Folklore and Mythology

  • Aurand, Monroe A. Little Known Facts About Bundling In the New World: The Old-Fashioned Center-Board (The Pennsylvania Germans invented all kinds of ways and means toget the courting couples together & all kinds of knick-knacks to keep them apart when they got together. The Aurand Press. 1938. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $2.95
  • Bosma, Bette. Fairy Tales, Fables, Legends, and Myths: Using Folk Literature In Your Classroom. Teachers College Press. 1987. Some highlighting otherwise Good. Paperback. ISBN: 080773134X. $1.40
  • Bray, Frank Chapin. Bray's University Dictionary of Mythology. Thomas Y. Crowell/Appollo. 1964 reprint of 1935. Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $4.75
  • Bulfinch, Thomas. Bulfinch's Mythology: The Age Of Fable (With A Foreword by Robert Graves. Illustrated by Joseph Papin). International Collectors Library. 1968. Front hinge is worn. Pages are tanned otherwise Good Reading Copy. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $2.00
  • Carmer, Carl. American Folklore: And Its Old-World Backgrounds (Illustrated with drawings by James Daugherty. A fifteen page double columned article reprinted from Compton's Pictured Encyclopedia with a paper front and rear cover and numerous illustrations. Bibliography included.). F.E. Compton and Company. 1956. Covers scuffed. Top left corner is bent. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK . Paperback. $12.50
  • Cohn, Amy L. (Compiler). From Sea To Shining Sea: A Treasury Of American Folklore and Folk Songs (Illustrated By Eleven Caldecott Medal And Four Caldecott Honor Book Artists). Scholastic. 1993. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0590428683. $3.25
  • Gleiter, Jan and Thompson, Kathleen. The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow (Illustrated by Dennis Hockerman). Raintree Steck-Vaughn. 1993. Corners slightly bumped. Contents are clean and tight. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 0811483517. $2.79
  • Harris, Zellig S. Structural Linguistics (American Anthropologist called this book "the most important contribution to descriptive linguistics since...Bloomfield's Language!"). Phoenix Book / University of Chicago. 1961. Pages tanned. Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $3.84
  • Haywood, Charles. A Bibliography of North American Folklore and Folksong (Edition Limited to 1500 copies of which 1493 were for sale). Greenberg. 1951. Exlibris with markings otherwise Good Reading Copy. Hardcover. $5.25
  • Hyde, Douglas. The Stone of Truth and Other Irish Folk Tales. Rowman & Littlefield. 1979. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $15.00
  • Lochhead, Marion. The Battle of the Birds: and other Celtic Tales. James Thin (Edinburgh). 1981. Corners slightly bumped otherwise Good. Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0901824631. $10.65
  • Macken, Lynda Lee. Ghosts Of The Jersey Shore. Black Cat Press. 2011. Signed by author on title page. Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 9780982958001. $6.25
  • Palmer, Kingsley. Oral Folk-Tales of Wessex. David & Charles. 1973. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0715359053. $2.70
  • Palmer, Kingsley. The Folklore of Somerset (Drawings by Gay John Galsworthy). Rowman & Littlefield. 1976. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0874718074. $9.25
  • Palmer, Roy. The Folklore of Warwiskshire (Drawings by Gay John Galsworthy). Rowman & Littlefield. 1976. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $20.00
  • Patrick, Richard. All Color Book Of Greek Mythology (Introduction by Barbara Leonie Picard. 102 Color Illustrations). Octopus Books. 1972. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0706401239. $2.00
  • Raven, Jon. The Folklore of Staffordshire (Illustrations by Gay John Galsworthy). Rowman and Littlefield. 1978. Pages slightly tanned. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0847660214. $43.65
  • Rose, H.J. Gods and Heroes of the Greeks: An Introduction to Greek Mythology. Meridian Books. 1969. Covers scuffed otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $1.50
  • Rouse, W.H.D. Gods, Heroes And Men Of Ancient Greece: Mythology's Great Tales Of Valor And Romance. New American Library. 1985. Covers very scuffed. Pages tanned. Fair Reading Copy. Paperback. $1.15
  • Smith, Susy. Ghosts Around the House. The World Publishing Co. 1970. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $2.50
  • Wallis, Charles L. New York Folklore Quarterly Volume X; Number 3. . circa 1955. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $9.50
  • Wallis, Charles L. New York Folklore Quarterly Volume XII; Number 3 (Fall 1956). . . Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $9.50
  • Weigel, James. Mythology: Cliff's Notes study Guide. Cliff's Notes Incorporated. 1990. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 0822008653. $1.59
  • Whitlock, Ralph. The Folklore of Wiltshire (Drawings by Gay John Galsworthy). Rowman & Littlefield. 1976. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0874717728. $15.75
  • ______. Folk-Lore and Legends of England. Rowan and Littlefield. 1972 reprint of 1890 ed. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $5.25
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