Crafts, Hobbies and Repairs

  • Abby Aldrich Rockeffer Folk Art Collection-Staff of. Christmas Decorations From Williamsburg's Folk Art Collection: Step-by-Step Illustrated Instructions For Christmas Ornaments That Can be Made At Home (Photographs and Line Drawings). Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. 1976. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0030188164. $7.50
  • Abisch, Roz and Kaplan, Boche. The Any Time, Any Place Craft Book. Xerox Education Publications. 1976. Pages tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $5.00
  • Adair, Margaret Weeks. Do-It-In-A-Day Puppets For Beginners: How to Make Your Puppets, Create Your Script and Perform-All In One Day. John Day. 1964. Book was bound upside-down, received by an institution, stamped on title page and inside cover and then returned to the publisher. Covers slightly scuffed. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover. $3.12
  • Akerman, John Yonge. Numismatic Illustrations of the Narrative Portions of the New Testament. Argonaut, Inc. 1966 reprint. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0900834382. $4.25
  • Alberni, Massimo. Model Soldiers: Armies In Miniature (110 color illustrations in this color treasury). Crescent Books. 1972. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $10.50
  • Allard, Mary. Rug Making: Techniques and Design. Chilton. 1963 - 1st ed. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0801904900. $1.70
  • Allaway, Howard. Popular Science Monthly. Volume 170, Number 6 (Includes: What You Gert In Foreign Economy Cars; How Did Your Car Get Its Name?; Those Deadly Highway Ghosts; Getting Your Car In Shape For a Trip; How To Take CAre Of a 1957 Ford; History's Most Fateful Weather Forecast; Look What They're Doing to Batteries; Who Own Outer Space?; New Missile Strikes Like Rattlesnake; New Life Rafts Defy Sea's Terrors; How To Buy a Room Air Conditioner; The Facts About Swimming Pools; How To Climb a Mountain From Inside; Success Without a College Degree; Bouncing Truth Across Iron Curtain; Gus Rescues a Rival Mechanic; Would Your Home Sell For a Profit; Hi-Fi Is Better Than Live Music!; Why TV Sets Produce Squawks; etc...). Popular Science Publishing. 1957. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. Numbers written on rear cover. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $4.50
  • Allaway, Howard. Popular Science Monthly. Volume 171, Number 4 (Includes: All About Snow and Mud Tires; Sizing Up Those New GM Imports; Chrysler's New V-8; The Inside Story; The Damper In Your Car's Exhaust; Before You Call the TV Repairman; Zip Fuels Pack More W-H-O-O-S-H; Tunnel Built Like 2-BArrel Shotgun; Will Space Travel Lengthen Life?; How They MAde A Hot Trumpet; "Ship of Deep" Probes Sea Canyons; How Does Your School Teach Science?; Who Says Teenagers Can't Drive; Outvoard Motors For 1958; Secrets of Electronic Snoopers; The Case For the Two-Story House; Gus Turns a Knock Into a Boost; Human Guinea Pig Lives In Hood; The Fireplace You'd Like To HAve; "Cross-Eyed" Lights May Help In Fog; Water Wings Life Sunken Ships; Wireless TV Phones You Can Make; etc...). Popular Science Publishing. 1957. Pages slightly tanned. Rear cover nearly detached at spine otherwise Good Reading Copy. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $4.50
  • Allaway, Howard. Popular Science Monthly. Volume 172, Number 1 (Includes: Annual Auto Issue-Specificiations of All 1958 Models, How Safe Are New Cars. FActs On 14 New Station Wagons, How Good Are Air Springs, Care and Feeding of Your 1958 Car; Are they Building the Car You Want?; How To Chooe a Portable Saw; What's New For Your Home, For the Handyman, For Your Car, For Your Leisure Hours, For the Home Shop; Your Best Buy In Ready-Made HiFi; Big Bombers Learn Hit and Run Trick; The Wonderful Way We Hear; PS Report on Russian Technology; Why Girls Are So Good; Learning A Trade In the Armed Forces; The Psychiatrist's Crazy TV; Gus Finds the Scent; You Can Make Any Bracket Now; New 9-inch Saw HAs Deepest Cut; Now You CAn Drill Glass Like Cheese; Concrete Anchor Is Its Own Drill; How to Bend Wood with a Saw; etc...). Popular Science Publishing. 1958. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $4.50
  • Allen, Sam. Making Cabinets and Built-Ins: Techniques and Plans. Sterling Publishing. 1986. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $3.00
  • Angerman, V.D. Science and Mechanics: The Magazine That Shows You How. Volume XXVIII, No.5 (Includes: The New Edsel-What It's Like To Drive; Air Force Cans Ball Bearings; Measuring Skin Temperature; Cancer In Your Coffee; Key Clue To Heart Trouble; Cockpit Report-Its the Cessna Too EAsy To Fly?; Light Powers CAmera Adjustment; Patent Parade; Slide-Away Parts For Lighter Car Bodies; Simplied Two-Way Communications; Heating Your "Growing" Home; Coddling Air-Passengers; Test Report On the Renault Dauphine; Heatproofing Electronic PArts; Mirror Heat BAck to Flame; Sun-Powered Helmut Transceiver; New Tools For Home Workshops; Solar Clock; etc...). Science and Mechanics Publisher. 1957. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical. $4.50
  • Barnett, Fiona. Wedding Flowers: Twenty Romantic Themes And More Than Sixty Beautiful Floral Creations For A Very Special Day (Photographs by Deborah Patterson. Profusely Illustrated) . Simon and Schuster. 1991. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0671728342. $1.70
  • Bati, Anwer and Chase, Simon. The Cigar Companion: A Connoisseur's Guide (Second Edition). Running Press. 1995. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 156138657X. $1.50
  • Benson, Ann. Ann Benson's Beadwear: Making Beaded Accessories and Adornments. Sterling/Chapelle. 1994. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $1.70
  • Better Homes and Gardens. Better Homes and Gardens Container Plants You Can Grow (66 Color Photos). Meredith Corporation. 1978. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0696003759. $2.25
  • Bishop, Adele and Lord, Cile. The Art Of Decorative Stenciling. Penguin Books. 1981. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 0140048421. $1.70
  • Bjerkoe, Ethel Hall. How To Decorate For And With Antiques (Drawings by Lyn Watson). Avenel Books. 1954. Pages slightly tanned. Good Reading Copy. Hardcover. $1.70
  • Bjerkoe, Ethel Hall. How To Decorate For and With Antiques (Drawings by Lyn Watson). Avenel Books. 1959. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $1.70
  • Bourne, James and Bourne, Winifred. Rocks And Minerals; Volume 43, Number 9; September 1968; Whole No. 348 (Official magazines of the Eastern Federation Of Mineralogical And Lapidary Societies). . 1968. Papercovers. Address written on front cover. Pages tanned. Minor text marks otherwise Good. Periodical. $6.75
  • Bowser, Andrew. Bingo! How to Improve Your Odds. Publications International Ltd. 2001. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 0785349278. $1.40
  • Bressett, Ken. Buying and Selling United States Coins-4th Edition (Official Whitman Coin Guide). Western Publishing Company, Inc. 1973. Good Reading Copy. . Paperback. $1.40
  • Cammann, Nora. Needlepoint Designs from American Indian Art(Photographs and illustrations by Rolf Siljander). Charles Scribner's Sons. 1973. Small triangular piece missing from top right corner of front end page. Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $7.25
  • Carroll, Alice (Editor). Needlecraft Encyclopedia. Rinehart and Company. 1947. Pages tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $1.70
  • Cary, Jane Randolph. Storage: Cabinets, Closets And Wall Systems (Drawings by Lloyd Birmingham, Richard Meyer, Eugene Thompson). Popular Science Books. 1985. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 0943822505. $1.50
  • Case, Linda W. Remodelers Business Basics. National Association Of Homebuilders. 1992. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 0867183004. $11.50
  • Christensen, Jo Ippolito. The Needlepoint Book: 303 Stitches With Patterns and Projects (Drawings by Lynn Lucas Jones. Phtographs by James T. Long). Prentice-Hall. 1976. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $1.70
  • Clark, Eleanor. Plate Collecting. Citadel Press. 1974. Front end page is missing otherwise Good Exlibris Copy. Hardcover. ISBN: 0806504781. $1.70
  • Cobb, Hubbard. The Complete Home Handyman's Guide: Hundreds of Money-Saving, Helpful Suggestions for Making Repairs and Improvements in and Around Your Home. Wm. H. Wise & Co. 1951. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $2.15
  • Cohen, Hal L. (Editor). Official Guide To Popular Antiques Curios: The Price To Buy And Sell (First Edition). HC Publishers. 1968. Cover slightly scuffed otherwise Good . Paperback. $1.40
  • Cohen, Hal L. (Editor). Official Guide To Popular Antiques Curios: The Price To Buy And Sell (Second Edition). HC Publishers. 1970. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $1.40
  • Cole, Ann Kilborn. The Golden Guide To American Antiques. Golden Press. 1967. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $1.40
  • Criswell, Clyde Agnew. Upholstering and Re-Upholstering: How-To-Do-It (Fully illustrated by Wally Bieger). Frederick J. Drake and Company. 1955. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $3.25
  • Cushion, J.P. Pocket Book of English Ceramic Marks: and those of Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Faber (London) Boston Book. 1962 First American Ed. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $4.50
  • Davis, Mary Kay. More Needlepoint from America's Great Quilt Designs (Profusely illustrated and 16 pgaes in color). Workman Publishing. 1977. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0894800051. $2.15
  • Day, JoAnne C. Early American Cut and Use Stencils (54 Full-Size Stencils Printed on Drable Stencil Paper). Dover. 1975. Good Plus. Stencils Never Used and all are intact in volume. Paperback. ISBN: 0486202313. $2.25
  • Divine, J. A. and G. Blachford. Stained Glass Craft (Foreword by P.H. Jowett; with Frontispiece in colour and ninety-two line illustrations). Frederick Warne (London). . Slight Foxing on Edges otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $4.00
  • Easter, Michele. Shop Like a Coupon Queen! (An easy guide to making coupons work for you). Berkley Books. 1991. Pages tanned otherwise Good Reading Copy. Paperback. ISBN: 0425132595. $11.00
  • Epple, Anne Orth. Nature Crafts (Offers a wide variety of instructive guides for the beginner, the amateur and the experienced craftsman. Includes projects for wood, pods, cones, nuts and seeds, dried flowers and plants, seashore finds gems and stones and other collectibles. Profusely illustrated). Chilton Book Company. 1974. Pages slightly tanned otherwise.Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 080195939X. $4.80
  • Fisher, Joan. Creative Art of Knitting (Illustrated). Hamlyn. 1974. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0600317978. $1.50
  • Fraser, Linda. Dream Desserts: Spectacular Recipies for Delicious Desserts (Photographed Step-by-Step: Over 75 Recipies). Smithmark. 1995. Contents are clean. Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0831711434. $2.87
  • Freudenberger, Richard. Building Storage Stuff: 25 Plans And Projects To Help Put Things In Their Place. Sterling Publishing. 1997. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 0806995505. $1.70
  • Ganderton, Lucinda. Romantic Keepsakes: Exquisite Heirlooms to Create, Give and Treasure (Photographs by Debbie Patterson). Sterling. 1995. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0806908017. $1.70
  • Glazer, Andrew N.S. Slots: How to Improve Your Odds. Publications International Ltd. 2001. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 0785349286. $1.70
  • Goldman, Faye E. Geometric Origami. ( BOOK ONLY. Illustrated by Marcio Noguchi. ). Thunder Bay Press. 2014. Metal spiral spine. Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 9781607109761. $2.95
  • Greenwald, Shirley E. Home Economics: 1,000 Multiple-Choice Questions with Answers (College Quiz Series). Regents Publishing Company, Inc. 1964. Black line on end page otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $15.00
  • Grotz, George. The Furniture Doctor (Being practical information for everybody about the care, repair, and refinishing of furniture ... with easy to follow directions and tricks of the the trade that use commonly available materials. Doubleday. 1962. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $1.75
  • Grotz, George. The New Antiques: Knowing and Buying Victorian Furniture (135 informal drawings). Doubleday. 1964. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $1.75
  • Guasti, Carol A. Home Fix-Its You Can Do. Family Circle. 1988. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $2.25
  • Gurel, Lois M. and Marianne S. Beeson. Dimensions of Dress and Adornment: A Book of Readings (Second Edition. Illustrated). Kendall/Hunt. 1977. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 0840320388. $12.75
  • Hall, Mary Ann (Editor). Handcraft Illustrated Number Twenty-Four, Summer 1999 (Includes: Bistro Beverage Cart; Bamboo Placemats; Copper Garden Markers; English Garden Basket; Garden Stones; Table-Top Fountain; Wire Picture Votives; Pear Tray; Brandred Peaches; Scone Lampshade; Aged Faux-Metal Urn; Patio Lantern; Making Natural Specialty Soaps; Sun-Printed Picnic Linens; Flowered Beach Tote; Mother-Of-Pearl Wedding Frame; Embroidered Wedding Linens; Leather Desk Set; Linen Display Frame; Faucet Coat Rack). Boston Common Press. 1999. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical. $3.95
  • Hamlin, A.D.F. A History of Ornament, Ancient and Medieval (400 illustrations on gloss paper). Cooper Square. 1973 reprint of 1916 ed. Cloth on rear cover torn on the outer edge of book; lower part of rear cover slightly dented otherwise contents are clean and tight. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0815404506. $3.25
  • Hedin, Solweig and Jo Springer. Creative Needlework (Illustrated Step-by-Step Directions For a Dozen Needlework Techniques and More Than 30 Beautiful Designs. Illustrated). Fawcett. 1969. Exterior of cover slightly soiled and corners slightly bumped otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $4.00
  • Hewitt, Barbara. Blueprints On Fabric: Innovative Uses For Cyanotype. Interweave Press. 1995. Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 0934026912. $2.75
  • Horn, Jeanne. Hidden Treasure: How and Where to Find It (33 illustrations and six color plates). Bonanza Books. 1962. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $2.50
  • Johnson, June. 838 Ways To Amuse A Child: Crafts, Hobbies And Creative Ideas For The Child From Six to Twelve (Drawings by Beryl Bennett). Gramery Publishing. 1960. Corners bumped and slightly worn. Covers scuffed otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $1.90
  • Johnson, Mary. Sewing the Easy Way: New Completely Revised and Enlarged Edition (New illustrations by Mary Johnson rendered by Jeanette Foleton). E.P. Dutton. 1966. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $1.70
  • Kiely, Kathleen (Editor). Fix It Yourself: Windows and Doors. Time-Life Books. 1987. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0809462168. $1.70
  • Kieran, John. An Introduction To Wild Flowers: (Illustrations by Tabea Hofmann). Hanover House. 1952 First Ed. Inscription on front end pg otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $5.00
  • Kinney, Ralph Parsons. The Complete Book of Furniture Repair and Refinishing (Easy-to-follow, step-by-step directions for repairing, refinishing and maintaining all types of furniture-new or antique). Charles Scribner's Sons. 1950. Book plate on inside of front cover otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $1.70
  • Kinney, Ralph Parsons. The Complete Book Of Furniture Repair and Refinishing (Fully revised by the staff of the Family Handyman Magazine). Charles Scribner's Sons. 1971. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0684124378. $1.70
  • Klee, Albert J. (Editor). The Aquarium: Volume 1, Number 4; February 1968 (Illustrated). Pet Books Incorporated. 1968. Papercovers. Lower part of front cover is detached from spine. Covers are scuffed otherwise Good Reading Copy. Periodical. $7.25
  • Levine, Michael. The Kid's Address Book: Over 3,000 Addresses of Celebrities, Athletes, Entertainers and More-Just For Kids! (With over 250 e-mail addresses). The Berkley Publishing Company. 1997. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 0399523049. $3.00
  • Liles, Robert M. and Marcia D. Good Housekeeping Guide to Fixing Things Around the House. Good Housekeeping Books. 1974. Book club edition - Very Good. Hardcover. $1.70
  • Lincoln, Abraham. Italic Calligraphy. Calligrafree. 1987. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 0942032039. $2.00
  • Little, Geo. (Captain). The American Cruiser's Own Book (Illustrated). Richard Marsh. 1856. Top and Bottom of spine are worn and cracked. Front hinge is worn. Corners are slightly bumped. Pages tanned. Some foxing. Hardcover. $37.25
  • Lorch, Marie E. Introduction to Stained Glass (Photos by Jennette Crandall). Glass House Studio. 1973. As New. Hardcover. $3.95
  • Lyman, Henry. Bluefishing. Nick Lyons Books. 1987. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 0941130584. $1.50
  • Maccarone, Sal. Tune Up Your Tool: The Woodshop Maintenance Handbook. Betterway Books. 1996. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 1558704094. $1.60
  • MacFall, Russell P. Gem Hunter's Guide (Second edition:revised, expanded and illustrated with maps and color plates). Science and Mechanics. 1958. Good Reading Copy. Paperback. $1.50
  • Malter, Joel L. Byzantine Numismatic Bibliography 1950-1965. Argonaut Inc. 1968. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $7.25
  • Mangam, Elliot W. and Southworth, Irving F. Indian Lore: Merit Badge Series (Boys Scout of America). Boy Scouts of America. 1957. Papercovers. Top left corner has moisture stain otherwise Good. Periodical. $1.90
  • Manly,H.P. How to Repair Electric Appliances: Trouble Shooting, Adjustment, Repair and Maintenance of Household Appliances-Book One (Trade School Textbooks Series). Frederick J. Drake and Company. 1964. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $3.50
  • Manly,H.P. How to Repair Electric Appliances: Troubleshooting, Adjustment, Repair and Maintenance of Household Appliances-Book Two (Trade School Textbooks Series). Frederick J. Drake and Company. 1964. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $3.50
  • Mann, E.B. (Editor). Guns: Volume X, No. 7-115 July 1964 (Includes: A Fast Man With A Shotgun; I Taught The Vietnamese To Shoot; The $6,000 Gold Gun; Early Gun Trade Of The West; Give Me A 12 Gauge!; Bechuanaland Lions; Try "Owling" For Gobblers; Stepping Stones To The Olympics; Peepsights For Hunting Rifles; Departments). Publisher' Development Corporation. 1964. Papercovers. Good Reading Copy. Paperback. $4.50
  • Marsh, Moreton. The Easy Expert In Collecting and Restoring American Antiques (Profusely Illustrated). J.B. Lippincott. 1959. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $1.70
  • Mason, Jo. Lucky Numbers: Choose Your Best Lottery Strategy. Publications International Ltd. 2001. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 078534926X. $1.40
  • Mauck, Frances F. Modern Sewing Techniques (Edited by Dorothy L. Stepat. Illustrated by Beverly Silverman). Macmillan. 1965. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $2.50
  • McClinton, Katherine Morrison. Antique Collecting For Everyone (Illustrated with over two hundred photographs). Bonanza Books. 1951. Pages tanned. A horizontal crease across lower part of pages otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $1.70
  • McConnell, Walter E. Tri-State Bottles: A Price and Reference Guide. ( The Sussex County New Jersey Antique Bottle Collectors, A Section of the Sussex County New Jersey Historical Society.). Fredon Book Company. 1969. Pages slightly tanned. Covers slightly scuffed. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $22.45
  • Mebane, John. Collecting Nostalgia: The First Guide To The Antiques of the 1930's and 1940's. Popular Library. 1972. Pages tanned. No indication of this being a library book but the bottom edge is stamped "discard" . Reading Copy. Paperback. $1.25
  • Merwin, John. The Saltwater Tacklebox ( Profusely Illustrated.). Mallard Press. 1992. Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0792457404. $2.75
  • Metrick, Sydney Barbara. I Do: A Guide to Creating Your Own Unique Wedding Ceremony. Celestial Arts. 1992. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 0890876797. $1.80
  • Monroe, Ruth. Kitchen Candlecrafting (53 illustrations). A.S. Barnes. 1970. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $8.95
  • Morris, Campbell. Spacebusters: Sixteen Fantastic Paper Spacecraft To Make and Fly (Illustrations by Witold Generowica). Scholastic. 1990. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 0590222848. $7.15
  • Mulari, Mary. Adventure in Applique. W. A. Fisher Company. 1989. Spiral plastic spine. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 0961356960. $3.65
  • Musante, Lynda Scott. The Christmas Crafts Book (Profusely illustrated). Publication International, Ltd. 1992. Spiral metal spine. Good Plus. Paperback. ISBN: 1561737321. $2.10
  • Nueckel, Susan. Selected Guide to Make-It, Fix-It, Do-It -Yourself Books. Fleet Press. 1973. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $16.75
  • Olscheim, Linda ( Editor ). The Complete Book of Handicrafts. Crescent Books. 1973. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0517116677. $2.75
  • Omdahl, Kristin. Knitting Outside The Swatch: 40 Modern Motifs. ( Profusely Illustrated in Color.). Interweave. 2013. Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 9781596687936. $2.25
  • Parker, William L. Mechanix Illustrated. Volume 53, Number 7 (Includes: Solving the World's Top Secrets; How To Be A Hobby Printer; "Panelize" Your New Home; MI's Highway Cruise Car; Spaceship That Conquers Gravity; Tom McCahill Tests the Imperial and the Goggomobil; Inventions Wanted-By Uncle Sam; MI's Bright Idea Award: Port-A-Hose; Hunting and Fishing; Fooling the Cagey Walleye; Eye-Stopper; MMI: Big Profits From Little Pigeons; Jet-Styled Ford; Passing Fancy; Go Paint An Egg; Rembrandt of the Zoo; Tommorrow's Clocks Today; BAby Steamer/Baby Possum; Flying Watchdog; $50,000 Worth of Music Boxes; Be A Miniature Railroad Tycoon; Air-Conditioned Crib; They Rebuilt America's Most Historic Bridge; etc...). Fawcett Publications Inc. 1957. Pages tanned. Numbers written on back cover. Bottom page edges are slightly worn otherwise Good. Paperback. $3.00
  • Philbin, Tom. Cabinets, Bookcases And Closets (Basic techniques plus 32 projects). Creative Homeowners Press. 1980. Pages tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 0932944213. $1.90
  • Philbin, Tom and Fritz Koelbel. The Nothing Left Out Home Improvement Book (Illustrated). Prentice-Hall. 1976. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0136243533. $5.75
  • Quick, Lelande. The Lapidary Journal: A National Magazine For The Gem Cutter, Collector And Jewelry Craftsman; Twenty-Six Issue; Volume Five, Number Four; October, 1951. Lapidary Journal, Inc. 1951. Papercovers. Pages tanned otherwise Good. NOT EX-LIBBIS. Periodical. $7.00
  • Reiger, Crystal Jeffrey. The Scrapbooker's Handwriting Workshop: 20 Unique Fonts to Practice and Play With. Memory Makers Books. 2009. Corners slightly bumped otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 9781599630366. $4.75
  • Rhea, Mini and Leighton, Frances S. Sew Simply, Sew Right (Illustrated). Fleet Press. 1969. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0830300694. $1.70
  • Rice, Elizabeth; Susan Siegler; and Margo Kaminsky. Cross-Stitch From A Country Garden: From McCall's Needlework and Crafts (Profusely Illustrated). Sedgewood Press. 1988. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0696023032. $1.70
  • Ripley, G.S. Woodwork: Merit Badge Series (Boy Scouts of America). Boy Scouts of America. 1952. Papercovers. Good. Periodical. $6.00
  • Rohrer, Edwin. Dried Flower Arrangement (Profusely Illustrated). Van Nostrand Reinhold. . Covers are scuffed. Contents are clean and tight. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0442299656. $1.95
  • Rusk, John. On Time And On Budget: A Home Renovation Survival Guide. Doubleday. 1996. Pages tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 038547511X. $1.70
  • Salomonsky, Verna Cook. Masterpieces Of Furniture: In Photographs and Measured Drawings (Third Edition). Dover Publications. 1974. Pages tanned. Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK . Paperback. ISBN: 0486213811. $1.70
  • Sanders, Sandra. Easy Ways with Holidays (Illustrated by Ted Krumeich). Scholastic Book Services. 1970. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $1.35
  • Scharff, Robert. Complete Book of Wood Finishing (Illustrated, 2nd edition). McGraw-Hill. 1974. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0070551669. $1.70
  • Shea, John G. Antique Country Furniture of North America. Van Nostrand Reinhold. 1975. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0442275447. $2.45
  • Smith, Glenora. Needlery: The Connoisseur's Album of Adventures In Needlepoint and Embroidery. Butterick Publishing. 1978. Corners and spine edges slightly worn otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0884210456. $1.70
  • Spielman, Patrick. Router Handbook (Special Edition Sears Craftsman. Basic and Advanced router techniques; accessories available; money-saving ways to make jigs and fixtures). Sterling Publishing. 1984. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 0806977760. $1.50
  • The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. Williamsburg Reproductions: Interior Designs for Today's Living ( Profusely Illustrated ). Craft House Williamsburg, Virginia. 1973. Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $3.75
  • Torrey, Volta. Popular Science Monthly. Volume 167, Number 5 (Includes: Disney Plans TV Trip to the Moon; Pilots PLay Tag With Atomic Clouds; Table Kiln Fires Enamel On Jewelry; Giant Glider to Climb 13 Miles; A Picture Gallery Of 1956 Cars; Chrysler Line Adopts Push-Button Drive; Hydra-MAtic Dampens That Thump; Continential Unveils A Royal Coach; Packard's Big Engine Spurs Power RAce; Highway Hi-Fi Seta Plays New 16 2/3 R.P.M. Records; Science Closes In On the Common Cold; Pogo Pilot Designs Air-Sea-LAnd Sedan; Biggest Airlift Moves 7,00 Men; Mexico's New Road Lures Tent Tourists; New High Bracket HiFi's; Fun Furniture For A Child's Room; I like the Gauges Detroit Left Out; etc...). Popular Science Publishing. 1955. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $4.95
  • Treleaven, J.E. Needham's Antiques Inc. (A 56 page brochure "presented to assist all who desire to acquire such examples of antique furniture, as may be enjoyed today and cherished by ensuing generations." The last two pages list the names and dates for collectors of furniture, porcelain, paintings. A glossary of woods used on English antique furniture is included). Needham's Antiques. 1954. Papercover. Minor water mark otherwise good, tight legible copy. Periodical. $8.95
  • Treves, Ralph. Early American Furniture You Can Build. ARCO Publishing. 1976. Pages tanned otherwise Good . Hardcover. ISBN: 0668040041. $3.50
  • Untermeyer, Louis. Roses: Selections by Louis Untermeyer (Paintings by Anne Ophelia Dowden. Includes works by Robert Burns, Robert Herrick, Mary Hewit, Edmund Waller, Thomas Hood, Edgar Faucett, Edmund Spenser, Omar Khayyam-Edward Fitztgerald, William Allingham.). Golden Press. 1970. Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $3.99
  • Westland, Pamela and Lambert, Marjie. Glorious Flowercraft: A Sumptuous Workbook of Beautiful Floral Creations For All Year Round. Chartwell Books, Inc. 1994. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0785801499. $1.75
  • Wheeler, Esther; Anabel Combs Lasker. The Complete Book of Flowers and Plants for Interior Decoration (Revised by Anabel Combs Lasker assisted by Barbara Baer. Drawings by Janet Porto). Heartside Press. 1969. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $1.75
  • White, Peter. The Easy Drawing Book. Gramercy Publishing Company. 1966. Pages slightly tanned. Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $2.25
  • Wilson, Erica. Erica Wilson's Quilts of America (Winning Techniques and Patterns From the Great Quilt Contest. 125 full-color photographs). Oxmoor House, Inc. 1979. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $1.70
  • Windsor, H.H. . Popular Mechanics Magazine. Volume 101, Number 2 (Includes: Guided Missiles On Leash; Mr. Peepers Does His Homework; The iron Road to Labrador; Do It With Staples; TV Joins the Air Force; The Twelve Finest American (Cars); Report to Detroit; What MAkes Your Car Run?; The Great Road Races of the World; 3 Sewing CAbinets From Single Design; Pull Toy In Eight Models; Solving Home Problrems; Buy Your Boat In a PAckage; Make a Model of the Midway-Part II; How To Buy a Used Car; Tips On Buying Used Electric Motors; Know Your Metal Shaper; Radio, Tv and Electronics). Popular Mechanics Company. 1954. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Reading Copy . Periodical. $3.25
  • Windsor, H.H. (Editor). Popular Mechanics Magazine. Volume 101, Number 6 (Includes: When the Giants (Redwood related); The House Made of Doors; Is the Automatic Factory Here? Weaving A Career with Wood; The Owner's Report: Buick For 1954; Here Come the Convertiplanes; Hydraulics-Hard-Working Farm Hand; Tile-Top Tables; Design and Build a Sundial; Family Camping Trailer-Part II; Porches and Breezeways; Try Your Hand at Metal Spinning). Popular Mechanics Company. 1954. Papercover. Pages slightly tanned. Minor moisture marks on front cover otherwise good and tight. Paperback. $3.00
  • Wing, Francis S. The Complete Book of Decoupage (Revised Edition. The classic guide to the art of decoupage. Illustrated with line drawings, diagrams and more than eightly photographs). Coward-McCann. 1970. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $4.00
  • Young, Jean and Jim Young. The Garage Sale Manual: Alternate Economics For the People (Illustrated by Michael Young). Praeger. 1973. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $1.70
  • Zaruba, Robert J. Questions and Answers On the Rule of the Road For Renewal of Merchant Marine Deck Officers' Licenses and As a Guide For Mariners and Yachtsmen (Second Edition). Cornell Maritime Press. 1974. Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 0870331531. $5.00
  • ____. Better Homes and Gardens Decorating Ideas Under $100 (Over 1,000 valuable decorating ideas making creative use of what you have. How to design, build and buy furnishings). Meredith Corporation. 1971. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0696005107. $1.70
  • ____. Better Homes and Gardens Flower Arranging. Meredith Corporation. 1965. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0696001004. $1.70
  • ____. Bionicle Gali (The Lego Technic assembly booklet 8533). Lego Technic. . Papercovers. Good. Paperback. $2.00
  • ____. Dolls And Dolls' Houses (Sold at the Victoria And Albert Museum). His Majesty's Stationery Office. 1951. Papercovers. Oval 1.25 inches by 2 inches cut out of top half of front cover. Top of title page has a two inch by one inch rectangle removed otherwise Good Clean Reading Copy. Periodical. $4.00
  • ____. Home Magazine Best Little Houses (Introduction by Gale C. Steves). Friedman/Fairfax. 1998. Rear end page has a mark otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical. ISBN: 156799637X. $1.70
  • ____. Operating and Maintaining Your Model 2240 University Microfilms Reader. Xerox. . Good. Paperback. $5.00
  • ____. Pilot Radio and Stereo Owners Manual Series 30 Wand 35W. Pilot Radio Inc. Circa 1965. Good Plus. Paperback. $7.00
  • ____. Popular Science: Do It Yourself Encyclopedia (Complete How-to Series for the Entire Family-Written in Simple Language with full step-by-step instructions and profusely illustrated. Illustrated Edition-Volume I (A-Boo). Arlrich Publishing. 1956. Front cover scuffed. Pages slightly yellowed otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $1.95
  • ____. Sears Gas Range Owner's Manual and Repair Parts List (Manual for Models 61011; 61111; 61211; 71211; 71311; 71711; 71811; 72711; 72715. Repair parts list for Model Numbers 362.7131190 and 362.7131890 Sears Gas Ranges were called Kenmore Stoves). Sears. Circa 1990. Papercovers. Good. Hardcover. $5.00
  • ____. Stephens-Adamson Manufacturing Company Material Handling Equipment Catalog No. 30 (Designers and Builders of Labor Saving Machinery. Profusely illustrated with pictures and mechinal drawing. Nine hundred fifty pages with tables and index). Stephens-Adamson Mfg. Company. 1927. Pages slightly tanned. Corners slightly bumped and rubbed otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $35.00
  • ____. The Art Of Dried And Scented Flowers. Cassell. 1995. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 0304346616. $1.95
  • ____. The Modern Postage Stamp Album: Provides spaces for more than 12,000 varieties of the lower priced, readily obtainable Postage Stamps of the World. Suitable spaces are provided for Portraits of Rulers of the World, Merchant Flags of the Nations and Coats of Arms of the World-1925 Edition. Scott Stamp and Coin Company. 1925. Outer covers are dirty. Pages are slightly tanned but are basically clean. Hardcover. $18.25
  • ____. The Telephone Book: The AT&T Guide to Installing Telephones and Accessories. AT&T. 1986. Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 0932764118. $5.75
  • ____. The Uniform Badges and Insignia: Boy Scouts Of America. Boy Scouts Of America. 1929. Pages tanned. Front page, which is the title page has significant scribble in ink. Remainder of the volume is clean and tight. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $44.75
  • _____. Better Homes and Gardens Roses You Can Grow. Meredith Corporation. 1978. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0696002558. $1.70
  • _____. Scott's Special Album For United Nations Stamps ( This album contains spaces for singles, blocks and imprint blocks of four of the regular postage, commemoratives and air mail stamps as well as envelopes, postal cards, air letter sheets and pages for covers issued by the United Nations. This loose-leaf binder type album was never used. NO STAMPS ARE INCLUDED.). Scott Publications. 1962. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $29.50
  • _____. Top O' the Mornin': With Fish And Shellfish (U. S. Department of the Interior. issued by the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. Recipes with colored illustrations.). G.P.O. . Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $12.95
  • _____. Better Homes and Gardens Christmas At Home By The Fireside. Meredith Books. 1993. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0696019833. $1.70
  • ______. Better Homes and Gardens Easiest Plants you Can Grow. Meredith Corporation. 1978. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0696003651. $1.70
  • ______. Better Homes and Gardens Home Improvement Book. Meredith Corporation. 1973. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0696006804. $1.70
  • ______. Scott's American Album For United States Stamps ( Contains spaces for United States Postage, Revenues, Confederate States and the United Nations thru calendar year 1960. Each space is marked with Scott's Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue number. 1960 Edition. Includes American Supplement 23. STAMPS NOT INCLUDED.). Scott Publications. 1961. Pages slightly tanned. Corners slightly bumped otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $24.50
  • ______. Scott's American Album For United States Stamps ( Contains spaces for United States Postage, Confederate States and United Nations through calendar year 1963. Each space is marked with Scott's Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue number. 1964 Edition. Includes American Supplement 24. NO STAMPS INCLUDED.). Scott Publications. 1964 . Multi-colored plastic binder has a vertical slit on the outer spine. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $24.50
  • ______. Scott's American Album For United States Stamps ( Contains spaces for United States Postage, Revenues, Confederate States and the United Nations thru calendar year 1961. Each space is marked with Scott's Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue number. A loose-leaf type binder with 180 pages was not used. NO STAMPS ARE INCLUDED.). Scott Publications. 1962. Pages slightly tanned. Front cover slightly bent inward due to other binders stored on top. Good. Hardcover. $24.50
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