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 002911800X.
Goldberg, Martin.
A Guide to Psychiatric Diagnosis and Understanding For the Helping Professions.
Littlefield, Adams and Company.
Good.This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0822602830.
Goldenson, Robert M.
The Encyclopedia of Human Behavior: Psychology, Psychiatry and Mental Health (Two Volume Set).
Doubleday .
Good Plus in a good slipcase.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Gordon, Ira J. and Jester, R. Emile.
Instructional Strategies In Infant Stimulation (Institute For Development Of Human Resources, University Of Florida. This is reproduction made from microfiche).
American Psychological Association.
Papercovers. Good . Periodical.
Gottsegen, Gloria B.
Group Behavior: A Guide to Information Sources.
Gale Research.
As New in original shrink wrap.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0810314398.
Gottsegen, Gloria Behar and Gottsegen, Abby J.
Humanistic Psychology: A Guide to Information Sources.
Gale Research.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0810314622.
Grobman, Jerald.
Group Psychotherapy For Students and Teachers: A Selected Bibliography, 1946-1979.
Garland Publishing.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0824092910.
Guiora, Alexander Z. and Brandwin, Marvin A.
Perspectives In Clinical Psychology.
D.Van Nostrand.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Hahn, John F. and Lopater, Sanford.
Psychology: The Basic Principles.
Littlefield, Adams and Company.
ISBN: 0822603241.
Halmos, Paul and Iliffe, Alan (Editor).
Reading In General Psychology (Includes readings by A.H. Iliffe; E.D. Adrian; J.W. Osselton; R.C. Oldfield; L.S. Hearnshaw; Cyril Burt; P.E. Vernon; F.V. Smith; John Bowlby; H.J. Eysenck; Ernest Jones; Michael Argyle; J. Elizabeth Richardson; Paul Halmus).
Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Harre, Rom., ed.
Personality (An exploration, in different idioms, of new concepts of personality, transcending both trait-theory and 'situationism.'.
Rowman and Littlefield.
Good Plus. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0874719070.
Harriman, Philip L.
Handbook for Psychological Terms.
Littlefield, Adams, and Company.
Heaton-Ward, W. Alan .
Left Behind: A Study of Mental Handicap (Psychiatric Topics For Community Workers).
The Woburn Press.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 071300164X.
Heckstall, Joe.
Grandparents Aren't Goofy: Yes They Are Too! (Illustrations by Alfred G. Stewart, Jemeil Wells and Alvin G. Stewart).
Orman Press.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 1891773658.
Herz, Rachel.
The Scent Of Desire: Discovering On Enigmatic Sense Of Smell.
William Morrow .
Good Plus.This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0060825375.
Highet, Gilbert.
Man's Unconquerable Mind.
Columbia University Press.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Hill, Winfred F.
Learning: A Survey Of Psychological Interpretations.
Chandler Publications.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Hinckley, Robert G. and Lydia Hermann.
Group Treatment In Psychotherapy: A Report of Experience.
University of Minnesota Press.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0816659869.
Hollingworth, H.L.
Mental Growth and Decline: A Survey of Developmental Psychology.
D. Appleton and Company.
Some underlining and margin marks otherwise good and tight. Hardcover.
Hudson, Liam.
The Cult of the Fact: A Psychologist's Autobiographical Critique of His Discipline.
Harper and Row.
Good Plus. This book was never read.NOT EX-LIB. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0061317640.
The Sensuous Woman by J (The first how to book for the female who yearns to be all woman).
Lyle Stuart.
Covers scuffed and the lower edge of back cover has the remains of the dust jacket that apparently was affixed to the book with glue (2 inch x 5 inch area). Name on front end page. Contents are clean and tight. Good Reading Copy. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK . Hardcover.
Jamieson, Wendell.
Father Knows Less Or "Can I Cook My Sister?": One Dad's Quest To Answer His Son's Most Baffling Questions.
G.P. Putnam's Sons.
Good Plus.This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 9780399154423.
Kahn, Samuel.
Anxieties, Phobias and Fears.
Philosophical Library.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0802221874.
Kaylin, Lucy.
The Perfect Stranger: The Truth About Mothers and Nannies.
Good Plus.This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 1582344078.
Keen, Sam.
Fire in the Belly: On Being A Man (Adresses issues of men's consciousness and spirituality and presents an alternative vision of virtues and virility for a modern age).
Bantam Books.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0553071882.
Kiev, Ari (Editor).
Social Psychiatry-Volume I.
Pages slightly tanned. Cover scuffed. Small triangular piece missing from top corner of front end page otherwise Good. Hardcover.
Klein, Donald F. and Paul H. Wender.
Understanding Depression: A Complete guide to Its Diagnosis and Treatment.
Oxford University Press.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0195086694.
Kluver, Heinrich.
Behavior Mechanisms In Monkeys (With an introduction by K.S. Lashley. This volume resulted from Dr. Kluver's long experimental study of Old and New World monkeys to determine the basic mechanisms underlying various forms of behavior. He was able to formulate new techniques for investigation of the neurophysiology of behavior.).
Phoenix/University of Chicago.
Covers scuffed.Pages tanned otherwise this book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Kohen-Raz, Reuven .
Psychobiological Aspects of Cognitive Growth.
Academic Press.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0124180507.
Krauss, Judith Belliveau and Slavinsky, Ann Tomaino.
The Chronically Ill Psychiatric Patient and the Community.
Blackwell Scientific Publications.
1982 First Edition.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0865420068.
Leland, Henry and Deutsch, Marilyn W.
Abnormal Behavior: A Guide to Information Sources.
Gale Research.
As New in original shrink wrap.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0810314169.
Lester, David; Sell, Betty H. and Sell, Kenneth D.
Suicide: A Guide to Information Sources.
Gale Research.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0810314150.
Loisette, A.
Assimilative Memory or How To Attend and Never Forget (System of Memory Training).
Funk & Wagnalls.
Front cover stained with a small crack at front cover hinge otherwise good reading copy.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Longo, V.
Neuropharmacology and Behavior (With a foreword by James L. McGaugh).
W.H. Freeman.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0716708280.
Luhrs, Janet.
Simple Loving: A Path To Deeper, More Sustainable Relationships.
Penquin Arkana.
Corners slightly bumped otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0140196102.
Lystad, Mary H.
Social Aspects of Alienation: An Annotated Bibliography.
National Institute of Mental Health.
1972 reprint of 1969 Edition.
Papercovers are slightly scuffed otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Mack, John.
Notes To Selfie: Bits of Truth in a Phoney World.
Life Calling Initiative.
Contents are clean and tight. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 9798985798708.
Malcolm, Andrew.
The Tyranny of The Group (Dr. Malcolm a psychiatrist with a rare gift for translating scientific knowledge into layman's language, takes a long, cool look at all aspects of the Human Potential and Sensitivity Training movements-the nude encounter.
Littlefield, Adams.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0822602946.
Martini the Palmist.
What Your Dream Meant: A Collection of Dreams Based On Modern Psychology and The Workings Of the Subjective Mind, Dreams That Have Actually Been Verified In Hundreds of Cases.
I. and M. Ottenheimer.
Circa 1944.
Papercovers. Vertical tear on front cover. Cover edge reflect slight wear. Pages tanned otherwise clean reading copy. Periodical.
May, Rollo.
Love and Will.
Dell Publishing.
Pages tanned. Slight moisture stain on top of volume otherwise Good. Paperback.
ISBN: 0440350271.
Menninger, William C. .
Self-Understanding: A First Step To Understanding Children (illustrated by Lucz Ozone).
Science Research Association.
Papercovers. Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Money, John.
The Adam Principle - Genes, Genitals, Hormones, and Gender: Selected Readings in Sexology.
Prometheus Books.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 087975804X.
Morrison, Claudia.
Freud and the Critic: The Early Use of Depth Psychology in Literary Criticism.
University of North Carolina.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0807810851.
Moss, Penni / O'Brien, Lewis (Senior Elder of the Kaurna People).
Narrative Therapy and Community Work: A Conference Collection.
Dulwich Centre Publications.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0958667888.
Murray, J. Clark.
An Introduction to Psychology (Based on the author's handbook of Psychology).
Little Brown.
Corners slightly bumped. Inside of front hinge is cracked. Contents are clean and legible. Hardcover.
Myers, Lou.
Group Therapy (A humorous illustrated guide.).
Harper and Row.
1965 First Edition.
Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Norsworthy, Naomi and Whitley, Mary Theodora.
The Psychology of Childhood.
The Macmillan Company.
Name on front and end pages. Corners slightly bumped otherwise good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Osborn, R.
Humanism and Moral Theory: A Psychological and Social Inquiry.
George Allen and Unwin (London).
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Passantino, Richard J.
Found Spaces and Equipment For Children's Centers: A Report From Educational Facilities Laboratories (AN authorized facsimile of the original book, produced in1975 by microfilm-xerography by Xerox University Microfilms Ann Arbor, Michigan).
A harcover volume which has somewhat unclear photos otherwise clean, tight and legible. Hardcover.
Paulson, Pat A.; Sharon C. Brown and Jo Ann Wolf.
Living On Purpose (A practical approach to solving problems that is clear and that will carry you one step at a time).
Simon & Schuster.
One page slightly bent and the top right corners of four pages folded over otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Pearlstein, Stanley.
Psychiatry, the Law and Mental Health.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Peck, M. Scott.
Further Along The Road Less Traveled: The Unending Journey Toward Spiritual Growth (Edited Lectures).
Touchstone/Simon and Schuster.
Pages tanned otherwise Good . Paperback.
ISBN: 0671892886.
Peck, M. Scott.
The Road Less Traveled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth.
Touchstone/Simon and Schuster.
Good Plus.This book was never read. Paperback.
ISBN: 0671250671.
Piaget, Jean.
The Child and Reality: Problems of Genetic Psychology (Translated by Arnold Rosin).
Grossman Publishers.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0670215910.
Piaget, Jean.
The Child's Conception of Physical Causality (Translated by Marjorie Gabain).
Littlefield, Adams and Company.
Good Plus.This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Pietropinto, Anthony.
The Dream Girl: The Imaginary Perfect Woman All Men Hide.
Adams Publishing.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 1558505334.
Pintner, Rudolf; John J. Ryan; Paul V. West; Adolph W. Aleck.
Eductional Psychology (Sixth Edition. Human Equipment and Behavior; The Learning Process; Tests and Measurements; Mental Health; School Subjects).
Barnes & Noble.
Pages tanned otherwise Reading Copy. Paperback.
Piven, Jerry S.; Ziolo, Paul and Lawton, Henry W.
Terror and Apocalypse: Psychology Undercurrents Of History-Volume II.
Writer's Showcase.
Lower right corner bumped. Minor highliting otherwise Good. Paperback.
ISBN: 0595218741.
Price, Eugenia .
Getting Through the Night: Finding Your Way Through Grief. (LARGE PRINT EDITION).
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0060665092.
Raffel, Lee.
Should I Stay or Go? How Controlled Separation (CS) can Save Your Marriage. (Foreword by Jean Houston.).
Contemporary Books.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0809229978.
Raphael, Frederic.
The Hidden I: A Myth Revised (Original drawings by Sarah Raphael.).
Thames and Hudson.
ISBN: 0500014965.
Rapoport, Judith L.
The Boy Who Couldn't Stop Washing: The Experience and Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
E.P. Dutton.
1989 First Edition.
Small stain on outter page edge otherwise Good Plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0525247084.
Rock, Irvin.
The Nature of Perceptual Adaptation (Author uses results of his studies to evolve a new theory of adaptation; central to this theory is the argument that the existence of visual memeory traces is responsible for the initial impression of distortation and that the acquisition of new traces is responsible for adaptation to the distortion).
Basic Books.
Lower edge of cover is slightly discolored. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Rubin, Theodore Isaac.
Jordi/Lisa and David.
Ballantine Books.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Sardi, Richard.
The Lovers Workbook.
The Search Publishing Company.
Plastic spiral spine. As New. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0965442403.
Schachat, Robert.
Recapturing The Trust: 50 Years Of Declining Trust In American Organizations And What You Can Do About It.
Creative Effort Books.
Lower right corner bumped otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Shapiro, Evelyn.
Psycho Sources: A Psychology Resource Catalog.
Bantam Books.
Papercovers slightly scuffed. Pages tanned otherwise clean, tight and legible. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Smith, Emma.
A Cornish Waif's Story: An Autobiography (Inferiority and Shame. With a Foreword by A.L. Rowse).
E.P. Dutton.
1956 First Edition.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Spielberger, Charles D. (Editor).
Anxiety and Behavior.
Academic Press.
Underlining and highlighting also notes on front end page. Good Reading Copy. Hardcover.
Stael von Holstein, Carl-Axel (Editor).
The Concept of Probability in Psychological Experiments.
D. Reidel.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 9027705232.
Steele, Brandt F.
Working With Abusive Parents From A Psychiatric Point Of View.
U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare.
Papercovers. Good Plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Stephen, Karin.
The Wish To Fall Ill: A Study of Psychoanalysis and Medicine (Preface by Ernest Jones).
Cambridge University Press.
Stevenson, Harold W.; Kagan, Jerome and Spiker, Charles (Editors).
Child Psychology: The 62nd Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education-Part I.
The University of Chicago Press.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Trezevant, Daniel H.
Letters to His Excellency Governor Manning on the Lunatic Asylum.
Arno Press .
1973 reprint of 1854 edition.
Good. Page reproductions leaves much to be desired. Legibily questionable on some pages. I have seen numerous copies reproduced this way. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0405052324.
Tsuang, Ming T.
Schizophrenia: The Facts.
Oxford University Press.
Good Plus. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0192613367.
Tyrell, Donald J.
Living By Choice: The Theory and Practice of Self Determination (Each of the chapters in this book attempts to relocate freedom of choice in some human context from which it has been dismessed by custom, misunderstanding or malice. Together the chapters form a psychological point of view about the theory and practice of self-determination).
Philosophical Library.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0802222056.
Unger, Trude; Parron, Eugenia; Silverman, Ellen; Siegler, Seymour and Morgovsky, Joel.
Growing Up and Growing Old: Part I (This book was prepared by the psychology team of Brookdale Community College. 619 pages).
Xerox College Publishing.
Circa Mid 1970's.
Cover slightly scuffed otherwise Good. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0536010242.
Vaid-Menon, Alok.
Beyond The Gender Binary.
Penguin Workshop.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 9780593094655.
Westberg, Granger E.
Good Grief: A Constructive Approacg to the Problem of Loss ( Thirty-Fifth Anniversary Edition.).
Fortress Press.
Name on inside of front cover. Contents are clean and tight. Good. Paperback.
ISBN: 0800611144.
Work Group of the Society For the Psychological Study of Social Issues (Martin Deutsch and Joshua A. Fishman-Chairmen).
The Journal Of Social Issues Volume XX, Number 2: Guidelines For Testing Minority Group Children.
Society For the Psychological Study Of Social Issues.
Papercovers. Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Wortis, Joseph.
Mental Retardation: An Annual Review I.
Grunde and Stratton.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Love II:Oriental Love.
Cybertype Corp.
1969 First Edition.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
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