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Medicine and Health
Ackerman, Lauren V. and Del Regato, Juan A.
Cancer: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prognosis-Third Edition 9With 779 text illustrations and 4 Color reproductions).
The C.V. Mosby Company.
Good, clean institutional copy. Hospital's name stamped on end pages. Hardcover.
Adams, J. Howe.
History of the Life of D. Hayes Agnew, M.D., LL.D.
The F. A. Davis Co. Publishers.
Pages tanned. Covers are detached. Outer spine cloth is worn and missing. Front end page is detached otherwise contents are legible and intact. Hardcover.
Adams, Scott.
Medical Bibliography in an Age of Discontinuity.
Medical Library Association, Inc.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0912176091.
Adler, Helmut E.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences-Vol 188 December 3, 1971 Orientation: Sensory Basis.
New York Academy of Science.
Cover slightly creased otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Agnew, D. Hayes.
The Principles and Practice of Surgery, Being a Treatise on Surgical Diseases and Injuries. VOLUME I ONLY of Three Volume Set.
J.B. Lippincott Company.
Pages tanned. Top right corner of front cover is curved outward. Leather is well worn along edges and along the spine. Top of early pages are stained. Pages 653 thru 717 are present but loose. Contents are clean and complete. Hardcover.
Agnew, D. Hayes.
The Principles And Practice Of Surgery, Being A Treatise On Surgical Diseases And Injuries. VOLUME II ONLY of a three volume set. ( Second edition, thoroughly revised, with additions.).
J.B. Lippincott Company.
Pages tanned.Top of spine is worn with tears at hinge connections. Cover edges worn. Top two inches of front and rear covers is torn and scuffed. Front end page is present but detached. Covers are loose. Contents are clean. Hardcover.
Agnew, D. Hayes.
The Principles And Practice Of Surgery, Being A Treatise On Surgical Diseases And Injuries. VOLUME III ONLY of a three volume set.
J. B. Lippincott & Company.
1883 .
Pages tanned. Top of spine is torn with a one inch by one inch section missing near front hinge. Corners well worn especially top corner of rear cover. Cover edges worn. Contents are clean. Hardcover.
Ahlgrimm, Marla and Kells, John M. with Rodgerson, Christine Macgenn.
The HRT Solution: A Comprehensive, Personalized Program of Natural Hormone Replacement to relieve Menopausal Symptoms and Restore Vitality,Sexuality, and Health...for Life. ("End the confusion about Hormone Replacement Therapy.").
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 158333176X.
Alison, Archibald.
Essays on the Nature and Principles of Taste (With Corrections and Improvements by Abraham Mills).
Harper and Brother, Publishers.
Pages tanned. Outer spine is chipped and cracked with piece missing at top right side and in middle of volume. Corners are worn. End pages have a book plate and minor marks. Text is legible and tight. Hardcover.
Alvarez, Manny.
The Hot Latin Diet: The Fast-Track Plan To A Bombshell Body.
Celebra Book.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 9780451223715.
American Association for the History of Medicine.
American Association for the History of Medicine, Inc. Membership Directory-Summer 2001 (Includes: Membership by Alphabet and Geographical; Primary Fields of Interest; Constituent Societies; Officers (2001-2002); Bylaws; Past AAHM Annual Meetings and Officers; Training Programs and Teaching; Winners of the Osler Medal (1941-2001); Winners of the Shryock Medal (1984-2001); The Lifetime Achievement Award (1988-2001); The Garrison Lecture (1940-2001).
American Association for the History of Medicine.
Pagecovers. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
American College of Surgeons.
The Management of Fractures and Soft Tissue Injuries (Prepared by the Committee on Trauma of the American College of Surgeons based on An Outline of the Treatment of Fractures (7th edition) and Early Care of Acute Soft Tissue Injuries (2nd edition).
W.B. Saunders Company.
Cover scuffed. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Contents are clean, tight and legible.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Amor, Alexandra.
It's Not About the Food: A Revolutionary Approach To Ending Your Battle With Food And Finding Freedom From Overeating.
Fat Head Publishing.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 9781988924342.
Andrews, William M.
Medical Illustration Sourcebook 18 (Includes medical illustration, natural science illustration, animation and multimedia, healthcare photography. 151 pages of rich illustrations in full color).
Association of Medical Illustration.
Spiral Spine-Very Good. Paperback.
ISBN: 1883486122.
Annan, Gertrude and Goldstein, Helene.
Morris Harold Saffron Collection of Books on Historical Medicine: A Short Title Catalogue.
College of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey.
Pages slughtly tanned. Cover slightly creased otherwise Good. Paperback.
Arnot, Bob.
The Breast Cancer Prevention Diet: The Powerful Foods, Supplements and Drugs That Can Save Your Life.
Little, Brown.
1998 First Ed.
Pages tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0316051144.
Arnott, Neil.
Elements of Physics, or Natural Philosophy, General and Medical, written for Universal Use, in Plain or Non-Technical Language, and Containing New Disquisitions and Practical Suggestions ( VOLUME II ONLY-Part I-Third American from the Last London Edition.).
Lea and Blanchard.
Pages tanned. Covers are detached but present. Contents are clean and legible. Hardcover.
Arnott, Neil.
Elements of Physics; or Natural Philosophy, General and Medical: Written for Universal Use, in Plain of Non - Technical Language; and Contains New Disquisitions and Practical Suggestions (A new edition, revised and corrected from the last English editons, with additiions by Isaac Hays.).
Lea and Blanchard.
Pages tanned. Covers are missing. Contents are clean and legible. Hardcover.
Ashhurst, John.
The Principles and Practice of Surgery (Fifth Editon. Enlarged and thoroughly revised with six hundred and forty - two illustrations).
Lea Brothers and Copany.
Pages tanned. Covers are present but nearly detached. Front and rear spines are cracked. Contents are clean and intact. Hardcover.
Ashhurst, John.
The Principles And Practice of Surgery. ( Sixth Edition ).
Lea Brothers and Co.
Pages tanned. Covers are present but nearly detached. Top and bottom of outer spine is worn as are the corners. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Ashhurst, John.
The Principles And Practice Of Surgery. ( Third Edition ).
Henry C. Lea's Son & Co.
Pages tanned. Top of outer spine is worn and chipped. Corners bumped. Small label on outer spine that reads 'Office Copy'. Some pages in the Index section have a vertical crease. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Ashley, Richard.
Cocaine: Its History, Uses and Effects.
St.Martin's Press.
ISBN: 0446890111.
Atkins, Robert C.
Dr. Atkins' Health Revolution: How Complementary Medicine Can Extend Your Life.
Houghton Mifflin Company.
Pages tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0395467802.
Atlins, Robert C.
Dr. Atkin's Health Revolution: How Complementary Medicine Can Extend Your Life.
Houghton Mifflin.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Attfield, John.
Chemistry: General, Medical, and Pharmaceutical Including the Chemistry of the Pharmacopaeia: A Manual on the General Principles of the Science, and Their Applications to Medicine and Pharmacy.
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Top of spine is worn and has a small tear at the front hinge. Cover edges and hinges are rubbed. Book plate on inside of front cover. Contents clean and tight. Hardcover.
Attfield, John.
Chemistry: General, Medical, and Pharmaceutical, Including the Chemistry of the U.S. Pharmacopoeia: A Manual on the General Principles of the Science, and Their Applications In Medicine and Pharmacy(Seventh Edition Revised from the Sixth English Edition-Illustrated).
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Covers scuffed. Name on front end page. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Attfield, John.
Chemistry: General, Medical, and Pharmaceutical, Including the Chemistry of the U.S. Pharmacopoeia; A Manual on the General Principles of the Science, and their Applications in Medicine and Pharmacy (Seventh Edition).
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Bound in paper. Used as publisher's office copy. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Austin, Denise.
Hit The Spot: How To Target, Tone And Slim Your Problem Areas.
Fireside / Simon and Schuster.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 068480218X.
Austin, Robert B.
Early American Medical Imprints 1668-1820: A Guide to Works Printed in the United States.
The Printer's Devil.
Pages slightly tanned. Covers slightly scuffed. Some red verticle lines in the text otherwise Good Copy. Paperback.
Avelleyra, Lisa.
Get Me To The Abbey: A Memoir. ( Midwestern woman's journey through alcoholism. Candid and riveting.).
Little Creek Press.
Signed by author on title page. Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 9781955656283.
Bacon, Harry E. and Stuart T. Ross.
Atlas of Operative Technic Anus, Rectum and Colon (with 403 illustrations).
C.V. Mosby.
Cover slightly sucffed otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Baer, Rudolf L.; Blank, Irvin H.; Cornbleet, Theodore; Fishbein, Morris; HAlberstadt, G. Thomas; Hollander, Lester; Jordan, Edwin P.; Kooyman, Daniel J.; LAne, C. Guy; McCord, Carey and Sulzberger, Marion B.
Medical Uses of Soap: A Symposium (41 Illustrations).
J. B. Lippincott Company.
Pages slightly tanned. Book plate on inside of front cover. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Ball, James Moore.
Modern Ophthalmology: A Practical Treatise on the Anatomy, Physiology, and Diseases of the Eye (Second Edition with 217 Illustrations in the Text and Numerous Figures on 21 Colored Plates).
F.A. Davis Company.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom edges of spine are worn with cracks. Covers are loose. Text is clean as are illustrations. Hardcover.
Barker, Lewellys F. and Cole, Norman B.
Blood Pressure: Cause, Effect and Remedy.
D. Appleton and Company.
Pages tanned. Name written on title page. Contents are clean and tight. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Barnes, Robert.
A Clinical History of the Medical and Surgical Diseases of Women (With One Hundred and Sixty-Nine Illustrations.).
Henry C. Lee.
1874 First Edition.
Pages tanned. Bound in paper for use at publisher's office. Front paper cover is present but detached. Cover edges are chipped and some sections of the edge is missing. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Baron, Barclay, et. al.
The Year-Book of Treatment for 1892: A Critical Review For Practitioners of Medicine and Surgery.
Lea Brothers and Co.
Pages slightly tanned. Corners slightly bumped. Contents are clean and tight. Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Barrett, Stephen and Victor Herbert.
The Vitamin Pushers: How The "Health Fod" Industry Is Selling America A Bill of Goods (Foreword by Gabe Mirkin).
Prometheus Books.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0879759094.
Bartecchi, Carl E.
Emergency Cardiac Maneuvers: A Rescuer's Handbook (Second Edition).
Essential Medical Information Systems, Inc.
Dedication on title page signed by author. Contents are clean and tight. Good Plus. Paperback.
ISBN: 0929240154.
Bartholow, Roberts.
A Practical Treatise on Materia Medica and Therapeutics (Seventh Edition Revised and Enlarged).
D. Appleton and Co.
Pages tanned. Cover edges are worn especially the corners. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Bartholow, Roberts.
A Practical Treatise on Materia Medica and Therapeutics (Third Edition, Revised).
D. Appleton and Company.
Pages tanned.Top and bottom of spine are worn as is the front hinge. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Bartholow, Roberts.
A Treatise on the Practice of Medicine; For the Use of Students and Practitioners (Fifth Edition, Revised and Enlarged).
D. Appleton and Company.
Pages tanned. Corners bumped and worn. Cover edges are rubbed. Bottom of spine has minor tears. Name and an ink mark on the outer page edge. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Barton, Wilfred M. and Yater, Wallace M.
Symptom Diagnosis: Regional and General.
D. Appleton Company.
Pages tanned. Name on front end page. Contents are clean and tight. Good. Hardcover.
Bashore, Dr. Harvey B. .
The Sanitation of Recreation Camps and Parks (First Edition. First Thousand. Illustrated).
John Wiley and Sons.
1908 First Edition.
Pages slightly tanned. sanatorium stamp on front end page. Contents are clean and tight. Good Plus. Hardcover.
Batchelder, J.P.
Thoughts on the Connection of Life, Mind and Matter; in Respect to Education (A eighty-four page printing. ).
Benneth, Backus and Hawley.
Pages tanned. Light foxing. Covers are missing. First page is the title page. Corner edges of title page are missing. Medical society library stamp is on title page. Contents are clean. Paperback.
Battin, M. Pabst.
Ethical Issues in Suicide (Prentice - Hall series in the philosophy of medicine).
Prentice - Hall Inc.
Good plus. Paperback.
ISBN: 0132901552.
Baum, Gerald L. (Editor).
Textbook of Pulmonary Diseases; By 18 Authors-Foreword by William B. Tucker (Illustrated).
Little, Brown and Company.
1965 First Edition.
Institutional Copy with hospital name stamped on end pages. Contents are clean and tight. Good. Hardcover.
Baum, Joanne.
Got the Baby: Where's The Manual?! Respectful Parenting From Birth Through the Terrific Twos.
Mountainside Press.
Good Plus.This book was never read. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0978591402.
Beebe, Curtis M.
A System of Gynaecology (With 359 illustrations; based upon a translation from the French of Samuel Pozzi).
J.B. Flint and Company.
Pages tanned. Cover is stained on the exterior. Library label on inside of front cover. Name on the verso of title page. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Beer, Edwin.
On The Value Of The Indigo-Carmin Test As An Aid In The Diagnosis Of Partial And Total Ureteral Occusions. ( A six page pamphlet reprinted from the Annals of Surgery. ).
Annals of Surgery .
Pages slightly tanned. outer spine is worn. Contents are clean and tight. Paperback.
Beer, Edwin.
The Present Status of Blood Cryoscopy in Determining the Functional Activity of the Kidneys. ( An eight page pamphlet reprinted from the American Journal Of The Medical Sciences. ).
American Journal Of The Medical Sciences.
Pages slightly tanned. Top edge of the pamphlet has a one inch moisture mark. Contents are clean and tight. Paperback.
Beeson, Paul B. and Walsh McDemott.
Textbook of Medicine (Fourteenth Edition).
W.B. Saunders Co.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0721616607.
Bennett, John Hughes.
The Pathology and Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis; and on the Local Medication of Pharyngeal and Laryngeal Diseases Frequently Mistaken For, or Associated with Phthisis (Illustrated).
Blanchard and Lea.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom of spine is cracked and worn. Book plate on the inside of front cover. Name on front end page. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Benson, Herbert, Ann Grandjean, Kenneth R. Pelletier, Paul J. Rosch.
Managing Stress: From Morning to Night (Illustrated).
Time-Life Books.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0809461722.
Besterman, Theodore.
Medicine: A Bibliography of Bibliographies (The Besterman World Bibliographies Series).
Rowman and Littlefield.
1971 .
Pages tanned otherwise good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0874710502.
Betschman, Lucille I.
Handbook of Recovery Room Nursing.
F.A. Davis Company.
Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Billings, Frank.
Diseases of the Digestive System (An Authorized Translation from "Die Deutsche Klinik" under the General Editorial Supervision of Julius L. Salinger, with Forty-Five Illustrations).
D. Appleton and Company.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Bishop, Seth Scott.
Diseases of the Ear, Nose, and Throat and Their Accessory Cavities (Second Edition. Thoroughly Revised and Enlarged. Illustrated with ninety-four colored lithograhs and two hundred and fifteen additional illustrations).
The F. A. Davis Company Publishers.
Pages tanned. Covers are loose. Outer side of front cover has a stain in lower right corner. One signature, pages 197 through 204 is detached. Contents are clean. Hardcover.
Blaisdell, Albert F.
Our Bodies and How We Live: An Elementary Textbook of Physiology and Hygiene for Use in Schools with Special Reference to the Effects of Alcoholic Drinks, Tobacco and Other Narcotics on the Bodily Life.
Ginn and Company.
Pages tanned. Publisher sticker on the back side of title page otherwise contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Blake, John B.
Centenary of Index Medicus 1879-1979.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Blake,John B.
Medical Reference Works 1679-1966: A Select Bibliography Supplement I.
Medical Library Association.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Blumer, George (Editor).
The George Blumer Edition of Billings-Forchheimers Therapeusis of Internal Diseases-Six Volume Set plus Supplement and Desk Index. (EIGHT VOLUMES ).
D. Appleton and Company.
Pages slightly tanned.Good. Volumes are clean and tight. NOT FORMER LIBRARY VOLUMES. Hardcover.
Blumer, George., ed.
The Practitioners Library of Medicine & Surgery: Vol. VIII-Therapeutics (1031 pp).
D. Appleton-Century.
Boas, Ismar.
Habitual Constipation: Its Causes, Consequences, Prevention, and Rational Treatment (Translated by Thomas L. Stedman. Third Edition).
Funk and Wagnalls Company.
Pages tanned. Page edges have moisture stain. Volume is off center. Cloth torn on spine. Reading Copy. Hardcover.
Bockus, Henry L.
Gastroenterology (Second Edition. VOLUME III ONLY. Gastrointestinal Parasites; The Liver, Biliary Tract and Pancreas; Secondary Gastrointestinal Disorders).
W. B. Saunders Company.
Institutional Copy with hospital name stamped on end pages and outer page edge etc. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Bonomo, Perry and Amir, Mark.
Why Does My Back Hurt So Much?: A Comprehensive Guide To Help You Prevent And Treat Lower Back Pain.
ErgAerobics, Inc.
ISBN: 0966409019.
Bonomo, Perry and Seidler, Daniel.
Why Does Working @ My Computer Hurt So Much? A Comprehensive Guide to Help You Prevent and Treat Computer Induced Repetitive Stress Injuries.
ErgAerobics, Inc.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 9780966409000.
Boswick, John A.
Emergency Care (Illustrated).
W.B. Saunders Company.
Pages slightly tanned. Covers scuffed. Lower right corner of front cover is bumped and creased. Contents are clean and tight. Good. Paperback.
ISBN: 0721618766.
Bowditch, Henry P.
Reform In Medical Education. Presidential Address, American Society of Naturalists, New York, December 29th, 1898 (A pamphlet reprint of the address from Science.).
Pages tanned otherwise Good Plus. Paperback.
Boyd, Stanley.
Druitt's Surgeon's Vade-Mecum: A Manual of Modern Surgery (Twelfth Edition with three hundred and seventy three wood engravings).
Lea Brothers and Co.
Pages tanned. End pages scuffed. Top and bottom of spine is worn and torn. Front and rear hinges are cracked. Small hole in front hinge. Corners worn. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Boyd, William.
Surgical Pathology (With 475 illustrations and 15 colored plates).
W.B. Saunders.
1931 - 2nd ed.
Corners of front cover are bent and worn. Top of spine slighly worn O/W GOOD.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Bradford, Edward H. and Lovett, Robert W.
Treatise on Orthopedic Surgery (Illustrated with six hundred and twenty-one engravings. Second revised edition).
William Wood and Company.
Pages tanned. Corners bumped and worn. Outer spine was rebound. Contents are clean and tight. Former library copy. Hardcover.
Bradley, P.B., ed.
Biochemical & Pharmacological Mechanisms Underlying Behaviour (Progress in Brain Research-Vol. 36).
Top cover at spine has slight dent & wear, otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Breckon, Bill; Smith, Tony, and Lee, Richard V.
Accident Action: The Essential Family Guide to Home Safety and First Aid (Illustrated).
The Viking Press.
Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0670102067.
Brescia, Sherry.
Great Taste No Pain ! ( 112 of the most delicious, delectable, scrumptious, yummy and healthy recipes!.
Sharon Brescia Holistic Blends Inc.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 9781604618433.
Brieger, Gert H. and Bylebyl, Jerome J. (Editors).
Bulletin of History of Medicine Volume 67, Number 3 (Includes: Determining the Patient's Temperament: An Excursion into 17th Century Medical Semeiology by Brian K. Navce; Aedominal Paracentesis: A Casualty of Reductionist Medical Therapeutics by Barron H. Lerner; Cortisone and the Politics of Empire: Imperialism and British Medicine, 1918-1955 by David Cantor; Texts and Documents: The Obstetrical Case Book by Walter Canning, 1811-1822 by Amalie M. Kass; American Association for the History of Medicine: Report of the 66th Annual Meeting by J. Worth Estes).
The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Cover edges slightly bumped otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Brieger, Gert H. and Bylebyl, Jerome J. (Editors).
Bulletin of History of Medicine Volume 75, Number 3 (Includes: The Ideal Prepuce in Ancient Greece and Rome: Male Gential Aesthetics and their Relation to Lipodermos, Circumicision, Forsekin Restoration, and the Kynodesme by Frederick M. Hodges; Insurance againist Germ Theory: Commerce and Cobservation in Late-Victorian Medicine by Timothy Alborn; Healthy Public Relations: The FdA's 1930's Legislative Campaign by Gwen Kay; The Polio Narratives: Dialogues with FDR by Amy L. Fairchild; American Association For the History of Medicine: Report of the 74th Annual Meeting by Todd L. Savitt).
The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
ISBN: 0007-5140.
Brieger, Gert H. and Bylebyl, Jerome J. (Editors).
Bulletin of the History of Medicine Volume 72, Number 1 (Includes: Cultural Divergence: Elie Metchnikoff's Bacillus Bulgarian Therapy and the Underlying Concept of Health; Kupat Holim, Dr. Max Rubinow, and the American Zionist Medical Unit's Experiment to Establish Health Care Services in Palestine, 1918-1923; "Repeated Disappointment": The Rockefeller Foundation and the Reform of the Greek Public Health System, 1929-1940; The Manuscript Consultation Reports of Francesco Torti; New Approaches to the History of Health and Welfare; Looking for the Answer; Book Reviews.
The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
ISBN: 0007-5140.
Brieger, Gert H. and Bylebyl, Jerome J. (Editors).
Bulletin of the History of Medicine Volume 73, Number 2 (Includes: Dental Pathology in Ancient Mesopotamia by Julio Cesar Pangas; Ut Dicunt Medici: Medical Knowledge and Theological Debates in the Second Half of the 13th Century by Joseph Ziegler; Public Health versus Private Practice: The Contested Development of Compulsory Infectious Disease Notification in Late-19th Century Britain by Graham Mooney; Revisiting and Rethinking the Rewriting of Nursing History by Patricia D'Antonio; Notes and Comments: An Early Report of Familial Bronchiectasis by Saul Jarcho).
The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Brieger, Gert H. and Bylebyl, Jerome J. (Editors).
Bulletin of the History of Medicine Volume 74, Number 1(Includes: The Retreat of Plague from Central Europe, 1640-1720: A Geomedical Approach by Edward A. Eckert; Producing Development: The Anatomy of Human Embryos and the Norms of Wilhelm His by Nick Hopwood; Economically Practical and Critically Necessary? The Development of Intensive Care at Chestnut Hill Hospital by Julie Fairman; Long Waits, Small Spaces, and Compassionate Care: Memories of Race and Medicine in a Mid-20th Century Southern Community by Lynn Marie Pohl).
The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Cover slightly creased along the edges otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Brill, A.A.
Psychanalysis: Its Theories and Practical Application.
Arno Press and The New York Times.
1972 reprint of 1913 edition.
Pages slightly tanned. uter page edges of pages 203/204 and 205/206 have a smal tear otherwise contents are clean and tight. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0405039395.
Brinckle, W.D.
An Oration, Delivered By Appointment, At the Anniversery Meeting Of te Medical Society of Delaware - May 13,1823.
Medical Society of Delaware ( Printed by the Gazette Office ).
Unbound thirteen page speech. Edges are worn and torn in places otherwise contents are clean and legible. Paperback.
Bristowe, John Syer, Wardell, J.R.; Begbie, J.W.; Habershon, S.O.; Curling, T.B. and Ransom, W.H.
Diseases of the Intestines and Peritoneum (Illustrated Wood's Library of Standard Medical Authors).
William Wood and Company.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom of spine slightly worn. Corners bumped and worn. Names on inside of front cover. Name stamped on title page. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Bristowe, John Syer, Wardell, J.R.; Begbie, J.W.; Habershon, S.O.; Curling, T.B. and Ransom, W.H.
Diseases of the Intestines and Peritoneum (Illustrated Wood's Library of Standard Medical Authors).
William Wood and Company.
Pages tannes. Contents are clean and tight. Good Plus. Hardcover.
Brooke, Bryan N.; David R. Cave, John F. Gurry, Dennis W. King.
Crohn's Disease: Aetiology, Clinical, Manifestations and Managment.
Oxford University Press.
Pages slightly tanned. Name on front end page otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0195199758.
Brooks, Harlow.
Angina Pectoris (Harper's Medical Monographs).
Harper and Brothers Publishers.
Pages tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Brooks,Stewart M.
The V.D.Story:Medicines Battle Against the Scourge of Venereal Disease.
Littlefield, Adams & Co.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0822602520.
Brown, William J.
Syphilis: A Synopsis (Graphically illustrated).
U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare.
Pages slightly tanned. Covers scuffed. Contents are clean and tight. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Browne, Lennox.
The Throat and Its Diseases, including Associated Affections of the Nose and Ear: With One Hundred and Twenty Illustrations in Colour, and Two Hundred Engravings Designed and Executed by the Author (Second Edition).
Lea Brothers and Company.
Pages are tanned. Lower half of rear hinge is split and the lower portion of the spine is loose. Cover edges and corners are bumped and worn . Top and bottom of spine are worn with tears. Outer edge of rear cover has a horizontal tear of less thah 1/16 of an inch. Contents are clean and tight. This is a rare valuable item that is worth rebinding. Hardcover.
Brownlow, C.V. and Staff.
Gould's Medical Dictionary: Words and Phrases Generally Used In Medicine and the Allied Sciences, with their Pronounciation and Derivation (Fifth Revised Edition).
The Blakiston Company.
Pages slightly tanned. Cover is soft leather. Outer page edge has finger index. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Brubaker, Albert P.
A Compend of Human Physiology: Especially Adapted For the Use of Medical Students. (Eighth Edition, Revised and Enlarged with New Illustrations and A Table of Physiological Constants).
P. Blakiston, Son and Company.
Pages tanned. Corners slightly bumped. Good. Hardcover.
Bryant, Thomas.
A Manual for the Practice of Surgery (Fourth Edition, Thoroughly revised with seven hundred and twenty - seven illustrations.).
Henry C. Leas's Son and Co.
Pages tanned. Hinges cracked and cover are present but detached. Rear end pages are loose. Contents are clean. FAIR. Hardcover.
Bryant, Thomas.
A Manual for the Practice of Surgery (Third American Edition from the Third Revised and Enlarged English Edition with seven hundred and thirty-five illustrations.
Henry C. Lea's Sons and Company.
Pages tanned. Front hinge is cracked and detached in spots. Front cover is loose. Corners are well worn. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Bryant, Thomas .
The Practice of Surgery (First Edition with 507 Illustrations).
Henry C. Lea.
1873 First Edition.
Pages tanned. Bound in paper covers for use at the publisher's office. Front paper cover is loose otherwise contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Buchanan, James H.
Patient Encounters-The Experience of Disease (Covers such diseases as lupus, AIDS, progeria, acromegaly, Alzheimers, MS, Hodgkins endocarditis.).
University Press of Virginia.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0813911842.
Buegel, Dale M.; Lewis, Blair L.; Chernin, Dennis K.
Homeopathic Remedies For Health Professionals And Laypeople.
The Himalayan International Institute of Yoga and Philosophy of the U.S.A.
Lower corner bumped. Minor text marks. Good Reading Copy. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0893891282.
Burch, George E.
Cardiomyopathy (Volume 4-Number 1. Illustrated Part of the Cardiovascular Clinics Series).
F.A. Davis Company.
Corners bumped and worn. Contents are clean and tight. Good. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0803612209.
Burton-Opitz, Russell.
An Elementary Manual of Physiology.
W.B. Saunders.
1927 (2nd ed.).
Pages slightly tanned. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Burton-Opitz, Russell.
An Elementary Manual of Physiology: For Colleges, Schools of Nursing of Physical Education, and of the Practical Arts (Illustrated).
W. B. Saunders Company.
Pages tanned. Covers slightly scuffed. Name on front end page otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Bushnan, J. Stevenson.
The Principles of Animal and Vegetable Physiology: A Popular Treatise on the Functions and Phenomena of Organic Life, To Which Is Prefixed a General View of the Great Departments of Human Knowledge (With one hundred and two illustrations on wood).
Blanchard and Lea.
Pages tanned. Front hinge is detached. Two inch piece at the top of outer spine is missing. Corners bumped. Contents are clean. Hardcover.
Bussy, R. Kenneth.
Two Hundred Years of Publishing: A History of the Oldest Publishing Company in the United States, Lea and Febiger, 1785-1985.
Lea and Febiger.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0812109473.
Byrd, Oliver E.
Health Instruction Yearbook 1945 (Foreword by Walter H. Brown).
Stanford University Press.
Minor tape marks on inside of covers. Pages tanned otherwise good. Hardcover.
Caille, Augustus.
Differental Diagnosis and Treatment of Disease (With 228 Illustrations in the Text. A Textbook for Practitioner and Advanced Students).
D. Appleton and Company.
Pages tanned. Leatheon outer spine is rubbed. Corners are bumped and well worn. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Calhoun, Laura A.
The Law of Sex Determination and its Practical Application.
Eugenics Publishing Company.
Pages tanned.Front end page is missing. Bottom of spine is worn. Corners slightly bumped. Contents are clean. Good. Hardcover.
Calne, Roy.
Color Atlas of Renal Transplantation (Single Surgical Procedures Series).
Medical Economics.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0723410240.
Carlson, A.J.
Comparative Physiology of the Invertebrate Heart. - II. The Function of the Cardiac Nerves in Molluscs (Article reprinted from the American Journal of Physiology. ).
American Journal of Physiology.
Paper covers are worn and torn along the edges. Contents are clean and tight. Paperback.
Carlson, A.J.
Comparative Physiology of the Invertebrate Heart. - V. The Heart Rythm Under Normal and Experimental Conditions: VI. The Excitability of the Heart During the Different Phases of the Heart Beat: VII. The Relation Between the Intensity of the Stimulus and the Magnitude of the Contraction: VIII. The Inhibitory Effects of the Single Induced Shock. (Reprinted from the American Journal of Physiology. ).
American Journal of Physiology.
Paper covers are worn and torn along the edges. Contents are clean and tight. Paperback.
Carlson, A.J.
Further Evidence of the Fluidity of the Conducting Substance in Nerve (An article reprinted from the American Journal of Physiology).
American Journal of Physiology.
Paper covers are worn along the edges. Contents are clean and tight. Paperback.
Carlson, A.J.
Further Evidence of the Nervous Origin of the Heart-Beat In Limulus (An article reprinted from the American Journal of Physiology).
American Journal of Physiology.
Paper covers are worn along the edges. Contents are clean and tight. Paperback.
Carlson, A.J.
On the Action Of Cyanides On the Heart (Article reprinted from the American Journal of Physiology. ).
American Journal of Physiology.
Paper covers are worn and torn along the edges. Contents are clean and tight. Paperback.
Carlson, A.J.
On the Mechanism of Co-Ordination and Conduction In the Heart With Special Referance To the Heart of Limulus (Article reprinted from the American Journal of Physiology. ).
American Journal of Physiology.
Paper covers are worn and torn along the edges. Contents are clean and tight. Paperback.
Carlson, A.J.
On the Mechanism Of the Refractory Period In the Heart (Article reprinted from he American Journal of Physiology. ).
American Journal of Physiology.
Paper covers are worn and torn along the edges. Contents are clean and tight. Paperback.
Carlson, A.J.
The Conductivity Produced In the Non-Conducting Myocardium Of Limulus By Sodium Chloride In Istonic Solution and A Note On the Refactory State Of the Non-Automatic Heart Muscle of Limulus (Articles reprinted from the American Journal of Physiology. ).
American Journal of Physiology.
Paper covers are worn and torn along the edges. Contents are clean and tight. Paperback.
Carlson, A.J.
The Effects of Stretching the Nerve On the Rats Of Conduction Of the Nervous Impulse (Article reprited from the Ameerican Journal Of Physiology. ).
American Journal of Physiology.
Paper covers are worn and torn along the edges. Contents are clean and tight. Paperback.
Carlson, A.J.
The Relation of the Normal Heart Rhythm to the Artificial Rhythm Produced By Sodium Chloride (Article reprinted from the American Journal of Physiology. ).
American Journal of Physiology.
Paper covers are worn and torn along the edges. Contents are clean and tight. Paperback.
Carpenter, William B.
Elements of Physiology Including Physiological Anatomy (Second American from a New and Revised London Edition; With 190 Illustrations).
Blanchard and Lea.
Pages tanned. Volume has paper covers as it was the publisher's Office Copy. Front cover is detached but present. Outer edge of front cover is missing. Pages 351 thru 354 are badly torn but contents present otherwise volume is legible and intact. Paperback.
Carpenter, William B.
Principles of Human Physiology, With Their Chief Applications to Psychology, Pathology, Therapeutics, Hygiene, and Forensic Medicine (A New American edition from the last London edition with two hundred and sixty-one illustrations).
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Front cover detached otherwise contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Carpenter, William B.
Principles of Human Physiology: With Their Chief Applications to Psychology, Pathology, Therapeutics, Hygiene and Forensic Medicine (With 261 Illustrations).
Blanchard and Lea.
Front cover is present but detached. Label on outer spine is missing. Top right corner of first 20 pages are dog-earred otherwise contents are clean and legible. Hardcover.
Carpenter, William B.
Principles of Human Physiology: With Their Chief Applications to Psychology, Pathology, Therapeutics, Hygiene, and Forensic Medicine (With 261 Illustrations; Edited, with Additions by Francis Gurney).
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Front cover is detached. Label on outer spine is missing. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Carper, Jean.
Miracle Cures: Dramatic New Scientific Discoveries Revealing the Healing Powers of Herbs, Vitamins and Other Natural Remedies.
Harper Collins.
1997 First Ed.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0965838358.
Carr, C. Jellef.
A Study of New Methods of Measuring Cerebral Circulation-June 1970 (National Institute of Neurological Diseases & Stroke & National Heart & Lung Institute).
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Chaitow, Leon.
Body Tonic: Practical Programmes for Perfect Wellbeing.
Gaia Books Limited.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 1856750272.
Chandler, George F.
Laboratory Versus Clinical Teaching In Medicine-Clinical Diagnosis Upon Occasion Is Delayed by Complicated Laboratory Procedures (An address delivered by the retiring president of the Soc. Of Medical Jurisprudence on Jan. 8, 1951 at the meeting.
Chase, Herman B.
Sex: The Universal Fact.
Pages tanned otherwise good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Chavasse, Pye Henry.
Ladies Family Physician: Advice to a Wife and Mother.
Butler Brothers.
Pages tanned. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Christiansen, Elinor Todd.
Doctor Lois: A Biography of Lois Pendleton Todd, M.D. 1894-1968. ( Doctor Lois was a surgeon who exhibited her faith and courage by impacting lives in China and various other places.).
Alpenrose Press.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 1889385042.
Churchill, Fleetwood.
Essays on the Puerperal Fever and other Diseases Peculiar to Women (Selected from the writings of British Authors previous to the close of the eighteenth century plus 32 page publisher catalog).
Lea and Blanchard.
1850 First American Edition.
Pages tanned and foxed. Leather covers have light wear along hinges, edges and corners. Hardcover.
Clark, Randolph Lee and Russel W. Cumley.
The Book of Health: A Medical Encyclopedia for Everyone(Third Edition. Abridged and Revised).
Harcourt, Brace, and Jovanich.
Pages tanned. Covers slightly scuffed. Contents are tight. Good Reading Copy. Paperback.
ISBN: 0156135485.
Clifford, Terry and Antupit, Sam.
Cures (Being a compendium of remedies and potions ancient and modern offered for serious hypochondriacs and others who in truth suffer maladies which traditional mixtures have failed to settle).
Macmillan Publishing Company, Inc.
Pages tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0025262009.
Clough, Paul W.
Diseases of the Blood (Harper's Medical Monographs).
Harper and Brothers Publishers.
Pages tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Coakley, Cornelius Godfrey.
A Manual of Diseases of the Nose and Throat (Illustrated with 92 Engravings and 2 Colored Plates).
Lea Brothers and Company.
Pages tanned. Covers scuffed. Top and bottom of spine are worn. Corners are slightly worn. Contents are clean and tight. Label on outer spine. Hardcover.
Cohen, Stanley N. and Armstrong, Marsha F.
Drug Interactions: A Handbook for Clinical Use.
Williams and Wilkins Company.
Pages slightly tanned.Covers slightly scuffed. Corners slightly bumped otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0683019422.
Collins, A.J. (M.D.).
What is Eclecticism? Read, Learn and Inwardly Digest (A rarely seen 29 page pamphlet.).
Circa 1900.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Condie, D. Francis.
A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of Children (Fifth Edition, Revised and Enlarged).
Blanchard and Lea.
Pages tanned. Top of spine is worn and cracked. Cover edges are worn as are the corners. Front hinge has small crack. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Condie, D. Francis.
A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of Children (Sixth Edition, Revised and Enlarged).
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom of spine are worn. Hinges have small cracks. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Cooper, Bransby B.
Lectures on the Principles and Practice of Surgery (First and Only American Edition).
Blanchard and Lea.
Pages tanned. Spine is worn and torn at the top. Front hinge is torn and weak. Front cover has a section of leather missing. Leather on rear cover is torn. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Cooper, Robert K. and Cooper, Leslie L.
Flip The Switch: Proven Strategies to Fuel Your Metabolism and Burn Fat 24 Hours a Day.
Corners slightly bumped otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 1579549799.
Cooper, Samuel.
A Dictionary of Practical Surgery (Comprehending all the most interesting improvements from the earliest times down to the present period: An account of instruments and remedies employed in surgery; the etymology and significance of the principal terms and numerous references to modern works. With numerous notes and additions embracing all the principal improvements and greater operations introduced and performed by American surgeons by David Meredith Reese. Sixth Edition. 1301 pages bound in one volume.
J and J Harper.
Pages tanned. Title page missing. Edges worn. Top and bottom of spine is worn. Hinges cracked and worn. Contents are clean and tight. Institutional bookplate on the inside of the front cover. Hardcover.
Cope, Zachary.
Almroth Wright: Founder of Mern Vaccine-Therapy.
Nelson (London).
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Cordasco, Francesco.
A Bibliography of Robert Watt, M.D.; Author of the Bibliotheca Britannica With a Facsimile Edition of this Catalogue of Medical Books and with a Preliminary Essay on His Works a Contribution to Eighteenth Century Medical History.
Gale Research Company.
1968 reprint of 1950 edition.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Cordasco, Francesco.
Useful Spanish For Medical And Hospital Personnel: With A Bibliography of Hispanic Peoples In The United States.
Blaine Ethridge.
Good plus.Sold by authorized distributors of the author's works. Paperback.
Cordasco, Francesco.
Wood's Library of Standard Medical Authors, 1879-1886 (A checklist and bibliography of the publications of the William Wood Company a medical publishing company in the 19th Century.).
Edna Vaughn Publishing Group.
Very Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY ITEM. Paperback.
Cordub, Lucani.
Pharsalia Sive Behi Civilis Cum Vita et Testimoniis (Duobus Volumn ibus. Volume II).
J. Brindley (London).
Pages tanned. Covers is curled. Contents intact. Hardcover.
Corser, Kira and Fran Adler.
Struggle To Be Borne (Foreword by W. Benson Harer M.D.).
San Diego State University Press.
Twelve inch long by nine inch paperback in Good Plus condition.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Coulson, Walter J.
Coulson On The Diseases Of the Bladder And Prostate Gland ( Sixth Edition ).
William Wood & Company.
Pages tanned. Top of spine is well worn. Covers slightly scuffed, Corners bumped. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Crider, Michael R.
The Guy's Guide To Surviving Toddlers, Tantrums, and Separation Anxiety (Yours, Not Your Kids!).
De Capo Life Long Books.
Good Plus.This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0738211060.
Crile, G.W.
Phylogenetic Association in Relation to Certain Medical Problems : Ether Day Address 1910 (Reprinted from the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal).
W.M. Leonard.
A paper pamphlet with a small chip at bottom of front cover. Pages slightly tanned. Contents are clean and tight. Good. Paperback.
Cruise, Jorge.
The 12 Second Sequence: Shrink Your Waist In 2 Weeks (Uncorrected Proof bound as a papercovered book with a spiral spine).
Good Plus . Paperback.
ISBN: 0307395561.
Cummings, Des.
Creation Health Discovery: Live Life To The Fullest.
Florida Hospital Publishing.
Contents are clean and tight. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY ITEM. Paperback.
ISBN: 9780983988182.
Cunningham, D.J.
Manual of Practical Anatomy-Volume Second-Thorax; Head and Neck (Illustrated with 225 Engravings, Many in Colours)-Third Edition.
J.B. Lippincott Company.
Pages tanned. Covers are worn and torn along the edges, Hinges are well worn. Contents are legible and intact. Poor overall condition. Hardcover.
Cunningham, Tricia and Skolnick, Heidi.
The Reverse Diet: Lose 20, 50, 100 Pounds Or More By Eating Dinner For Breakfast and Breakfast For Dinner.
John Wiley and Sons.
Good Plus.This book was never read. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0470052295.
Curling, T.B.
A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of the Testis, and of the Spermatic Cord and Scrotum with Numerous Wood Engravings (Second American from the Second Revised and Enlarged English Edition).
Blanchard and Lea.
Pages tanned. Book is bound in paper covers for use at publisher's office. Covers are curled. Bottom right corners of first ten pages are bent otherwise contents are clean and tight. Paperback.
Cushny, Arthur R.
A Textbook of Pharmocology and Therapeutics or the Action of Drugs in Health and Disease (Eighth Edition, Thoroughly Revised. Illustrated with 73 Engravings).
Lea and Febiger.
Pages tanned. Small tears at top and bottom of spine. Contents are clean and tight. Name on front end page. Good . Hardcover.
Cutler, Paul.
Problem Solving In Clinical Medicine: From Data To Diagnosis.
Williams and Wilkins.
Pages tanned otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0683022520.
Cutter, Calvin.
First Book on Analytic Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene, Human and Comparative. For Common and Grammar Schools and for Families (With Numerous engravings.).
J. P. Lippincott and Co.
Pages tanned. Cover edges and hinges are worn. Top third of rear cover is stained and worn. Lower corner of rear cover is missing the edge. Contents somewhat foxed. Volume is intact, tight and legible. Exterior of covers reflect extensive wear. . Hardcover.
Cutter, Calvin.
Second Book On Analytic Anatomy, Physiology And Hygiene: Human and Comparative. For Academies, Grammar Schools and Families.
J. P. Lippincott and Co.
Pages tanned. Cover edges worn. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Cutter, John C.
Beginner's Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene, Including Scientific Instruction on the Effects of Stimulants and Narcotics on the Growing Body (Illustrated).
J.B. Lippincott Company.
Pages tanned. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK . Hardcover.
Da Costa, John Chalmers.
Modern Surgery: General and Operative-Sixth Edition, Thoroughly Revised and Enlarged (With 966 Illustrations, some of them in colors).
W. B. Saunders Company.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom of spine are slightly worn. Name on front end page. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Daland, Geneva A.
A Color Atlas Of Morphologic Hematology: A Guide To Clinical Interpretation (Edited by Thomas Hale Ham. Illustrations by Etta Piotti. Revised Edition).
Harvard University Press.
Pages tanned. Text underlining in pencil otherwise Good. Hardcover.
Daley, Raymond and Miller, Henry (Editors).
Progress in Clinical Medicine (Fifth Edition with 48 Illustrations).
J & A Chruchill (London).
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Dalton, Peggy (Editor).
Approaches to the Treatment of Stuttering.
Croom Helm.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0709908377.
Darlington, Charles G.
The 1943 Year Book of Dentistry.
Year Book Pub.
Darlington, Thomas (Editor).
The Home Medical Library-Volume V: Sanitation ( Water Supply and Purification by William Paul Gerhard; Pure Food for the Housekeeper by S. Josephine Baker; The House and Grounds by George M. Price.).
The Review of Reviews Company.
Pages tanned and foxed. Corners bumped. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Davidson, Richard L.
Somatic Cell Genetics. Vol. I, Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 (4 vols.).
Plenum Press.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Davis, Joan E. and Celestine B. Mason.
Neurologis Critical Care.
Van Nostrand Reinhold.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0442220049.
Davis, Michael M.
Paying Your Sickness Bills.
Arno Press and The New York Times.
1972 reprint of 1931.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0405039476.
Davis, P., ed.
Single Cell Protein: Proceedings of the International Symposium Held in Rome, Italy, on November 7-9, 1973.
Academic Press.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0122065506.
Davis, William.
Wheat Belly: Lose The Wheat, Lose The Weight, and Find Your Path Back To Health.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 9781609611545.
De Garmo, W.B.
Abdominal Hernia: Its Diagnosis and Treatment.
J.B. Lippincott Company.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom of spine is worn. Top of rear hinge has a vertical tear. Outside of cover is scuffed and slightly stained. Corners are worn. Inner hinges are loose. Text is clean. Hardcover.
de Giustino, David.
Conquest of Mind: Phrenology and Victorian Social Thought.
Croom Helm (London).
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0874716016.
De Schweinitz, G.E.
Diseases of the Eye: A Handbook of Ophthalmic Practice For Students and Practitioners (With 280 Illustrations and 6 Chromo-lithographic Plates-Fourth Edition).
W. B. Saunders and Co.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom of spine is worn and has edge tears. Corners are bumped and worn. Name and reference notes on front end page. Underlining and text marks. Contents are legible and tight. Hardcover.
De Swietochowski, G.
Mechano-Therapeutics in General Practice (With 31 Illustrations).
Paul B. Hoeber.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
DeBroff, Stacy M.
The Mom Book: 4,278 Of Mom Central's Tips...For Moms,From moms (Including: Getting your child to help around the house; planning a birthday party and celebrating holidays; feeding a fussy eater; send your child off to day care or school; potty training a reluctant child; clothing, bathing, discipline, safety, health and thousands more. Due to the dimensions of this volume additional postage and packaging may be requested).
The Free Press.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0684871467.
Defares, J. G. and Sneddon, I. N.
An Introduction To The Mathematics Of Medicine And Biology.
North-Holland Publishing / Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc.
Pages slightly tanned. Contents are clean and tight. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Dennis, Frederic S.
Systems of Surgery-VOLUME 1, ONLY:The History of Surgery Pathology, Bacteriology, Infections, Anaesthesia, fractures and Dislocations-Operative Surgery (Profusely Illustrated).
Lea Brothers.
Pages tanned. Outer spine is cracked, torn and missing a one inch by 3 inch section. Corners are worn. Contents are intact and clean. Outer spine is in bad conition but otherwise volume is worth re-binding. Hardcover.
Dewees, William P.
A Treatise on the Diseases of Females (With illustrations-Eleventh Edition with the author's last improvements and corrections.
Blanchard and Lea.
Pages tanned. Front cover is present but detached. Top and bottom of spine are worn and edges are missing The section of the spine that attaches to the front cover is missing. Light foxing otherwise contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Diamond, Harvey and Diamond, Marilyn.
Fit For Life. (The natural body cycle, permanent weight-loss plan that proves it is not what you eat, but when and how! Foreword by Edward Taub, M.D..).
Warner Books.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0446513229.
Dick, George F.; Amberson, J. Burns; Minot, George R.; Castle, William B.; Stroud, William D. and Easterman, George B. (Editors).
The 1941 Yearbook of General Medicine (Illustrated).
The Year Book Publishers.
Pages tanned. Corners bumped. Contents are clean and tight. Good. Hardcover.
Dick, George F.; Brown, Lawrason; Minot, George R.; Castle, William B.; Stroud, William D. and Eusterman (Editors).
The 1937 Yearbook of Medicine of General Medicine.
The Year Book Publishers.
Pages slightly tanned.Top of spine has three small tears. Name stamped on bottom page edges. Contents are clean. Good. Hardcover.
Dick,George F.;Amberson,J.Burns;Minot,George
The 1938 Year Book of General Medicine.
The Year Book Publishers.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Dickinson, W. Howship.
A Treatise on Albuminuria (Second Edition, Illustrated. Wood's Library of Standard Medical Authors).
William Wood and Company.
Pages tanned. Corners slightly bumped otherwise Good. Hardcover.
DiFabio, Anthony.
Rheumatoid Diseases Cured At Last.
Rheumatoid Disease Foundation.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Dingey, Shannon.
Behind the Curtain.
B&T Publishing Services.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 9798988016533.
Donhauser, J. Lewi.
A Surgical Diagnosis (Illustrated).
D. Appleton Company.
Pages tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Dorris, Michael.
The Broken Cord: A Family's Ongoing Struggle With Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.
Harper & Row.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0060916826.
Doyle, Patrick J. and James E. Banta.
How to Travel the World and Stay Healthy.
Acropolis Books.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Dreyfus, W.E.
The Hospital Formulary of the Department of Public Charities and the Department of Bellevue and Allied Hospitals of the City of New York (Sixth Revised Edition).
Department of Public Charities City of New York.
Pages tanned. Outer spine is present but detached. Cover edges rubbed otherwise contents clean and tight. Hardcover.
Druitt, Robert.
The Principles and Practice of Modern Surgery (A New American Edition From the Last and Improved London Edition. Illustrated with one hundred and ninety - three wood engravings.
Lea and Blanchard.
Pages tanned. Bottom third of the first forty pages have a moisture stain. Front cover has a moisture stain. Corners are bumped and worn. Contents are slightly foxed but are tight and legible. Hardcover.
Drury, A.G. and Weaver, Walter B.
In Memoriam: Dr. James C. Whittaker (Meeting of the Academy of Medicine of Cincinnati, June 25, 1900).
Press of S. Rosenthal and Company.
Pages tanned. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Drysdale, Thomas M.
Biographical Memoir of Washington Lemuel Atlee (Article reprinted from Gynecologcal Transactions).
Gyneecological Transactions.
Pages slightly tanned. Unbound signature with small hole at top of front page otherwise Clean and Tight. Paperback.
Dujardin-Beaumetz, Georges .
Diseases of the Stomach and Intestines: A manual of Clinical Therapeutics For the Student and Practitioner (Translated from the Fourth French Edition by E.P. Hurd: With Illustrations and one Chromo-Lithograph).
William Wood and Company.
Pages tanned. Covers scuffed andslightly discolored. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Duncan, J. Matthews.
Clinical Lectures on the Diseases of Women Delivered in Saint Bartholomew's Hospital.
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Top of spine is worn. Outside of front cover is stamped 'The Property of Lea Brothers & Co.' Stamp on title page reads ' Mutilated Copy Property of Lea Brothers & Co.' which was stamped on every office copy volume when they arrived from the printer. Contents are clean and tight. . Hardcover.
Edelson,Paul J.
Adopting Osler's Principles:Medical Textbooks In American Medical Schools 1891-1906(A research paper presented at the sixty-fifth annual meeting of the American Association for the History of Medicine.Updated and presented at the Center for the Study of Society and Medicine Columbia University and at the Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases The New York Hospital.Presentations took place between April 30 and July 1,1992.) .
Papercovers.A 28 page typed research paper that is tanned.Title page slightly scuffed otherwise text is clean. Paperback.
Editors of Esquire Magazine.
The Art of Keeping Fit: Or How the Successful Male Can Avoid Going to Seed.
Harper and Brothers.
Pages tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Editors of FC&A.
High Blood Pressure Lowered Naturally: Your Arteries Can Clean Themselves!.
FC&A Publishing.
Corners slightly bumped otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0915099683.
Editors of Prevention Magazine.
Your Emotional Health and Well-Being: How to Cope with Stress and Feel Better Fast.
Longmeadow Press.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0681407174.
Editors of Time LIfe Books.
Your Baby's First Year (Including the final Countdown to Delivery. This book was produced for Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories).
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Eichenlaub, John E.
A Minnesota Doctor's Home Remedies For Common and Uncommon Ailments (Second Ed).
Pages tanned otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0135845327.
Eiger, Marvin S. and Olds, Sally Wendkos.
The Complete Book of Breastfeeding ( Illustrated ).
Workman Publishing.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Einhorn, Max.
Diseases of the Intestines: A Textbook for Practioners and Students of Medicine (Second Revised Edition. Illustrated).
William Wood and Company.
Pages slightly tanned. Slight wear on top and bottom of spine. Corners slightly bumped. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Einhorn, Max.
Diseases of the Stomach: A Textbook For Practitioners and Students (Third Revised Edition).
William Wood and Company.
Pages slightly tanned. Top and bottom of spine is slightly worn. Inside of front hinge is solid but paper is cracked. Contents are clean. Hardcover.
Elling, Ray E.
Cross-National Study of Health Systems: Concepts, Methods, and Data Sources: A Guide to Information Sources (Volume 2 in the Health Affairs Information Guide Series).
Gale Research.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0810314495.
Elling, Ray H.
Cross-National Study of Health Systems: Countries, World Regions, & Special Problems: A Guide to Information Sources (Vol. 3 in the Health Affairs Information Guide Series).
Gale Research.
Good plus.(Book is in the original shrink wrap.)NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Ellis, Edward.
A Practical Manual of the Diseases of Children: With a Formulary (Third Edition. Wood's Library of Standard Medical Authors).
William Wood and Company.
Pages tanned. Covers slightly scuffed. End pages slightly foxed. Three small holes in front hinge. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Ellis, Edward.
A Practical Manual of the Diseases of Children: With a Formulary (Third Edition. Wood's Library of Standard Medical Authors. On the inside of the front cover is the following;'Homer E. Smith Colored Hospital February 1879.' Dr. Smith practiced in Norwich, New York.).
William Wood and Company.
Pages tanned.Top of spin is well worn and torn. Corners bumped and worn. On inside of front cover is printed the following; Homer E. Smith, M.D. Colored Hospital February 1879. End pages slightly foxed. Contents clean and tight. Hardcover.
Elman, Robert.
Parental Alimentation In Surgery With Special Reference to Proteins and Amino Acids (Revised First Edition. This monograph was awarded the quinquennial Samuel D. Gross Prize of the PHiladelphia Academy of Surgery fro 1945.).
Paul B. Hoeber, Inc.
Triangular piece missing from front end page. Pages slightly tanned. Cover slightly scuffed otherwise Good. Hardcover.
Emerson, Charles Phillips and Taylor, Jane Elizabeth.
Essentials of Medicine: The Basis of Nursing Care: Sixteenth Edition, Revised and Reset (190 Illustrations, Including 4 Subjects in Full Color).
J. B. Lippincott Company.
Pages tanned. Corners slightly bumped. Name on front end page. Minor tear on title page. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Endelman, Julio and Wagner, A.F.
General and Dental Pathology: With Special Reference to Etiology and Pathologic Anatomy-A Treatise for Students and Practitioners 9With 200 Illustrations, of which 340 in the Section on Dental Pathology are Original, and Four Colored Plates).
The C.V. Mosby Company.
Pages slightly tanned. Front cover slightly scuffed. Contents are clean and tight. . Hardcover.
Engelmajer, L.
The Patriarch: Hope For The Drug-addicts.
Imprenta Popular.
Lower right corner of front cover slightly bent otherwise Good Plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 8430093591.
Engstrom, Arne.
X-Ray Microanalysis In Biology & Medicine.
Two tears on the outside rear hinge otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Erichsen, John Eric.
The Science and Art of Surgery: Being a Treatise on Surgical Injuries, Diseases, and Operations (A New Edition, Enlarged and Carefully Revised by the Author; Illustrated by upwards of 700 Engravings on Wood. TWO VOLUME SET.)).
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Cover edges are rubbed and worn. Name on title pages. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Evans, F. Gaynor.
Atlas of Human Anatomy: Simplified (Illus.).
Littlefield, Adams & Co.
Good Plus. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Evans, H.M.
On the Occurence of Newly-Formed Lymphatic Vessels In Malignant Growths, with a Demonstration of Their Origin and In Growth, In the Metastases of a Round-celled Sarcoma (Pamphlet of findings from the Pathological Labatory of the Johns Hopkins University).
Johns Hopkins University.
Pages tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Ewald, C.A.
The Diseases of the Stomach (Translted and edited, with numerous additions, from the third German edition by Morris Manges, A.M. M.D. Second Revised Edition.
D. Appleton Company.
Pages slightly tanned. Top and bottom of spine is worn especially at the top of front hinge. Corners are worn. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Fantus, Bernard.
The Technic of Medication: Discussion of the Methods of Prescribing and Preparing, the Indications for, and the Uses of Various Medicaments.
American Medical Association.
Pages tanned. Name on front end page. Corners are bumped and worn otherwise Good. . Hardcover.
Farquharson, Maire.
Natural Detox (Cleanse your - body with purifiynig diets. Rejuvenate your mind and spirit with relaxation techniques. Energize your home with Feng Shui).
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 1862043337.
Farre, Frederic John; Bentley, Robert and Warington, Robert.
Manual of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. Being An Abridgement of the Late Dr. Pereira's Elements of Materia Medica Arranged in Conformity with the British Pharmacopoeia and Adapted to the Use of Medical Practitioners, Chemists and Druggists (Illustrated with 236 wood engravings).
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Top of spine is worn and torn. Bottom of spine is missing 1/4 inch strip. Top of rear hinge is cracked. Corners are worn. Two labels on outer spine. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Faust, B.C.
Catechism of Health for the Use of Schools and for Domestic Instruction.
Arno Press and The New York Times.
1972 reprint of 1794 edition.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0405039514.
Feinberg, Samuel M.
Asthma, Hay Fever & Related Disorders: A Guide for Patients.
Lea & Febiger.
Front cover slightly creased otherwise Good. Hardcover.
Feinstein, Alice and Editors of Prevention Magazine.
Prevention's Healing With Vitamins: The Most Effective Vitamin and Mineral Treatments For Everyday Health Problems and Serious Disease-From Allergies and Arthritis to Water Retention and Wrinkles.
Rodale Press.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0875962920.
Fellman, Anita Clair and Michael Fellman.
Making Sense of Self: Medical Advice Literature in Late Nineteeth Century America.
University of Pennsylvania Press.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0812278100.
Fergusson, William.
A System of Practical Surgery (Fourth American Edition from the third and enlarged-London edition with three hundred and ninety-three illustrations.
Blanchard and Lea.
Pages tanned. Name on top of front end page. Small crack on top of front hinge. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Fernandez-Caballero, Carols.
Emergency Medical Services Systems: A Guide to Information Sources (Vol. 9 in the Health Affairs Information Guide Series.
Gale Research.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0810315033.
Fernando, C. Kumarlal and Weiss, Rana.
Fight Back: The Intelligent Person's Guide To Care Of The Back.
Forest Hill Institute For Back Pain, Inc.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0865160538.
Fisher, J. Herbert.
Ophthalmological Anatomy (With Some Illustrative Cases).
Hodder and Stoughton (London).
Pages tanned. Top of spine is worn. Small hole on front hinge. Good. Hardcover.
Flett, Maureen.
Swiss Ball: For Strength, Tone, And Posture.
PRC Publishing.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 185648663X.
Flint, Austin.
A Manual of Auscultation and Percussion Embracing the Physical Diagnosis of Diseases of the Lungs and Heard, and of Thoracic Aneurism (Fifth Edition, Thoroughly Revised bby J.C. Wilson. Illustrated with wood - cuts).
Lea Brothers.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom of spine are worn. Top of Outer front hinge is cracked. Corners are bumped and worn. Contents are clean. . Hardcover.
Flint, Austin.
A Manual of Ausultation and Percussion: Embracing the Physical Diagnosis of Diseases of the Lungs and Heart, and of Thoracic Aneurism (Fifth Edition, Thoroughly Revised-Illustrated with wood-cuts).
Lea Brothers.
Pages tanned.Label on outer spine. Top and bottom of spine slightly worn. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Flint, Austin.
A Manual of Physical Diagnosis (Ninth Edition, Revised by Henry C. Thacher. Illustrated).
Lea and Febiger.
Pages slightly tanned. Small sticker on outer spine that states "Office Copy" otherwise Good Plus. Hardcover.
Flint, Austin.
A Treatise on the Principles and Practice of Medicine; Designed for the Use of Practitioners and Students of Medicine (Fourth Edition, Carefully Revised).
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Cover edges and corners are worn. "Sold by Clendening Medical Library" stamped (one inch x one and one half inch) on title page. Inside of front cover and front end page have the residue of a sticker or tape used by the Missouri Medical College and Hospital whose label is on front end page. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Flint, Austin.
A Treatise On The Principles And Practice Of Medicine; Designed For The Use Of Practitioners And Students Of Medicine. ( Fourth Edition ).
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Covers scuffed. Cover edges worn. Name on front end page and title page. Contents are clean and tight. Good. Hardcover.
Flint, Austin.
A Treatise on the Principles and Practices of Medicine; Designed for the Use of Practitioners and Students of Medicine (Sixth Edition, Revised and Largely Rewritten by the Author).
Lea Brothers and Co.
Pages tanned. Outside cloth of rear hinge is cracked. Top and bottom of spine are worn. Cover edges and corners are worn. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Fluhmann, Frederic.
The Management of Menstrual Disorders (with 121 illustrations).
W.B. Saunders.
Rear cover slightly scuffed otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Foley, Denise; Nechas, Eileen and Wallis, Lila A.
Women's Encyclopedia Of Health And Emotional Healing: Top Women Doctors Share Their Unique Self-Help Advice On Your Body, Your Feelings And Your Life.
Rodale Press.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0875961517.
Forchheimer, Frederick (Editor).
Therapeusis of Internal Diseases (Volume I-General Therapy; Organotherapeutics; vaccine and serum therapy; hydrotherapy and balneology; the principles of medical climatology; massage and gymnastics; mechanotherapy; electrotherapeutics; radiant light and heat therapy; radium therapy; X-ray therapy; psychotherapy; nutrition and dietetics; toxicology).
D. Appleton Company.
Pages tanned. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Forchheimer, Frederick (Editor).
Therapeusis of Internal Diseases (Volume IV-Diseases of the kidneys; diseases of the bladder; diseases of the male sexual organs; diseases of the nervous system; tropical Diseaes).
D. Appleton Company.
Pages tanned. Corners slightly worn otherwise GOOD. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Forchheimer, Frederick (Editor).
Therapeusis of Internal Diseases: General Index.
D. Appleton and Company.
Pages tanned. Edge of front cover has slightly indentation that can be seen on the outer edges of the first twenty-five pages otherwise Good. Hardcover.
Fothergill, J. Milner.
The Antagonism of Therapeutic Agents: And What It Teaches. The Essay to Which was Awarded the Fothergillan Gold Medal of the Medical Society of London for 1878.
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Top of spine has a one inch strip missing. Bottom of spine is worn and torn. Bottom of front hinge is cracked. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Fothergill, J. Milner.
The Practitioner's Handbook of Treatment or, The Principles of Therapeutics.
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom of outer spine are worn. Cover edges and corners are worn. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Fox, Herbert.
Elementary Bacteriology and Protozoology For the Use Of Nurses (Third Edition illustrated with 68 engravings and six colored plates.).
Lea and Febiger.
Pages tanned. Small label on outer spine. Minor text marks usually adjacent to an illustration. Contents are otherwise clean and tight. Hardcover.
Frankel, Mark.
Genetic Technology: Promises & Problems (Project sponsored by National Aeronautics & Space Administration).
U.S. Dept. of Commerce.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Frankel, Mark S.
The Public Health Service Guidelines Governing Research Involving Human Subjects: An Analysis Of The Policy-Making Process (This paper focuses on the policy-making process which led to development of the Public Health Service Guidelines governing research involving human subjects. A Xerox copy of the original paper provided by NTIS).
George Washington University.
Papercovers. Xerox microcopy. Good. Periodical.
French, S. H.
Biographical Sketch Of The Medical Profession Of Broome County, Read Before The Broome County Medical Society, At Its Annual Meeting, October 7, 1851. ( A sixty-three page printing published by direction of the Society. ).
Office Of Binghamton Democrat.
Pages slightly tanned. Covers are missing. Title is the first page and is chipped along the outer edges and along the spine. Contents are clean. . Paperback.
Frerichs, Fried. Theod.
A Clinical Treatise on Diseases of the Liver (Translated by Charles Murchison) In Three Volumes. VOLUME III ONLY. Illustrated Wood's Library of Standard Medical Authors).
Wm. Wood and Company.
Pages tanned. Covers slightly scuffed. Corners slightly bumped otherwise Good. Hardcover.
Frerichs, Fried. Theod.
A Clinical Treatise On Diseases Of The Liver. In three volumes. VOLUME I ONLY.
Wm. Wood and Company.
Pages tanned. corners slightly bumped. Good. Hardcover.
Frerichs, Fried. Theod.
A Clinical Treatise on Diseases of the Liver: In Three Volumes. VOLUME II ONLY (Translated by Charles Murchison, M.D. Wood's Library of Standard Medical Authors).
Wm. Wood and Company.
Pages tanned. Top edge of rear cover is well worn and torn. Outer page edges are dust dirty. Contents are clean. READING COPY. Hardcover.
Friedman, Lawrence J.
Menniger: The Family and the Clinic.
Alfred A. Knopf.
Good Plus. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0394535693.
Fritsch, Heinrich.
The Diseases of Women: A Manual For Physicians and Students (Translated by Isidor Furst; With 159 Wood Engravings).
William Wood and Company.
Pages tanned.Small tear and hole in outer spine cloth midway from top to bottom. Corners slightly bumped. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Fritschle, Linda C. de Wolfe.
Pocket Reference to Health Disorders.
Rowman & Allanheld.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0865981264.
Fuchs, Dr. Ernst.
Textbook of Ophthalmology: Authorized Translation from the Eleventh Revised and Greatly Enlarged German Edition with Numerous Additions by Alexander Duane (With 241 Illustrations).
J.B. Lippincott Company.
Pages tanned. Covers slightly scuffed. Inside of front and rear hinges is cracked and loose. Plates are detached but present in the volume. Volume is in fair condition. Hardcover.
Galambos, Louis with Sewell, Jane Eliot.
Networks of Innovation: Vaccine Development at Merck, Sharp, and Dohme, and Mulford, 1895-1995.
Cambridge University Press.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 052162620X.
Galdston, Iago., ed.
Medicine and Science: Lectures to The Laity, No. XVI (The New York Academy of Medicine).
International Universities Press.
Name on front end page otherwise Good Plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Gaynor, Alan.
Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Cosmetic Surgery But Couldn't Afford To Ask (A Complete look at the latest techniques and why they are safer and less expencive, by one of the most prominent cosmetic surgeons.).
Broadway Books.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0767901711.
Giller, Robert M. and Kathy Matthews.
Natural Prescriptions: Dr. Giller's Natural Treatments and Vitamin Therapies for Over 100 Common Ailments.
Carol Southern Books.
1994 - 1st ed.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0517586894.
Ginzberg, Eli.
American Medicine: The Power Shift (A Collection of essays by one of the foremost experts on this subject. The essays confront the unsolved problems facing the American health care system and attempts to identify preferred solutions).
Rowman and Allanheld.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0847674398.
Ginzberg, Eli.
From Health Dollars to Health Services: New York City 1965-1985 (Studies the changes on the American health care front since 1965, when Medicare and Medicard were passed).
Rowman and Allanheld.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0847674401.
Ginzberg, Eli and Ostow, Miriam.
The Coming Physician Surplus: In Search of a Public Policy (Outstanding authorities present a collection of seven articles will abundant supportive data reflecting demographic research, program analysis, specialization scenarios and econometrics related to the shift from physician shortage to physicians surplus).
Rowman and Allanheld.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0847673642.
Gluckstein, Fritz.
Microbial & Parasitic Foodborne Infections & Intoxications: A Selective Annotated Bibliography (National Library of Medicine Reference Services).
U.S. Dept. of H.E.W.
Papercovers. Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Golant, Stephen M.
A Place to Grow Old: The Meaning of Environment in Old Age.
Columbia University Press.
Pages slightly tannned. Tape residue on front end page otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0231048408.
Gold,Ann and Briller,Sara Welles.
Diet Watchers Guide.
Grosset and Dunlap.
Good Plus. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0448011360.
Goldstein, Doris Mueller.
Bioethics: A Guide to Information Sources [Vol. 8 in the Health Affairs Information Guide Series].
Gale Research.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0810315025.
Goodman, Joseph I.
Diet and Live: A Guide to Corrective Eating (Menus, dietary interpretation, and helpful tips by Alice Propot Hoover. Consultant in Diet Therapy).
The World Publishing Company.
1966 First Edition.
Pages tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Goodwillie, D.H.
Anchylosis Of the Telporo-Maxillary Articulation of Long Standing; Fracture of the Right Condyle; A Trophy of the Depressors and Contraction of the Elevator Muscle of the Interior Maxillary (Article reprinted from The New York Medical Journal).
D. Appleton.
Pages tanned. Library stamp on top right corner of front cover. Slight crease down the center otherwise Good. Paperback.
Goss, Charles Mayo.
A Brief Account of Henry Gray F.R.S. and His Anatomy, Descriptive and Surgical: During a Century of Its Publications in America.
Lea and Febiger.
Pages tanned. Covers scuffed. Title page has two stapled tears otherwise Good. Paperback.
Gould, George M.
Biographic Clinics Volume V: Essays Concerning the Influence of Visual Function, Pathologic and Physiologic, Upon the Health of Patients.
P. Blakiston's Son and Co.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom of spine worn. End pages slightly scuffed. Pages clean and tight. Hardcover.
Gould, George M.
The Role of Visual Function in Animal and Human Evolution (A pamphlet reprinted from the New York Medical Record.).
The New York Medical Record.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Gould, George M. and Pyle, Walter L.
A Compend of the Diseases of the Eye and Refraction Including Treatment and Surgery (Second Edition,Revised and Enlarged. One Hundred and nine illustrations, several in color.).
P. Blakiston's Son and Company.
Pages tanned. Top of spine is worn. Corners slightly bumped. Name on front end page. Contents are clean. Hardcover.
Grant, Taylor.
Health Matters: 8 Steps That Can Save Your Life-And Your Family's Health.
John Wiley and Sons.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 9780470045725.
Gray, Henry.
Anatomy of the Human Body: Twenty-Eighth Edition, Edited by Charles Mayo Goss (1182 Illustrations, mostly in color).
Lea and Febiger.
Pages slightly tanned. Institutional Copy with hospital name stamped on end pages and outer page edges otherwise Good. Hardcover.
Green, Lawrence W.
The Professional & Scientific Literature on Patient Education: A Guide to Information Sources (Vol. 5 in the Health Affairs Information Guide Series).
Gale Research.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0810314223.
Green, T. Henry.
An Introduction to Pathology and Morbid Anatomy (Fourth American from the Fifth Revised and Enlarged English edition with one hundred and thirty-eight fine engravings).
Henry C. Lea's Son and Company.
Pages tanned.Top edge of spine is torn. Bottom of spine is slightly worn.Label on outer spine. Corners bumped. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Green, T. Henry.
An Introduction to Pathology and Morbid Anatomy (Second American Edition from the Third Revised and Enlarged English Edition-Illustrated by 111 Engravings on Wood).
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Top of spine has 1/4 inch strip missing. Bottom of spine is wornLabel on outer spine. Corners are well worn. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Green, T. Henry.
An Introduction to Pathology and Morbid Anatomy (Sixth American From Seventh English Edition illustrated by 167 fine engravings.).
Lea Brothers and Company.
Pages tanned. One inch at top edge of the spine is missing. Bottom of spine is worn and torn. Label on outer spine. Corners bruised and well worn. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Green, T. Henry.
An Introduction to Pathology and Morbid Anatomy (Third American Edition From the Fourth Revised and Enlarged English Edition With One hundred and thirty-two illustrations).
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Cloth at top and bottom of spine is worn and torn. Top of front hinge has a tear. Rear hinge has a three inch tear in the center. Covers scuffed. Name on front end page and title pages otherwise contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Green, T. Henry.
An Introduction To Pathology and Morbid Anatomy. ( Third American Edition from the Fourth Revised and enlarged English edition. One hundred and thirty-two illustrations.).
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom of spine is worn. Label on outer spine. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Green, T. Henry.
An Introduction to Pathology and Morbid Anatomy: Fifth American from the Sixth Revised and Enlarged English Edition, with 150 Engravings).
Henry C. Lea's Son and Company.
Pages tanned.Top of spine is worn and torn. Horizontal tear from front hinge to rear hinge and along the top of the hinge. Bottom of spine is worn. Labelon outer spine. Corners slightly bumped and worn. End pages scuffed. Contents are tight and legible. Hardcover.
Greene, Robert Holmes and Brooks, Harlow.
Diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs and the Kidney (Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged; With 323 Illustrations).
W. B. Saunders and Co.
Pages slightly tanned. Leather hinges are worn. Cover edges and corners are worn. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Griscom, John H.
Anniversary Discourse, Before the New York Academy of Medicine. Delivered in Clinton Hall, November 22, 1854.
New York Academy of Medicine.
Pages slightly tanned. Paper covers are missing otherwise contents are clean and tight. Paperback.
Grob, Gerald N.
Edward Jarvis: and the Medical World of Nineteenth-Century Amercia.
The University of Tennessee Press.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 087049239X.
Gross, Martin L.
The Doctors (Sections include the Doctor and the Patient; Who are the Doctors; The Making of the Doctors; The Family Doctor; The Doctor as Professional.).
Random House.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Gross, Samuel D.
A Practical Treatise On The Diseases And Injuries Of The Urinary Bladder, The Prostate Gland, And The Urethra. ( Illustrated ).
Blanchard and Lea.
An unbound volume. Pages tanned. Tears exist on pages 121, 207, 241, 257, 263, 281, 305, 337, 527, 531, 601, 603, 625, 649, 651. Page 669 is defaced. Hardcover.
Gross, Samuel D.
A System of Surgery; Pathological, Diagnostic, Therapeutic and Operative (Illustrated by Upwards of 1300 Engravings-Fourth Edition, Carefully Revised and Improved. In Two Volumes).
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Both volumes are bound in paper for use at the publisher's office. The spines of each volume are cracked but the contents are clean and intact. This set is worth rebinding. Hardcover.
Gullberg, Robert M.
75 Nasty! Infections (You never want to get and that I see daily): A Pictorial Guide. ( Author is a Infectious Disease Specialist.).
ISBN: 9798440877740.
Gullberg, Robert M.
Mnemonics for Medicine: Over 200 Differential Diagnoses and Other Pearls For Providers and Students Seeing Adult Patients.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 9798506752288.
Guy, William Augustus and Harley, John.
Hooper's Physician's Vade Mecum: A Manual of the Principles and Practice of Physic; With an Outline of General Pathology, Therapeutics, and Hygiene (Tenth Edition- TWO VOLUME SET -Wood's Library of Standard Medical Authors).
William Wood and Company.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Guy, William Augustus and Harley, John.
Hooper's Physician's Vade Mecum: A Manual of the Principles and Practice of Physic; with An Outline Of General Pathology, Therapeutics, And Hygiene. Tenth Edition. VOLUME II ONLY.
William Wood and Company.
Pages tanned. End pages foxed but little foxing on text pages. Top one inch of front cover stained on the outside but text is not affected. Covers scuffed. Corners slightly bumped. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Halliburton, W.D.
Kirkes' Handbook of Physiology (Nineteenth Edition with nearly 700 Illustrations).
P. Blakiston's Son and Company.
Pages tanned. Covers scuffed. Contents are clean and tight. . Hardcover.
Halliday, Ayun.
The Big Rumpus: a Mother's Tale from the Trenches.
Seal Press.
Corners bumped. Contents are clean and tight. Good Reading Copy. Paperback.
ISBN: 1580050719.
Halsted, W.S.
A Contribution to the Surgery of Foreign Bodies (Reprinted from Contributions to the Science of Medicine, dedicated by his Pupils to William Henry Welch, upon the twenty-fifth Anniversary of his Doctorate.).
Johns Hopkins Hospital Reports.
Circa 1900.
Paper covers are worn along the edges. Along the spine front cover and first pages are spotted otherwise Good. Hardcover.
Hamilton, Allan McLane.
Nervous Diseases: Their Description and Treatment: A Manual for Students and Practitioners of Medicine (Second Edition-Revised and Enlarged with 72 illustrations).
Henry C. Lea's Son and Company.
Pages tanned. Covers and outer spine are present but detached. Text is intact and clean. Hardcover.
Hamilton, Frank Hastings.
A Practical Treatise on Fractures and Dislocations (Eighth Edition. Revised and Edited by Stephen Smith. Illustrated with Five Hundred and Seven Woodcuts).
Lea Brothers and Co.
Pages tanned. Outer part of the front hinge is worn. Label on outer spine. Corners bumped and worn. Contents are clean and intact. Hardcover.
Hamilton, Frank Hastings.
A Practical Treatise on Fractures and Dislocations (Fourth Edition. Revised and improved. Illustrated with three hundred and twenty-two wood-cuts.).
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Top of spine and hinges are well worn as are top corners. Cover edges worn. Label on spine chipped along the edge. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Hamman, Louis and Wolman, Samuel.
Tuberculin in Diagnosis and Treatment (Illustrated).
D. Appleton and Company.
Pages tanned.Spine Cover edges are worn. Corners are bumped and lower corners are worn. Name on front end page. Contents are clean. Hardcover.
Hammarsten, Olof .
A Textbook of Physiological Chemistry: Authorized Translation from the Author's Enlarged and Revised Seventh German Edition (Sixth Edition).
John Wiley and Sons.
Pages tanned. Covers slightly scuffed. Corners bumped. Edges of title page are torn. Institution stamp on top of title page. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Hammarsten, Olof and Mandel, John A.
A Textbook of Physiological Chemistry (By Olof Hammarsten: Authorized Translation from the Author's Enlarged and Revised Seventh German Edition by John A. Mandel-Sixth Edition).
John Wiley and Sons.
Pages tanned. Covers scuffed. Corners slightly bumped. Outer page edges dust dirty otherwise Good. . Hardcover.
Han, S.S., ed.
Symposium on the Mechanism of Exocrine Secretion.
Dental Research Institute Univ. of Michigan.
Front cover slightly scuffed otherwise Good Plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Hannaway, Caroline; Brieger, Gert (Editors).
Bulletin of the History of Medicine Volume 64, Number 2 (Includes: Adieu; Making It In Urban Medicine: A Career in the Age of Scientific Medicine; Blood and Soil: The Serology of the Aryan Racial State; "A House of Cure": The Antebellum South Carolina Lunatic Asylum; On Measuring Sex Hormones: The Role of Biological Assays in Sexualizing Chemical Substances; Pioneering in Family-Centered Maternity and Infant Care: Edith B. Jackson and the Yale Rooming-in Research Project; Medico-Historical News and Activities; Book Reviews).
The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Corners slightly bumped otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK . Periodical.
Hansell, Howard F. and Reber, Wendell.
The Ocular Muscles: A Practical Handbook on the Muscular Anomalies of the Eye (Second Edition, Rewritten, Enlarged with 3 Plates and 82 Other Illustrations).
P. Blakiston's Son and Company.
Pages tanned. Corners slightly bumped. Contents are clean and tight. Good. Hardcover.
Hansen, Helen F.
A Review of Nursing: With Outlines of Subjects Questions and Answers-Fourth Edition, Revised.
W. B. Saunders Company.
Pages slightly tanned. Text notes in pencil. Name on title page. Good Reading Copy. Hardcover.
Hare, Hobart Amory.
A Textbook of Practical Therapeutics: With Especial Reference to the Application of Remedial Measures to Diseases and their Employment upon a Rational Basis (Illustrated with 113 Engravings and 4 Colored Plates. Tenth Edition, Enlarged, Thoroughly Revised.).
Lea Brothers and Company.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom of spine are worn and torn. Corners well worn. Covers scuffed. Cover loose but not detached. Contents are clean. Hardcover.
Hare, Hobart Amory.
Practical Diagnosis: The Use of Symptoms in the Diagnosis of Disease (Illustrated with 201 Engravings and 13 Colored Plates-Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged).
Lea Brothers and Company.
Pages tanned. Book plate on inside of front cover. Contents are clean and tight. Good. Hardcover.
Hare, Hobart Amory.
Symptoms in the Diagnosis of Disease (Eighth Edition, Thoroughly Revised. Illustrated with 195 Engravings and 9 Plates).
Lea and Febiger.
Pages slightly tanned. Corners are bumped. Contents are clean and tight. Good. Hardcover.
Hare, Hobart Amory (Editor).
A System of Practical Therapeutics ( FOUR VOLUMES. Illustrated.).
Lea Brothers and Co.
pages tanned. Some corners are bumped. Rear hinge of volume II has extensive wear and is cracked in spots. Front hinge of volume III is worn and cracked in spots. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Haring, Bernard.
Medical Ethics.
Fides Publishing.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 081900460X.
Harpham, Wendy Schlessel.
After Cancer: A Guide to Your New Life.
W.W. Norton.
1994 - 1st ed.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0393036642.
Harrar, Sari (Editor).
The Sugar Solution: Balance Your Blood Sugar Naturally to Beat Disease, Lose Weight, Gain Energy, and Feel Great.
Rodale / st. Martin's Press.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 1579549128.
Hartshorne, Henry.
A Conspectus Of The Medical Sciences: Comprising Manuals Of Anatomy, Physiology, Chemistry, Materia Medica, Practice of Medicine, Surgery, and Obstetrics for the Use of Students. ( Second Edition ).
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Covers present but detached. contents clean and intact. Hardcover.
Hartshorne, Henry.
Essentials of the Priniciples and Practice of Medicine: A Handbook for Students and Practitioners (Fifth Edition, thoroughly revised and improved with 144 illustrations).
Henry C. Lea's Son and Co.
Pages tanned. Top of spine is worn and torn. Top of front hinge is cracked . Corners are bumped and worn. Book plate on the inside of front cover. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Hatcher, Robert A. and Sollmann, Torald.
A Textbook of Materia Medica: Including Labortory Exercises in the Histologic and Chemic Examination of Drugs for Pharmaceutic and Medical Schools and for Home Study (Illustrated).
W. B. Saunders Company.
Pages slightly tanned. Leather covers are well worn along the edges and at the top and bottom of the spine. Outer hinges are worn and front hinge is loose. Book plate on inside of front cover. Contents are clean. Hardcover.
Hatcher, Robert A. and Wilbert, Martin I.
The Pharmacopeia and the Physician: A Series of Articles which Originally Appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Discussing the Chief Substances in the U.S. Pharmacopeia, Classifying them According to their Uses and Describing their methods of combination and How They May Take the Place of Many Proprietary Preparations for which Extravant Claims Have Been Made.
American Medical Association Press.
Pages slightly tanned. Tear at the bottom of the front end page. Book plate on inside of front cover. Contents are clean. Good. Hardcover.
Hawk, Philip B.
Practical Physiological Chemistry: A Book Designed for Use in Courses in Practical Physiological Chemistry in Schools of Medicine and of Science (Seventh Edition, Revised With Two Full-PAge Plates of Absorption Spectra in Colors. Four Additional Full-Page Color Plates and 192 Figures of which 12 are in Colors).
P. Blakiston's Son and Company.
Pages tanned. Name on front end page. Covers scuffed. Corners bumped and slightly worn. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Hawthorn, John.
Foundations of Food Science.
W.H. Freeman and Company.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0716712954.
Hayden, James R.
Venereal Diseases- A Manual for Students and Practitioners (Fourth Edition, Thoroughly Revised. Illustrated with 133 Engravings).
Lea and Febiger.
Pages tanned. Small Sticker on the spine. Contents are clean. Good. Hardcover.
Hayes, Albert H.
The Science of Life; Self-Preservation, A Medical Treatise on Nervous and Physical Debility, Spermatorrahea, Impotence and Sterility with Practical Observations on the Treatment of Diseases of the Generative Organs .
Peabody Medical Institute.
Pages tanned.A resolution from the National Medical Association dated 1/1/1876 is tipped in on front end page. First three pages are loose otherwise volume is clean and tight. Hardcover.
Headland, Frederick William.
The Action of Medicines in the System;"On the mode in which therapeutic agents introduced into the stomach produce their peculiar effects on the animal economy." (Being the prize essay to which the Medical Society of London Awarded the Fothergillian Gold Medal For MDCCCLII. Second American Edition from the Second Revised and Enlarged London Edition).
Lindsay and Blakiston.
Pages slightly tanned and slightly foxed. Bookplate on the inside of front cover. Contents are clean and tight.Good. Hardcover.
Heath, Christopher.
Practical Anatomy: A Manual of Dissections (First American from the Second English Edition. Edited with assitions by William W. Keen. Illustrated).
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Top edge of spine is cracked with small pieces at the front and rear hinge connections missing. Rear hinge has a four inch vertical crack. Outer spine has a vertical crack about midway. Corners are bumped. Contents are clean and intact. Fair. Hardcover.
Heck, W.H.
The Health of School Children (Contributions from American Medical Journals-July, 1913 to July, 1914. United States Bureau of Education Bulletin Number 4, Whole Number 628).
Government Printing Office.
Front cover is torn at spine and along the right side 1/2 inch is missing. Library name stamped on front cover and on title page otherwise clean, tight. Paperback.
Hedrick, Jerry L.
The Molecular and Cellular Biology of Fertilization (Advances in Experimental Medicind and Biology).
Plenum Press.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Helferich, Heinrich.
Atlas and Epitome of Traumatic Fractures and Dislocations (Fifth Edition, Revised and enlarged with 216 colored illustrations on 64 lithographic plates and 190 figures in the text. Authorized translation from the German, edited by Joesph C. Bloodgood).
W. B. Saunders and Co.
Pages slightly tanned. Name on title page. Contents clean and tight. Good. Hardcover.
Hellerstein, David.
A Family of Doctors (Five generations of a family whose devotion to the practice of medicine goes back to the years of the Civil War).
Hill and Wang.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0809042056.
Hellerstein, Herman and Perry, Paul.
Healing Your Heart: A Proven Program for Reversing Heart Disease Without Drugs or Surgery.
Simon and Schuster.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0671683233.
Hemmeter, John C.
Diseases of the Intestines: Their Special Pathology, Diagnosis, and Treatment. In Two Volumes. VOLUME I ONLY (With many Original Illustrations, some of which are in Colors).
P. Blakiston's Son and Company.
Pages tanned. Covers are loose. Corners slightly bumped. Contents are clean. Hardcover.
Heringhaus,Francis J.
Famous Men In Medical History:Austin Flint.
Journal M.S.M.S.
A seven page article.Pages stapled together.Page one has ink scuff marks that do not impair legibility. Paperback.
Hewlett, Albion Walter.
Pathological Physiology of Internal Diseases: Functional Pathology (With 151 Illustrations in Text).
D. Appleton and Company.
Pages tanned. Name on front end page. Bottom edge of spine is slightly worn. Contents are clean. Good. Hardcover.
Hildebrand, Otto.
Tuberculose and Scrophulose.
Verlag Von Ferdinand Enke.
Text in German. Pages tanned. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Hilfiker, David.
Healing the Wounds: A Physician Looks at His Work.
Good Plus. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0394542835.
Hill, Thomas J.
A Textbook of Oral Pathology (Fourth Edition, Thoroughly Revised with 314 Engravings).
Lea and Febiger.
Text pages slightly tanned..End pages tanned and name stamped on front end page. Contents are clean and tight. Good. Hardcover.
Hirsch, Rudolf (Editor).
A Catalogue of the Manuscripts and Archives of the Library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia (With an Introduction by Whitfield J. Bell, Jr.).
University of Pennsylvania Press.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0-8122-7817-8.
Hirst, Barton Cooke.
A Text-Book of Obstetrics (Fifth Edition, Revised and Enlarged with 767 Illustrations, 40 of them in Colors).
W.B. Saunders Company.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom of spine is worn with tears. Front hinge has a small tear. Corners are bumped and worn. Institutional stamp on inside of front cover and front end page. Some underlining. Hardcover.
Hoekstra, Elisabeth and Smith, Olivia Ramirez.
The Mother Earth effect: Connect To The Earth and Heal. (Foreword by Clinton Ober).
4biddenknowledge Inc.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 9798987122402.
Hoerr, Normand L. and Osol, Arthur.
Blakiston's Illustrated Pocket Medical Dictionary (Second Edition with 60 illustrations, 16 in color, on 24 plates).
McGraw-Hill Book Company.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Hoffmann, Frederick and Frederick B. Power.
A Manual of Chemical Analysis As Applied to the Examination of Medicinal Chemicals. A Guide For the Determination of Their Identity and Quality and or the Detection of Impurities and Adulterations for the Use of Pharmacists, Physicians, Druggists, Manufaturing Chemists and Pharmceutical and Medical Students (Third Edition. Thoroughly Revised and Greatly Enlarged).
Henry C. Lea's Son.
Pages tanned. Exterior side of front cover is stamped ' The Property of Lea Brothers & Co.' Labels on outer spine. Corners slightly bumped. Title page is stamped ' Mutilated Copy. Property of Lea Brothers & Co.'. These stampings were a standard practice to keep the copy in the publisher's office. No apparent defects are found. Contents are clean and tight. . Hardcover.
Hollars, B. J.
Year Of Plenty: A Family's Season Of Grief.
The University of Wisconsin Press.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 9780299347444.
Hollos, Joseph.
Immune-Blood Therapy of Tuberculosis: With Special References to Latent and Masked Tuberculosis.
Bruce Humphries, Inc.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Holmes, Timothy.
A Treatise on Surgery, Its Principles and Practice (With 411 Illustrations, Chiefly by Dr. Westmacott).
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom of spine are well worn. Top of front hinge is cracked and missing the top two inches of hinge. Corners are well worn. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Holmes, Timothy.
A Treatise on Surgery, Its Principles and Practice (With 428 Illustrations-Fifth Edition).
Lea Brothers and Company.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom of spine have edge cracks. Corners are bumped and slightly worn. Label on outer spine. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Holt, L. Emmett and Howland, John.
The Diseases of Infancy and Childhood-For the Use of Students and Practitioners of Medicine (Ninth Edition).
D. Appleton and Company.
Pages tanned. A few page edges at the end of the book have an edge stain that does not affect text of the index. Name on front end page. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Howard, Russell.
The House-Surgeon's Vade-Mecum (Illustrated).
Edward Arnold: London.
Pages tanned. Cloth on rear hinge is torn from the top of the book to the bottom. Contents are clean. Hardcover.
Howell, William H.
A Textbook of Physiology: For Medical Students and Physicians (Second Edition, Thoroughly Revised).
W. B. Saunders Company.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom of spine are worn. Top of front hinge has a one inch vertical tear. Corners are bumped and worn. Names on front end page. Some underlining in pencil in text. . Hardcover.
Howell, William H.
A Textbook of Physiology: For Medical Students and Physicians-Second Edition, Thoroughly Revised.
W. B. Saunders Company.
Pages tanned. Top of spine is worn with tears. Corners are slightly worn. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Howell, William H.
A Textbook of Physiology: For Medical Students and Physicians-Sixth Edition, Thoroughly Revised.
W. B. Saunders Company.
Pages tanned. Institutional name stamped on front end page. Contents are clean and tight. Good. Hardcover.
Humphrey, Susanne M.
Psychological Aspects of Asthma: Jan. 1968 Through Sept. 1970 (National Library of Medicine).
Hunter, John and Ricord, Philip.
A Treatise on the Venereal Disease (With copious additions by Dr. Philip Ricord. Translated and edited with notes by Freeman J. Bumstead. Second Edition, Revised containing a resume of Ricord's recent lectures on chanere). A classical treatise now quite rare.
Blanchard and Lea.
Pages tanned. Outer spine is missing and replaced by tape that is attached to the covers. Cover edges well worn. Corners are so worn that they no longer corners. Bottom of title page has an owner's stamp. Contents are intact and clean. Hardcover.
Hutchison, Joseph C.
A Treatise on Physiology and Hygiene: For Educational Institutions and General Readers. (Fully Illustrated).
Clark and Maynard, Publishers.
Pages tanned. Corners bumped. Name on inside of front cover. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Hyde, James Nevins.
A Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Skin, For the Use Of Students and Practitioners (Second Edition, Thoroughtly Revised and Enlarged).
Lea Brothers and Co.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom of spine have edge cracks. Label on the outer spine. Top rear corner is worn. Contents clean. Hardcover.
Hyde, James Nevins and Frank H. Montgomery.
A Manual of Syphilis and the Veneral Diseases (With 44 illustrations in the text and eight full - page plates in colors and tints.).
W.B. Saunders.
Pages tanned. Front cover scuffed. Name on front end page. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Hyde, James Nevins and Frank H. Montgomery.
A Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Skin For the Use of Students and Practitioners (Fourth and revised edition. Illustrated with one hundred and ten engravings and twelve plates in colors and monochrome.).
Lea Brothers and Co.
Pages tanned. This volume was an in house copy of the publisher with 'The Property of Lea Brothers & Co. stamped on front cover.Top and bottom of spine is worn. Corners slightly worn. Inside of front hinge is cracked. Contents clean. Hardcover.
Hyman, Harold Thomas.
Handbook of Treatment (An accurate, reliable and concise reference book with methods of treatment for almost every human ill.).
J. B. Lippincott Company.
Pages slightly tanned. Top right corner of pages slightly bumped otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Ibanez, Felix Mart (Director).
MD En Espanol Volume II, Number 6, Junio, 1964 (Includes: Deportes Para Ciegos Y Sordos; Reminiscencia Griega; Deportes Y Medicina; Deportes Y Espectadores; Corpus Durabilis; Angel De Luz; La Danza De Los Demonios; Mico El Magico; Cesta Y Boina; Pianista Patriots; Sabueso Cientifico; Deports Et Solatz: Mensaje del Director; MD/Cartas; MD/Noticias Medicas; MD/ Medicina Internacional; MD/Libros).
MD International, Inc.
Papercovers. Pages tanned otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Ibanez, Felix Mart (Director).
MD En Espanol Volume II, Number 7, Julio, 1964 (Includes: Doctor Del Desierto; Geografia De La Dalud; La Vuelta Al Mundo En 80 Medicos; Circulo Magico; Monarca Del Barroco; Poeta Guerrero; Vision Y Sonido; Joya Marina; La Geografia De La Felicidad: Ensayo del Director; MD/Cartas; MD/Noticias Medicos; MD/Medicina Internacional; MD/Critica; MD/Libros; MD/Voces).
MD International, Inc.
Papercovers. Pages tanned otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Ibanez, Felix Mart (Director).
MD En Espanol Volume III, Number 7, Julio, 1965 (Includes: Corea Combate La Tuberculosis; La Constelacion Endocrina; Cubista Sintetico; Humano Y Humanista; Mistica Y Teatro; Los Imagineros Del Alma: Ensayo de Director; MD/Cartas; MD/Noticias Medicas; MD/Medicina Internacional; MD/ Espectaculos; MD/Lente Internacional).
MD International, Inc.
Papercovers. Pages tanned otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Iovine, Vicki.
The Girlfriends' Guide To Surviving The First Year Of Motherhood (Wise and witty advice on everything from coping with postpartum mood swings to to salvagin your sex life to fitting into that favorite pair of jeans.).
Pages tanned otherwise Good Reading Copy. Paperback.
ISBN: 0399523308.
Jacobs, Philip P.
The Campaign Against Tuberculosis in the United States Including a Directory of Institutions Dealing with Tuberculosis in the United States and Canada. (Compiled under the direction of the National Association For the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis.).
Charities Publication.
Pages tanned. Small hole in outer spine. Page edges foxed. Book plate on inside of front cover. Contents are clean and tight. Good EX-LIBRIS copy. Hardcover.
James, Prosser.
The Therapeutics Of the Respiratory Passages.
William Wood and Company.
Pages slightly tanned. Corners slightly bumped otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
James, Prosser.
The Therapeutics of the Respirstory Passages.
William Wood and Company.
Pages tanned. Lower corners bumped and slightly discolored. Foxing on eend pages and slight foxing on a few pages of text otherwise contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Janowitz, Henry D.
Indigestion: Living Better with Upper Intestinal Problems from Heartburn to Ulcers and Gallstones.
Oxford University Press.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0195063082.
Jean-Louis, Yucynthia .
The Story Of Jeryl Lynn (A true story about the discovery of the Jeryl Lynn mumps strain and the creation of the combined vaccine against measeles, mumps, and rubella. Intended to familiarize children with vaccination).
Johnstone,Charles .
Chrysal: Or, The Adventures of a Guinea. Wherein are Exhibited Views of Feverai Ftriking Scenes with Curious and interefiting Anecdotes of Moft Noted Perfons in every Rank of Life, Whofe Hands It Paffed through, in America, England, Holland, Germany and Portugal.
Pages tanned. Front End page is missing title page is torn and lower 1.5 inch is missing. There is a book-plate on the inside of front cover. Leather at the top of the spine is missing. Rear corners are bumped and well worn. Front cover is worn as are the hinges. FAIR CONDITION. Hardcover.
Jonas, Steven.
Medical Mystery: The Training of Doctors in the United States.
W. W. Norton and Co.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0393064379.
Jones, C. Handfield.
Clinical Observations of Functional Nervous Disorders (Second American Edition).
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Exterior of front cover is stamped ' The Property of Lea Brothers & Co.'. Title Page is stamped "Mutilated Copy Property of Lea Brothers & Co.". This was standard practice of publisher to keep copy in publisher's office. No apparent defects are found. Cover edges are bumped and corners are well worn. Top of spine is missing a half inch strip. Bottom of spine is worn. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Jones, Mary A. Dixon.
Another Hitherto Undescribed Disease Of the Ovaries: Anomalous Menstral Bodies (Article reprinted from the New York Medical Journal).
New York Medical Journal.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. Paperback.
Jones, Mary A. Dixon.
Misplacements of the Uterus: History of Cases Showing how in many instances they are produced; The Accompanying Conditions; Microscopical Examinations (A pamphlet, 32 pages, reprinted from the Pittsburgh Medical Review).
The Pittsburgh Medical Review.
Paper covers are missing. Lower right page corners are dogearred otherwise clean, intact and legible. Slightly creased in the center. Paperback.
Jones, T. Wharton.
The Principles and Practice of Ophthalmic Medicine and Surgery (With 117 Illustrations. Third and Revised American Edition, with Additions, from the Second London Edition).
Blanchard and Lea.
Pages tanned. Bound in paper covers for use at publisher's office. Cover is well worn and somewhat torn. Contents are clean and tight. Paperback.
Jordan, Harvey Ernest.
A Textbook of Histology (With 594 Illustrations in the Text, and Four Plates).
D. Appleton and Company.
Pages tanned. Top of front hinge is cracked. Name on front end page. Outer spine has a 2 inch vertical gash otherwise contents are clean. Hardcover.
Joslin, Elliott P.; Root, Howard F.; White, Priscilla; Marble, Alexander; Bailey, C. Cabell.
The Treatment Of Diabetes Mellitus. ( Eighth Edition, Thoroughly Revised, Illustrated.).
Lea and Febiger.
Pages tanned. Minor text marks otherwise GOOD. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Journal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
Cumulative Index to Obstetrics and Gynecology: Volume I through 40 January 1953-December 1972.
The Heritage Press.
1974 First Edition.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0884710335.
Juler, Henry E.
A Handbook of Ophthalmic Science and Practice (With Illustrations. Charts Tipped in at End of Volume.).
Smith, Elder and Company.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom of spine is slightly worn. Small chip missing front top right corner of spine. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Juler, Henry E.
A Handbook of Ophthalmic Science and Practice (With one hundred and twenty-five illustrations).
Henry C. Lea's Son and Company.
Pages tanned. Front and rear hinges are cracked and broken, Top and bottom of spine is well worn. Rear end pages are creased and have some edge tears otherwise contents are intact and clean. Volume is worth rebinding. Hardcover.
Kaehler, Kathy.
Kathy Kaehler's Celebrity Workouts: How To Get A Hollywood Body In Just 30 Minutes A Day.
Broadway Books.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0767916174.
Katz, Jay and Alexander Morgan Capron.
Catastrophic Diseases: Who Decides What?: A Psychosocial and Legal Analaysis of the Problems Posed by Hemodialysis and Organ Transplantation.
Russell Sage.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0871544393.
Kaufman, Martin, Galishoff, Stuart, and Savitt, Todd L.
Dictionary of American Medical Biography (Two Volume Set. A Continuation to Kelly and Burraze's work).
Greenwood Press.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 031321378X.
Kehr, Hans.
A Review of 720 Laparotomies For Gall - Stones With Special Consideration Of 90 Cases of Drainage Of Hepatic Dud (Article reprinted from the Munchener Medicinischen Wochenschrift. Translated by Max J. Stern).
Congress of American Phhysicians and Surgeons.
Pages tanned. Paper cover edges slightly worn otherwise Good. Paperback.
Keintz, Rita M.
Health Care Costs & Financing: A Guide to Information Sourves (Vol. 6 in the Health Affairs Information Guide Series).
Gale Research.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0810314827.
Kelsey, Charles B.
Diseases of the Rectum and Anus (Wood's Library of Standard Medical Authors).
William Wood and Company.
Pages tanned. Outer spine is torn and has tape across the top edge. Front hinge is cracked. Corners are well worn. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Kelson, William H.
Diseases of the Throat, Nose and Ear.
Oxford University Press.
Pages slightly tanned. Corners slightly bumped otherwise Good. . Hardcover.
Kent, Edwin N.
The Business Side of Dentistry (Illustrated).
The C.V. Mosby Company.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Keyes, E.L.
The Effect Of Small Doses Of Mercury In Modifing the Number Of the Red Blood Corpuscles In Syphilis; A Study of Blood-Counting with the Hematimetre (With two wood-cuts. Article reprinted from the American Journal of the Medical Sciences).
Collins Printer.
Pages tanned. Paper cover edges are worn. Name on front cover. Top right corner of last three pages have a hole. Contents are clean and tight. Paperback.
Keyes, E.L.
The Veneral Diseases: Including Stricture of the Male Urethra (Illustrated-Wood's Library of Standard Medical Authors).
William Wood and Company.
Pages slightly tanned. Corners slightly bumped. Contents are clean and tight. Good. Hardcover.
Kirkes, William Senhouse .
Handbook of Physiology (Edited by W. Morrant Baker-A New American from the Eighth Enlarged English Edition with 248 illustrations.).
Henry C. Lea.
Top two inches of rear hinge is cracked and separated from rear cover. Bottom of spine is well worn with a tear. Cover edges are rubbed otherwise contents are clean and intact. Hardcover.
Kirkes, William Senhouse and Assisted by Paget, James.
Handbook of Physiology: Second American, from the Second London Edition (With 165 Illustrations).
Blanchard and Lea.
Pages tanned. Covers are paper boards as this volume was the in-house volume kept by the publisher. Front cover and front end page are present but detached otherwise volume is intact and legible. Volume is worth rebinding. Paperback.
Kohler, F.
Annual Report on the Results of Tuberculosis Research-1911 (Reprint from the Clinical Year-Book Edited by Dr. Naumann and Dr. M. Kirchner).
John Bale, Sons and Danielsson (London).
Pages tanned. Institutional name stamped on front and rear end pages. Contents are clean and tight. Good. Hardcover.
Krieger, Eduardo Moacyr; Greene, Lewis Joel and Ferreira, Sergio Henrique (Editors).
Brazilian Journal Of Medical And Biological Research Volume 27 (8) 1687-2082, August 1994. (Proceedings of the "Kinin 93 Brazil" Meeting).
Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeiao Preto.
Kruzas, Anthony T., ed.
Medical & Health Information Directory: A Guide to State, National & International Organizations, Government Agencies, Educational Institutions, Hospitals, Grant-Award Sources, et. al.
Gale Research.
1977 - 1st ed.
Cover scuffed otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Kuntzieman, Charles T. and the Editors of Consumer Guide.
The Complete Book of Walking.
Pocket Books.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0671648039.
La Roche, R.
Pneumonia: Its Supposed Connection, Pathological and Etiological, with Autumnal Fevers; Including an Inquiry into the Existence and Morbid Agency of Malaria.
Blanchard and Lea.
Rebound in blue cloth. Pages tanned. Some early pages and some pages near the end of the volume have moisture marks that do not limit legibility. Light foxing otherwise Good. Hardcover.
Lallemand, M.
On Involuntary Seminal Discharges (Translated from the French by William Wood.).
Carey and Hart.
Volume has paper covers because it was used as an office copy at the publisher's office. Foxing throughout. Contents are legible and intact. Paperback.
Lamotte, Maxine.
Le Polymorphisme Dans Le Regne Animal: Volume Publie Par La Societe Zoologique de France Sous La Direction De Maxine Lamotte A La Momoire De Georges Teissier.
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Lanoue, Winema Wilson.
A Loving Weaning: How to Move Forward Together.
Preacclarus Press.
Lower right corners of four pages were folded inward. Contents are clean and tight. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 9781946665034.
Lansky, Vicki.
Baby Proofing Basics: How To Keep Your Child Safe.
Book Peddlers.
Good Plus. This book was never read. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0916773590.
Lansky, Vicki.
Games Babies Play: From Birth To Twelve Months.
Book Peddlers.
Book plate on inside of front cover otherwise Good Plus. Gift given ... seemingly never used!. Paperback.
ISBN: 0916773582.
Laurence, John Z. and Moon, Robert C.
A Handy-Book of Ophthalmic Surgery For the Use of Practitioners (With Numerous Illustrations. First Edition).
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Top of spine is torn and missing a 1 1/4 inch strip from the top. Bottom of spine is worn and torn and missing the edge. Front hinge has a vertical crack. Corners are well worn and barely identifyable. Top edge of front cover is bruised. Contents are clean and intact. FAIR. Hardcover.
Laurence, John Z. and Moon, Robert C.
A Handy-Book of Ophthalmic Surgery for the Use of Practitioners: With Numerous Illustrations (Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. With numerous illustrations).
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned.Top of spine has a half inch strip missing. Corners are bumped and worn. Small label on outer spine. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Physiological Chemistry(Volume I of two volume set.).
Blanchard & Lea.
Covers scuffed,corners bumped and rubbed otherwise good and tight. Hardcover.
Lente, Frederic D.
Epidemic Dysentery As It Prevailed in the Village of Cold Spring. During the Years 1854-55, With Comparative References to the History of the Disease As It Has Prevailed Epidemically In Other Localities (An article reprinted from New York Journal of Medicine. Doctor Lente was a surgeon to West Point Foundry.).
Miller and Holman.
Pages tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Lente, Frederic D. .
Higher Education of Medical Men and Its Influence On the Profession and the Public. Being the Address Delivered Before the American Acadamy of Medicine, At Its Fifth Annual Meeting, Held At Providence, R.I., September 28, 1880.
Charles L. Bermingham.
Pages tanned. Paper cover edges are worn and slightly torn. Three printed numbers are afixed to the lower left corner of the front cover. Contents are clean and tight. Paperback.
Leroy, Louis.
Essentials of Histology: Arranged with Questions Following Each Chapter (Fourth Edition, Revised and Enlarged-114 Illustrations).
W.B. Saunders Company.
Pages tanned. Covers scuffed. Corners bumped with light wear. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Levine, Jonathan B. with Jane Larkworthy.
Smile: The Ultimate Guide To Achieving Smile Beauty (With a foreword by Mariska Hargitay).
Warner Wellness.
Lower right corner slightly bumped otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0446694274.
Levine, Sumner N.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences - Vol. 146,Article I Materials in Biomedical Engineering.
N.Y. Academy of Sciences.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Lewis, Dio.
Our Digestion: or My Jolly Friend's Secret.
George Maclean and Company.
Pages tanned. Leather on spine, hinges and corners is well worn. End pages scuffed. Contents are legible and tight. Hardcover.
Lewis, Earl A. and Beiser, Rhoda.
Bulletin Of Prosthetics Research: Veterans Administration Conference On Prosthetics And Sensory Aids Research Project Leaders July 20-23, 1974 (A 540 page periodical filled with technical information, reports and illustrations from the Department of Medicine and Surgery at the Veterans Administration).
U.S. Veterans Administration.
Papercovers. Page edges slightly bumped on the right side otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Lewis,Howard R. and Lewis,Martha E.
The Medical Offenders.
Simon and Schuster.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus.Three numbers and a dollar sign on front end page.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0671201301.
Lexer, Ehrich.
General Surgery: A Presentation of the Scientific Principles Upon Which the Practice of Modern Surgery is Based (American Edition-Edited by Arthur Dean Bevan. An authorized translation of the secind German Edition by Dean Lewis. 249 Illustrations in the text, partly in color, and two colored plates).
D. Appleton and Company.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Lilly Research Laboratories.
Diabetes Mellitus: Methods of Dietetic Management & The Use of Preparations of Insulin (Given to Doctors by Eli Lilly.).
Eli Lilly.
Edges of spine slightly worn otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Lingeman,Richard R.
Drugs From A to Z: A Dictionary.
McGraw Hill.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0070379106.
Lloyd, John S.
Evaluation of Noncognitive Skills and Clinical Performance.
American Board of Medicine Specialties.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0934277001.
Loebl, Suzanne and Ajl, Stephen Ira.
Parents Magazine's Mother's Encyclopedia and Everyday Guide To Family Health. (New & Revised Edition).
Parents Magazine Enterprises.
ISBN: 0819309583.
Longyear, H. W.
Nephrocoloptosis: A Description of the Nephrocolic Ligament and Its Action in the Causation of Nephroptosis, with the Technic of the Operation of Nephrocolopexy, In Which the Nephrocolic Ligament Is Utilized To Immobilize Both Kidney and Bowel.
The C.V. Mosby Company.
Pages slightly tanned. Covers scuffed. Top of spine is worn with tears at the top where it connects to hinges. Contents are clean. Hardcover.
Loomis, Alfred L.
A Textbook of Practical Medicine: Designed for the Use of Students and Practitioners of Medicine-Eleventh Edition Revised and Enlarged.
William Wood and Company.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom of spine is slightly worn. Institutional book plate on inside of front cover. Contents are clean and intact. Hardcover.
Loomis, Alfred Lee and Thompson, William Gilman.
A System of Practical Medicine by American Authors: Four Volume Set-Volume I-Infectious Diseases (Illustrated); Volume II-Diseases of the Respiratory-Diseases of the Circulatory System and the Mediastinum-Diseases of the Blood-Diseases of the Kidneys-Diseases of the Bladder and Prostate Gland (Illustrated); Volume III-Diseases of the Alimentary Canal-Diseases of the Peritoneum-Diseases of the Liver and Gall Bladder-Diseases of the Spleen-Diseases of the Pancreas-Diseases of the Thyroid-Chronic Metal Poisoning; Alcoholism; Morphinism, Etc. (Illustrated); Volume IV- Diseases of the Nervous System and Mind-Vasomotor and Trophic Disorders-Diseases of the Muscles-Osteomalacia-Rachitis-Rheumatism-Arthritis-Gout-Lithaemia-Obesity-Scurvy-Addison's Disease (Illustrated).
Lea Brothers and Company.
Pages of each volume slightly tanned. Contents of each volume are clean and intact. ALL Four Volumes need to be rebound. Outer spine and covers of volume one are present but detached. Volume two also has a detached spine and covers that are present. The inner edge of the front and rear end pages have a residue of glue that remains from tape formerly used to hold the covers. Spine and covers of volume three are attached to the volume but hinges are weak and cracked. Volume four is a solid volume because a stong black tape covers the spin and stablizes the covers..pine of volume is present but detached. Spine of Volumes2,3,4 are taped. Cover edges are worn otherwise contents are clean. Hardcover.
Lucas, Ashley (Doctor, RD).
5 Steps to Reset The Scale: Discover Why Weight Gain Is Not Your fault and How to Take the Weight Off for Good.
PHD Advanced Nutrition, LLC.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 9798842025312.
Luce, Gay Gaer and Segal, Julius.
Insomnia: The Guide for Troubled Sleepers.
Doubleday and Company.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Ludy, Robert B.
Answers to Questions Prescribed by Medical State Boards.
John Jos. McVey (Philadelphia).
Pages tanned. .Top and bottom of spine is worn. Institutional stamps on end pages. Corners bumped. Some text marks otherwise Good Reading Copy. Hardcover.
Ludy, Robert B.
Answers to Questions Prescribed by Medical State Boards-Third Ediiton, Rewritten and Enlarged.
John Jos. McVey (Philadelphia).
Pages tanned. Corners bumped. Name on front end page. Some text underlining otherwise Good. Hardcover.
Lusk, William Thompson.
The Science and Art of Midwifery (New Edition, revised and enlarged with numerous illustrations).
D. Appleton and Company.
Pages tanned. Corners are bumped.Rear hinge is cracked on the outside. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Luyties Pharmacal Company.
Homeopathic Primer (A Booklet which includes and introduction to Luyties; An introduction of Homeopathy; Homeopathic Remedies still cure people; Single Remedies; Di Schuesslei's Brochemis Theory; Combination Remedies; Homeopathy in Common Ailments; Helpful Information. Illustrated).
Luyties Pharmacal Company.
Booklet slightly bent otherwise good, clean, tight reading copy. Paperback.
Lyons, Robert D.
A Treatise on Fever: or Selections From A Course of Lectures on Fever-Being a PArt Of A Course of Theory and Practice of Medicine.
Blanchard and Lea.
Pages tanned. Outer spine is worn and torn at the top and bottom. Hinges are cracked and weak. Small label on outer spine. Corners are well worn. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
MacDonald, RubyF.
Ruby MacDonald's Forty-Plus and Feeling Fabulous Book.
Fleming H. Revell Company.
Former owner's name blackened-out on end pages otherwise contents are clean and tight.Good. . Hardcover.
ISBN: 0800713087.
Mace, Nancy L. and Rabins, Peter V.
The 36-Hour Day: A Family Guide to Caring for Persons with Alzheimer's Disease, Related Dementing Illinesses, and Memory Loss in Later Life.
John Hopkins University Press.
Pages slightly tanned. Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY COPY. Paperback.
ISBN: 0801826608.
Macfadden, Bernarr.
The Walking Cure: Pep and Power from Walking and How to Cure Disease by Walking.
Macfadden Publications, Inc.
Pages slightly tanned. Paper covers are well worn along the edges. Contents are clean and tight. Paperback.
MacLeod, Anne.
Growing Up In America: A Background To Contemporary Drug Abuse.
National Institute Of Mental Health.
Papercover. Top right corner slightly bumped otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Macleod, J.J.R.; Assisted by Roy G. Pearce and by others.
Physiology and Biochemistry in Modern Medicine. Second Edition (With 233 Illustrations, Including 11 Plates in Colors).
C.V. Mosby Company.
Pages slightly tanned. Institutional stamps on title and end pages. Contents are clean and tight. Good. Hardcover.
Manley, James R.
Anniversary Discourse, Before the New York Academy of Medicine, Delivered in the Church of the Crucifixion November 8, 1848.
H. Ludwig.
Pages tanned. Paper covers are worn along the edges otherwise contents are clean and tight except for pages 5 and 6 that have minor ink marks. Paperback.
Mann, Matthew D.
A System of Gynecology by American Authors (With three colored plates and 201 wood engravings. Two large volumes).
Lea Brothers and Company.
Pages tanned. In original full sheep with volume two being newly rebacked, saving original labels, overall a good tight set. Title label on volume two is cracked and scratched. Cover edges worn. Hardcover.
Marino, Bradley S. and Fine, Katie S.
Blueprints Pediatrics. ( Sixth Edition ).
Wolters Kluwer / Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Lower corners slightly bumped otherwise clean and tight. Good. NOT A FORMER INSTITUTIONAL COPY. Paperback.
ISBN: 9781451116045.
Marion, John Francis.
Philadelphia Medica: Being a Guide to the City's Historical Places of Health Interest. ( RARE ).
Smith Kline Corporation.
Good Plus. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Marrott, Barbara.
Getting A Jump On Fitness (The 12 Minute Workout to Feeling Good and Looking Good. Illustrated).
Barricade Books.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 1568654596.
Marshall, Connie.
From Here to Maternity: A Complete Pregnancy Guide.
Conmar Publishing.
Corners slightly bumped otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0961378492.
Marshall, W. Robert.
Study of Engineering in Medicine & Health Care: A Final Report to the National Institutes of Health (by the Committee on Interplay of Engineering with Biology & Medicine).
National Academy.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0309021480.
Martin, Eric W.
Hazards of Medication: A Manual on Drug Interactions, Incompatibilities, Contraindications, and Adverse Effects.
J. B. Lippincott Company.
Top right corner of volume is bumped and slightly creased. Former hospital copy with accompanying stamps. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
ISBN: 397-50288-5.
Massey, Robert V.
Journal Of the History of Medicine and Applied Sciences. Volume 45; Number 4, October 1990.
University of Connecticut.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Massey, Robert V. and Wilson, Leonard G. (Editors).
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences Volume 45, Number 3: Lloyd Grenfell Stevenson Memorial Issue.
Journal of the History and Allied Sciences, Inc.
ISBN: 0022-5045.
Mathews, Joseph McDowell.
How to Succeed in the Practice of Medicine.
Arno Press and The New York Times.
1972 reprint of 1905 edition.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 040503959X.
McArdle, William D., William B. Zuti, Ann Grandjean and Myron Winick.
Quick Workouts: Fitness Anytime, Anywhere (Illustrated).
Time-Life Books.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 080946179X.
McGehee, William H.O.; True, Harry A. and Inski, E. Frank.
A Textbook of Operative Dentistry-Third Edition.
The Blakiston Company.
Pages slightly tanned. Name on front end page otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
McKeever, James.
The Aids Plague.
Omega Publications.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0866941053.
McLaughlin, Allan J.
The Communicable Diseases: How They Spread & How They May Be Controlled.
Harper & Brothers.
1923 - 1st ed.
Front cover has ink spot & small tears on top and bottom of spine.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Meara, Frank Sherman.
The Treatment of Acute Infectious Diseases.
The Macmillan Company.
Pages tanned. Name on front end page otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Medical Review.
The Year-Book of Treatment for 1890: A Critical Review For Practitioners of Medicine and Surgery.
Lea Brothers and Co.
Pages tanned. Top of front cover has a bruise and a tear. Bottom of spine is torn. Bottom of rear hinge is cracked. Contents are clean and tight. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Meigs, Charles D.
Obstetrics: The Science And the Art (Second Edition, Revised with one hundred and thirty-one illustrations.
Blanchard and Lea.
Unbound set of tanned pages discovered by bibliographer Francesco Cordasco in the publisher's attic and gifted by the proprietors for his continued contributions to the history of the firm. Corners are bent and somewhat worn. The pages comprise the entire volume. They are clean and legible. Hardcover.
Meigs, Charles D.
Obstetrics: The Science and the Art (Third Edition, Revised with one hundred and twenty - nine illustrations.).
Blanchard and Lea.
Pages tanned. This was an in-house copy of the publisher that is bound in stiff paper with tape spine. Cover edges are chipped. Contents are clean and tight.). Paperback.
Meigs, Charles D.
Obstetrics: The Science and the Art (Third Edition, revised with one hundred and twenty-nine illustrations.
Blanchard and Lea.
Pages slightly tanned and foxed. Cover edges slightly worn. Corners worn. Edges of spine label chipped. Clean and tight. Hardcover.
Meller, Josef.
Ophthalmic Surgery: A Handbook of the Surgical Operations on the Eyeball and Its Appendages as Practiced at the Clinic of Prof. Hofrat Fuchs (Translation review by Walter Pyle with 118 original illustrations.).
P. Blakiston's Son and Co.
Pages tanned. Top edge of front cover has a one inch tear. Corners are bumped and well worn. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Mendel, Dr. E.
Text-Book of Psychiatry: A Psychological Study of Insanity for Practitioners and Students (Authorized translation edited and enlarged by William C. Krauss. First American Edition).
F.A. Davis Company, Publishers.
Pages tanned. Name on front end page. Contents clean and tight. Good. Hardcover.
Merk & Company.
Hydrocortisone & Cortisone.
Merk & Co.
Metcalf, Walter Bradford.
Tuberculosis of the Lymphatic System.
Macmillan Company.
Pages tanned. Institutional stamp on inside of front and rear covers. Contents are clean and tight. Good. Hardcover.
Miles, A.A., (Editor).
The Nature of the Bacterial Surface: A Symposium of the Society For General Microbiology April, 1949.
Blackwell (London).
Pages tanned. Contents clean. Good Reading EX-LIBRIS Copy. Hardcover.
Miles, Wyndham D.
A History of the National Library of Medicine:The Nation's Treasury of Medical Knowledge.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Miller, James.
The Practice of Surgery: Fourth American Edition from the last Edinburgh Edition (Illustrated by 364 Engravings on Wood).
Blanchard and Lea.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom edges of spine are missing. Top of spine that connects to front hinge is missing. Spine has a horizontal crack. Two labels on outer spine. Front hinge is cracked and loose. Corners are well worn. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Miller, James.
The Principles of Surgery (Fourth American Edition from the Third and Revise English Edition. Illustrated by Two Hundred and Forty Engravings on Wood).
Blanchard and Lea.
Pages tanned. Edges of end pages creased and chipped. This volume was an in-house copy of the publisher that is bound in stiff paper with a tape spine. Cover edges chipped and worn with some pieces missing. Front hinge is cracked. Volume is intact. Hardcover.
Miller, James.
The Principles of Surgery. ( Fourth American from the third and revised English edition. Illustrated by two hundred and forty engravings on wood.).
Blanchard and Lea.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom of spine is worn. Lower edge of spine has a one inch vertical crack. Top and bottom of front hinge has edge cracks. Corners are well worn. outside of front cover has ' Property Of Lea Brothers & Co. Title page has ' Mutilated Copy. Property of Lea Brothers & Co.' stamped. These stamps were used by the publisher to guarantee that their office copies would remain in-house. The volume shows no sign of mutiplation other than a tiny hole on the title page where someone attempted to erase the 'M' in mutiplated. Hardcover.
Millman, Michael L.
Politics & The Expanding Physician Supply (Foreward by Eli Ginzberg).
Landmark Studies-Allanheld Osmun.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0876638418.
Moquette-Magee, Elaine.
Eat Well for a Healthy Menopause: The Low-Fat, High-Nutrition Guide. ("Eat to feel great with or without estrogen. 10 easy Diet Commandments. Herbs, supplements, and the latest on antioxidants and phytochemicals.").
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN: 0471122505.
Morgan, Essie D.
A Source Book: Rehabilitating the Person with Spinal Cord Injury (Veterans Administration.).
Veterans Administration.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Morris, Caroline.
Pennsylvania Hospital Medical Library; Brief Description of the National First Hospital and Firstedical Library (A nine page papercovered booklet).
Pennsylvania Hospital.
Circa 1982.
Papercovers. Erased address on front cover otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Morris, Dwight A.
Health Care Administration: A Guide To Information Sources (Vol I in the Health Affairs Information Guide Series).
Gale Research.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0810313782.
Morris, Roger.
Clinical Laboratory Diagnosis: Designed for the Use of Students and Practitioners of Medicine.
D. Appleton and Company.
Pages tanned. Top edge of the rear hinge is torn. Covers slightly scuffed. Name on front end page otherwise contents are clean. Hardcover.
Morse, Jeffrey.
Finding Forward: You Have the Will Within. (Cerebrovascular disease - Aneurysms - Rehabilitation - Near-death experiences - Perseverance.).
Brown Books Publishing Group.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 9781612544915.
Morton, Henry H.
Genito-Urinary Diseases and Syphilis (Illustrated with 158 half-tones and photo-engravings, and Seven full -page color plates. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged).
F.A. Davis Company, Publishers.
Pages tanned. Two small holes on rear hinge. Minor text marks. End pages slightly scuffed. . Hardcover.
Mory, Laura and Gilroy, Diane.
Prevention Super-Health Reports. ( Includes 12 reports.).
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Moscona, A.A.
Current Topics in Developmental Biology: Vol I.
Academic Press.
Moscona, A.A.
Current Topics in Developmental Biology: Vol II.
Academic Press.
First 2 end pages have small tear on edge otherwise Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Moyer, Carl A.; Rhoads, Jonathan E.; Allen, J. Garrott and Harkins, Henry N.
Surgery: Principles and Practice-Third Edition (652 Illustrations).
J. B. Lippincott Company.
Pages slightly tanned. Former institutional copy. Hospital's name stamped on end page.Good. Hardcover.
Mullen, Edward A.
Handbook of Treatment ( Foreword by Horatio C. Wood, Jr.-Second Revised Edition.).
F.A. Davis Company.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Murphy, Gerald, ed.
"Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Cancer & Transplantation" (Transplantation Proceedings: Vol. VII - No. 2 - June 1975.
Grune & Stratton.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Murray, Clay Ray.
Treatment of Injury By The General Practitioner (Harper's Medical Monographs. With 196 Drawings by the Author. TWO VOLUME SET.).
Harper and Brothers Publishers.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT FORMER LIBRARY BOOKS. Hardcover.
Nahavandi, Meetra.
Dis-ability to This-ability: Rising Above Life While Living with Spina Bifida: A Memoir.
Rise Above Press.
Signed by author. Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 9798218146498.
National Cancer Institute.
Eating Hints for Cancer Patients.
National Institutes Of Health.
Clean and tight. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Neill, John and Smith, Francis Gurney.
An Analytical Compendium of the Various Branches of Medical Science, for the Use and Examination of Students (A New Edition, Revised and Improved with 374 illustrations).
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Outer spine is detached fronm the front hinge. Top of spine is worn and cracked. Bottom of spine has 1/2 inch section missing. Center of spine has a crack. Corners are bumped and worn. Contents are clean and intact. Hardcover.
Neill, John and Smith, Francis Gurney.
An Analytical Compendium of the Various Branches of Medical Services, for the use and Examination of Students (A New Edition, Revised and Improved. With 374 Illustrations).
Blanchard and Lea.
Pages tanned. This volume was an in-house copy of the publisher that is bound in stiff paper with a tape spine. Front and rear covers are detached. Spine is cracked. Contents are clean and intact. Needs to be rebound. Hardcover.
Nelson, Andrea.
Fort Unicorn & The Duchess of Knothing: a Mother's Fight To Save Her Daughter.
Ten 16 Press.
ISBN: 9781645384250.
Nelson, Miriam E.
Strong Women Stay Slim (Shed Fat Forever With the Extraordinary power of strength training. Get fast results safely without deprivation - no forbidden foods. Firm and energize your body. Boost metabolism as much as 15%.).
Bantam Books.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0553109316.
Ng, May.
A Journey With Brendan: Life With A Child With Autism By A Mother And Paediatrician.
Two pages have text marks otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 9781706915874.
Nichols, T.L.
Esoteric Anthropology (The Mysteries of Man): A Comprehensive and Confidential Treatise on the Structure, Functions, Passional Attractions, and Perversions, True and False Physical and Social Conditions, and the Most Intimate Relations of Men and Women.
Arno Press and The New York Times.
1972 reprint of 1853 edition.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 040503962X.
Nicolson, Gertrude H.B.
Clinical Electocardiography in Children.
Macmillan Company.
Pages tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Niemeyer, Felix Von.
A Text-Book of Practical Medicine with Particular Reference to Physiology and Pathological Anatomy (TWO VOLUME SET).
D. Appleton and Company.
Pages tanned, Hinges of both volumes have tape inside and outside. Corners are bumped and well worn. Covers scuffed. Institutional book plate on inside of front covers. Small ink spots on outer page edges of volume one. Contents are clean and intact. Hardcover.
Niemeyer, Felix Von.
A Textbook of Practical Medicine With Particular Reference to Physiology and Pathological Anatomy (TWO VOLUME SET. Translated from the eighth German edition by George H. Humphreys and Charles E. Hackley).
D. Appleton and Company.
Pages tanned. Top right corner of volume one has a triangular shaped piece missing otherwise exterior of both volumes is scuffed. Cover edges are slightly worn. Name stamped on outer page edges on the right side. Name and address on front end page of volume one. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Norris, Charles C.
Uterine Tumors ( Harper's Medical Monographs ).
Harper and Brothers.
Pages tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Nourse, Alan E.
Inside the Mayo Clinic.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0070474931.
Novotny, Ann and Carter Smith.
Images of Healing: A Portfolio of American Medical and Pharmaceutical Practice in the 18th, 19th, and 20th Centuries (Introduction by William D. Sharpe, M. D. Over 200 illustrations).
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0025908200.
Ober, Clinton; Sinatra, Stephen T. (MD); Zucker, Martin.
Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever! (Second Edition).
Basic Health Publications, Inc.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 9781684423224.
Ohloff, G. and Thomas, A.F.
Gustation and Olfaction: An International Symposium Geneva, June 1970 (Sponsored by Firmenich et Cie).
Academic Press (London).
Pages slightly tanned. Name on front end page otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0125249500.
Ornstein, Robert and David Sobel.
The Healing Brain: Breakthrough Discoveries About How the Brain Keeps Us Healthy.
Simon & Schuster.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Osborne, Oliver T. and Fishbern, Morris.
Handbook of Therapy (Eightht Edition).
American Medical Association.
Pages tanned.Top of spine is slightly worn. Lower right corner of front cover is slightly worn. Name on front end page. Contents are clean and tight. Good. Hardcover.
Osler, William.
The Cold-Bath Treatment of Typhoid Fever (A Clinical Lecture delivered to the Graduate Class of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, November 9, 1892 ( Eight pages.).
Medical News.
Pages tanned. A paper pamphlet. Top right corner of front page is bent with a slight tear otherwise Good. Paperback.
Paine, Martyn.
The Institutes of Medicine (Fifth Edition).
Harper and Brothers Publishers.
Pages tanned. Outer spine is cracked with two sections (1.75 x2.0 inches and 1.25 x 2.0 inches )missing. Both hinges are worn and cracked. Top half of pages have a moisture stain but are legible. Hardcover.
Papa, Michael.
Generation A.D.D.: Natural Solutions For Breaking The Prescription Addiction.
Healthful Communications Inc.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0977130924.
Park, Roswell.
The Principles and Practice of Modern Surgery (With 722 Engravings and 60 Full-PAge Plates in Colors and Monochrome).
Lea Brothers and Company.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom of spine are worn. Corners are worn. End page that faces title page is missing. Contents are clean. Hardcover.
Park, Sung Bae.
Stop Suffering: Discover Oriental Herbal Formulas.
Morning Pub.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Park, William Hallock and Williams, Anna W.
Pathogenic Micro-Organisms: Including Bacteria and Protozoa A Practical Manual for Students, Physicians and Health Officers-(Fourth Edition, Enlarged and Thoroughly Revised with 196 Engravings).
Lea and Febiger.
Pages tanned. Covers slightly scuffed. Contents are clean and tight. Good. Hardcover.
Park, William Hallock; Williams, Anna Wessels and Assisted by Charles Krumwiede.
Pathogenic Microorganisms: A Practical Manual For Students, Physicians and Health Officers (Seventh Edition, Enlarged and Thoroughly Revised with 214 Engravings and 9 Full-Page Plates).
Lea and Febiger.
Pages tanned.Binding is loose with signatures at front and rear of the book loose but not disconnected. Contents are clean and intact. Institutional Copy. Hardcover.
Paterson, Marcus.
Auto-Inoculation in Pulmonary Tuberculosis.
James Nisbet and Company (London).
Pages tanned.Top right corner bumped. Covers scuffed. Institutional name stamped on end pages and title page. . Hardcover.
Patri, Angelo.
The Parents Daily Counselor.
Wise Book Company.
Top and bottom of spine is slightly worn.Outter covers slightly scuffed. Pages slightly tanned otherwise good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Pavy, F.W.
A Treatise on Food and Dietics: Physiologically and Therapeutically Considered (Wood's Library of Standard Medical Authors).
William Wood and Company.
Pages tanned. Covers scuffed. Front end pages have slight edge tears. Top edge of pages is dust dirty. Outer edges of pages have spots of a stain that does penetrate into the volume so the actual opened pages are not affected. Text is legible and clean. Corners are bumped. Hardcover.
Pelly, William.
My Experinces with Aloe Vera.
Nutri-Book Corp.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Pepper, William and Starr, Louis (Editors).
A System of Practical Medicine by American Authors-VOLUME IV-Diseases of the Genito-Urinary and Cutaneous Systrems. Medical Ophthalmalogy and Otology.
Lea Brothers and Company.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom of spine is worn with tears. Label on outer spine."Property of Lea Brothers and Co." is stamped on the outside of front cover. This stamp was used by the publisher to guarantee that their office copies would remain in-house. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Pepper, William and Starr, Louis (Editors).
A System of Practical Medicine by American Authors. VOLUME II - General Diseases (Continued) and Diseases of the Digestive System.
Lea Brothers and Company.
Pages tanned. Institutional book plate on the inside of the front cover. Front cover is present but detached. Outer spine is well worn as are the hinges. Inner hinges have been re-taped. Contents are clean and intact. Hardcover.
Pepper, William and Starr, Louis (Editors).
A System of Practical Medicine by Americans Authors. VOLUME V - Diseases of the Nervous System.
Lea Brothers and Company.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom of spine is well worn. Top of front hinge has a short vertical crack. Rear hinge has two vertical tears. Corners are bumped and worn. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Percival, Jan, Lloyd Percival and Joe Taylor.
The Complete Guide to Total Fitness (Illustrated).
Volume slightly curled due to bad packing during warehouse move. Contents are clean and tight. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0458929808.
Perkins, F.T., and Regamey, R. H. (Editors).
International Symposium on Interferon & Interferon Inducers: Prceedings of the 31st Symposium Organized by the Permanent Section of Microbiological Standardization & Held at the Institute of Child Health Guilford Street, London W.C. 1 October 20-22, 1969.(With 63 figures and 69 tables.).
S. Karger.
Top right corner of rear cover has a crack that was repaired by previous owner otherwise volume is Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Pescatore, Fred (Introduction).
Pycnogenol: French Maritime Pine Bark Extract (Supporting Peak Vitality With Nature's Soothing Super Antioxidant).
Vibrant Life Publishing, Inc.
Papercovers. Good Plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
ISBN: 9780981554730.
Peskin,Brian Scott with Conyers,Marcus.
Beyond The Zone:Peak Performance Radiant Health.
Noble Publishing.
Good Plus. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0965155137.
Peterson, Donald R., ed.
Epidemiology & Clinical Problems: With Coordinated Readings.
MSS Information.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Phillips, Charles D.F.
Materia Medica, Pharmacology and Therapeutics: Inorganic Substances-Third Edition.
Longman's, Green and Company .
Pages tanned. Institutional book plate on the inside of front cover. Contents are clean and tight. Good. Hardcover.
Phillips, Wendell Christopher.
Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat-Sixth Edition (Illustrated with 578 Half-Tone and other text engravings, many of them original; including 37 Full Page Plates, some in colors).
F.A. Davis Company.
Pages tanned. Name on front end page. Contents are clean and tight. Good. Hardcover.
Piacente, Rocco and Inzerilli, Pamele.
The Half-Mile Miracle (HIV related).
Cookbook Publishers.
Good.This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 9781424325634.
Piffard, Henry G.
A Treatise on the Materia Medica and Therapeutics of the Skin (Wood's Library of Standard Medical Authors).
William Wood and Company.
Pages tanned. Corners slightly bumped. Contents are clean and tight. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Pinckney, Callan.
Callanetics: 10 Years Younger In 10 Hours (The astonishing Deep-Muscle Exercise that Gives You A Perfect Figure (Written with Sallie Batson. Photographs by Gary Moody).
William Morrow.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0688037879.
Pinckney, Edward R.
How To Make the Most of Your Doctor & Medicine.
Playfair, W.S.
A Treatise on the Science and Practice of Midwifery (TWO VOLUME SET. Sixth Edition).
Smith, Elder and Company.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom of the spine of both volumes are worn and have vertical edge cracks. Each Volume has a label on spine. Top of rear hinge of both volumes is cracked. Contents of both volumes are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Playfair, W.S.
A Treatise on the Science and Practice of Midwifery (With Two Plates, and 166 Illustrations on Wood).
Henry C. Lea.
1876 First Edition.
Pages tanned. This volumewas an in-house copy of the publisher that is bound in stiff paper with a tape spine. Cover edges and corners are well worn. Contents are clean and tight. Paperback.
Poole, Lynn and Gray.
Electronics in Medicine (Illustrated with photographs).
McGraw-Hill Book Company.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Potter, Samuel O.L.
A Compend of Human Anatomy: Seventh Edition, Revised and Enlarged (With 138 Wood Engravings; also Numerous Tables and 16 Plates of the Arteries and Nerves).
P. Blakiston's Son and Company.
Pages tanned. Covers are nearly detached. Outer spine is worn and torn. First pages have extensive written notes otherwise contents are clean. Fair. Hardcover.
Powell, R. Douglas.
On Diseases of the Lungs and Pleurae: Including Consumption (Third Edition-Rewritten and Enlarged, with Illustrations. Wood's Library of Standard Medical Authors).
William Wood and Company.
Pages tanned. Top of spine is worn. Corners slightly worn. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Power, Michael L. and Jay Schulkin.
The Evolution Of The Human Placenta.
The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 9781421406435.
Prentiss, Charles William and Arey, Leslie Brainerd.
A Laboratory Manual and Textbook of Embryology-Third Edition, Enlarged (With 388 Illustrations-Many in Color).
W. B. Saunders Company.
Pages tanned. Covers scuffed. Cover edges and corners rubbed. Name on front end page. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Princeton Center for Infancy and Early Childhood.
The First Twelve Months of Life: Your Baby's Growth Month by Month (With monthly growth charts and over 150 photographs).
GD/ Perigee Book.
ISBN: 0399507779.
Purdy, Charles W.
Practical Uranalysis and Urinary Diagnosis: A Manual for the Use of Physicians, Surgeons, and Students (Fourth Revised Edition with Numerous Illustrations, including Photoengravings and Colored Plates).
F.A. Davis Company, Publishers.
Pages slightly tanned. Contents are clean and tight. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Putzel, L.
A Treatise on Common Forms of Functional Nervous Diseases (Wood's Library of Standard Medical Authors).
William Wood and Company.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom of spine is worn with minor cracks. Corners slightly bumped otherwise contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Quain, Jones.
Human Anatomy. ( Edited by Richard Quain and William Sharpey. First American, From The Fifth London Edition, edited by Joseph Leidy. TWO VOLUME SET.).
Lea and Blanchard .
Volume One has tanned pages. The top and bottom of the spine is worn especially the top. Corners are worn. Volume Two has tanned pages. The top and bottom of the spine is well worn. The rear hinge has vertical cracks and the cloth is peeling. Corners are worn. Both volumes have small labels on their outer spines. Both volumes are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Quillin, Patrick.
The Diabetes Improvement Program (The ultimate handbook for using foods and supplements to slow and reverse the complications of diabetes).
The Leader Co., Inc.
Good Plus.This book was never read. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 1886898065.
Radbill, Samuel X. ( Editor ).
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society Held ar Philadelphia for Promoting Useful Knowledge: New Series - Volume 53, Part 8, 1963; The Autobiographical Ana of Robley Dunglison (Edited with notes and an introduction by Samuel X. Radbill).
The American Philosophical Society.
December 1963.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Radbill, Samuel X.
Samuel X. Radbill 1901-1987: His Life and Work-An Appreciation (This 50 page booklet was distributed at the Thirteenth Radbill Lecture. It includes an autobiography; bibliography; notes on the Section on Medical History; reminiscences; the Radbill Lectures. Mrs Frances Radbill and Ms. Gloria Radbill Hamilton helped in its preparation. Paper covers.).
The College of Physicians of Philadelphia.
Good. Other.
Rae, Isobel.
Knox the Anatomist (The nefarious practices of the murders Bure and Hare were revealed on 2nd of November 1828, with the discovery and identicfication of a woman's corpse in the cellar of Dr. Robertt Knoxx's School of Anatomy.).
Oliver and Boyd (London).
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Ranney, Ambrose L.
Eye-Strain in Health and Disease: With Special Reference to the Amelioration or Cure of Chronic Nervous Derangements without the Aid of Drugs (Illustrated with 38 wood-engravings).
The F. A. Davis Co. Publishers.
Pages tanned. Covers scuffed. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Ranson, Stephen Walter.
The Anatomy of the Nervous System: From the Standpoint of Development and Function (With 260 Illustrations-Some of themn in color).
W.B. Saunders Company.
Name on inside of front cover. Covers scuffed. Corners bumped and slightly worn. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Rau, Leonard S. and May, Charles Henry.
May's Diseases of Women, Being a Concise and Systematic Exposition of the Theory and Practice of Gynecology For the Use of Students and Practitioners (Second Edition with Thirty-one illustrations on wood).
Lea Brothers and Company.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom edges of spine are worn. Top right corner of front cover is worn. The front cover has ' The property of Lea Brothers & Co.' stamped on it. This stamp was used by the publisher to guarantee that their office copies would remain in-house. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Ravage, Barbara.
KISS Guide to Weight Loss (Foreword by Kathy Smith. Keep It Simple Series).
Dorling Kindersley.
Good Plus.This book was never read. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0789461390.
Reicherts, Peter Leo and Hoff, G. Holt.
Methoden der Informatik in de Medizin (Bericht der 3. hannoverschen Tagung uber Medizinische Informatik vom 28.-30. Marz 1974).
Springer - Verlag.
Papercovers. Good Plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 3540072012.
Reilly, Mary Jo.
Drug Information: Literature Review of Needs, Resources, and Services (Case Study Series).
U.S. Department of Healthy, Education and Welfare.
Papercovers. Good Plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Remsen, Ira.
The Principles of Theoretical Chemistry, with Special References to the Constitution of Chemical Compounds (Fourth Edition, Thoroughly Revised).
Lea Brothers and Company.
Pages tanned. Top of spine is worn. Small hole on rear hinge. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Reynolds, J. Russell.
A System of Medicine (Three volume set with numerous additions and illustrations by Henry Hartshorne).
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Complete set is in poor condition because of exterior defects as are noted but the contents are intact and this set is worth rebinding. Volume I; Covers are present but detached. Hinges are well worn. Volume II; Top of spine is worn and torn. Top of front and rear hinges are torn. Volume III; Covers are present but detached. Hinges worn. Hardcover.
Reynolds, J. Russell.
A System of Medicine. THREE VOLUME SET. Volume I - General Diseases and Diseases of the Nervous System: Volume II - Diseases of the Respiratory and Circulatory Systems: Volume III - Diseases of the Digestive, Blood-Glandular, Urinary, Reproductive, and Cutaneous Systems.
Henry C. Lea's Son and Company.
Pages tanned. Cover edges and corners show some wear. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Richards, Jace and Richards, D.R.
My Brother's Keeper: A Kindergarten's View Of Autism.
My Brother's Keeper Publishing.
Good Plus.This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0976716208.
Richerand, A(nthelme Balthasar).
Elements of Physiology (From the Fifth London Edition, Revised, Corrected, and Enlarged. Translated From the French by G.J.M. Delys with notes by N. Chapman.
Thomas Dobson.
Pages tanned. Front cover nearly detached. Outer spine chipped and rubbed. Hinges are well worn. Contents clean. Hardcover.
Richmond, Joy S.
Medical Reference Works 1679-1966: A Select Bibliography - SUPPLEMENT II, 1969-1972.
Medical Library Association.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Richmond, Joy S.
Medical Reference Works 1679-1966: A Select Bibliography Supplement III, 1973-1974.
Medical Library Association.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Riley, James C.
Sickness, Recovery and Death: A History and Forecast of Ill Health (A Comprehensive Book of ill health in Europe and North America fro the seventeenth centuryto the present).
Univeristy of Iowa Press.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0877452334.
Riley, Laura and Nelson, Stacy.
Healthy Eating During Pregnancy (You and Your Baby Series. Your guide to eating well and staying fit. Includes more than 200 delicious recipes).
Meredith Books.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 9780696231865.
Rippe, James M.
Fir Over Forty: A Revolutionary Plan to Achieve Lifelong Physical and Spiritual Health and Well-Being (Forewords by Nolan Ryan and Peggy Fleming).
William Morrow.
1996 - 1st ed.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0688147089.
Rivlin, Alice M. and Josua M. Wiener.
Caring for the Disabled Elderly: Who Will Pay?.
The Brookings Institution.
Top page edges are slightly dust dirty. Contents are clean and tight. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. . Hardcover.
ISBN: 0815774982.
Robert, George C.
The Tallywhacker: A Layman's Guide To The Ups & Downs Of Impotence. ( Illustrated plus Eclectic Comments.).
Pandora Press, LLC.
Dedication initialed by author on front end page. Contents are clean and tight. Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Roberts, Frederick T.
The Theory and Practice of Medicine (Third American edition from the fourth London edition: With illustrations).
Lindsay and Blakistan.
Pages tanned. Page XV which lists the pages of illustrations 17 thru 29 is detached from the volume but is present. Cover edges are rubbed slightly worn. Corners are bumped. Title page is scuffed otherwise contents are clean. Hardcover.
Roberts, Frederick T.
The Theory and Practice of Medicine: Second American Edition from the Last London Edition, Revised and Enlarged.
Lindsay and Blakiston.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom edges of spine are worn and cracked.Front hinge is cracked and separating from front cover on the outside. Book edges and corners are worn. Contents are clean. Name on front end pages and title page. Hardcover.
Roberts, John B.
A Compend of Anatomy: For Use in The Dissecting Room, and In Preparing For Examinations.
C.C. Roberts and Company.
Pages tanned. Contents are clean and tight. Good. . Hardcover.
Roberts, William.
A Practical Treatise on Urinary and Renal Diseases Including Urinary Deposits. Illustrated by Numerous Cases and Engravings (Third American from the Third Revised and Enlarged English Edition).
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Front cover is present but detached. Outer spine has 1/4 inch strip missing from the top edge. Contents are clean. Hardcover.
Roberts, William.
A Practical Treatise on Urinary and Renal Diseases, Including Urinary Deposits (Illustrated by Numerous Cases and Engravings).
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. this volume was an in-house copy of the publisher that is bound in stiff paper with a tape spine. Front hinge is cracked. Cover edges are worn. Corners are missing their edges. Page edges have a moisture mark otherwise volume is intact and legible. Paperback.
Roberts, William.
A Practical Treatise on Urinary and Renal Diseases, Including Urinary Deposits (Illustrated by Numerous Cases and Engravings. Fourth Edition).
Lea Brothers and Co.
Pages tanned. Lower right edge of front cover is bruised and creased. Top edge of spine is missing the edge. Bottom of spine has tears. Small label on outer spine. The front cover has 'The Property of Lea Brothers & Co.' stamped on the outside. This stamp was used by the publisher to guarantee that their office copies would remain in-house. End page edge is cracked otherwise contents are clean. Hardcover.
Rogers, Fred B.
A Syllabus of Medical History.
Waverly Press, Inc.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Roget, Peter Mark.
Animal and Vegetable Physiology, Considered with Reference To Natural Theology (TWO VOLUME SET. Second American, From the Last London Edition).
Lea and Blanchard.
Pages tanned. Covers scuffed. Volume I published in 1836 and Volume II in 1839. Spine edges are worn. End pages scuffed. Pages slightly foxed. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Rolls, Barbara and Robert A. Barnett.
Volumetrics: Feel Full on Fewer Calories (A systematic lifetime approach to eating; proven methods for satisfying hunger; increase food volume without gaining weight; sound recipes and menus for weight loss.).
Harper Collins.
2000 - 1st ed.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0060194839.
Rombeau, John L. and Muldoon, Donna.
Jonathan E. Rhoads, M.D.: Quaker Sense and Sensibility in the World of Surgery.
Hanley and Belfus, Inc.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 1560532521.
Roosa, D.B. St. John.
The Coming Medical Man; An Anniversary Discourse Delivered Before the New York Academy of Medine, December 8, 1874.
D. Appleton and Company.
Pages tanned. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Roper, Fred W. and Boorkman, Joanne.
Introduction to Reference Sources in the Health Sciences.
Medical Library Association, Inc.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0912176083.
Rose, William and Carless, Albert.
A Manual of Surgery for Students and Practitioners ( Illustrated):(Rose originated gasserian ganglionectomy for trigeminal neuralgia.).
William Wood and Company.
Pages tanned. Covers slightly rubbed and scuffed. Corners bumped. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Rosner, David.
A Once Charitable Enterprise: Hospitals and Wealth Care in Brooklyn and New York, 1885-1915.
Cambridge University Press.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0521242177.
Ross, James.
Handbook of the Diseases of the Nervous System (With 184 illustrations).
Lea Brothers and Co.
Pages tanned. End pages scuffed. Top and bottom edges of spine are worn. Front and back hinges are worn and cracked in spots. Lea Brothers & Co. stamp on front end page. Contents are clean. Hardcover.
Ross, James.
Handbook of the Diseases of the Nervous System (with 184 illustrations).
Lea Brothers and Co.
Pages tanned. End pages slightly scuffed and slightly foxed. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Roth, Roberta with Mark Steisel.
The Frazzled Family: Parenting Made Easy.
Impact Books.
Signed by author on front end page otherwise Good Plus. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 9780979040603.
Rothenberg, Robert E.
The New Illustrated Medical Encyclopedia for Home Use: A Practical Guide to Good Health (FOUR VOLUME SET. Illustrated. Over 7'500 questions answered by eighteen leading American medical authorities.).
Abradale Press.
Top of spine of volumes one and four have vertical tears. Contents are clean and tight. Good reading copies in a scuffed slipcase. Hardcover.
Routh, C.H.F.
Infant Feeding and Its Influence on Life: Or the Causes and Prevention of Infant Mortality. Third Edition (Wood's Library of Standard Medical Authors).
William Wood and Company.
Pages tanned. Contents are clean and tight. Good . Hardcover.
Rubin, Jordan with Bernard Bulwer.
Perfect Weight America.
Bottom of pages have a slight stain otherwise Good Plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 9781599792576.
Rush, Anne Kent.
The Back Rub Book: How To Give And Receive Great Back Rubs.
Vintage Books.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0394759621.
Rutherford, C.W.
The Eye (With 305 Black and White Figures and 12 Orginal Colored Plates).
D. Appleton and Company.
Pages slightly tanned. Outer spine cloth is present but detached. Corners worn. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Sajous, Charles E. de M. & Sajous, Louis T. de M.
Sajous's Analytic Cyclopedia of Practical Medicine: With the Active Co-operation of over 100 Asociates Editors (Illustrated with Full-Page Half-tone and Color Plates and Appropriate Cuts in the Texts) 10 VOLUME SET-Seventh Edition. EXTRA SHIPPING CHARGES WILL APPLY TO THIS 10 VOLUME SET DUE TO SIZE AND WEIGHT OF THE VOLUMES.
F.A. Davis Company, Publishers.
Pages tanned otherwise Good. NOT FORMER LIBRARY BOOKS. Hardcover.
Salmans, Sandra.
Prostate: Questions You Have .. Answers You Need ( Ways to Maintain Prostate Health. Medical and Non-Medical treatments for an enlarged prostate that work. Proven techniques and drugs that reduce pain an inflammation.).
Wings Books.
Pages tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0517119315.
Salmon, Steven B.
It's a New Life! Mom Is Gone. ( A Memoir about Living Independently with Severe Cerebral Palsy. Foreword by Larry Watson.).
Robert D. Reed Publishers.
Covers slightly curled outward. Contents are clean and tight.Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 9781944297152.
Sansum, William David; Gray, Percival Allen and Bowden, Ruth.
The Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus with Higher Carbohydrate Diets (A Textbook For Physicians and Patients. Harper's Medical Monographs.).
Harper and Brothers Publishers.
Pages tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Sarah, The Duchess of York and Weight Watchers.
Dieting With the Duchess (Secrets and Sensible Advice For A Great Body).
Simon and Schuster.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0684857456.
Sargent, F.W.
On Bandaging, and Other Operations of Minor Surgery (New Edition with an additional chapter on military surgery by W.F. Atlee. One hundred and eighty-seven illustrations).
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Top of spine is worn with two vertical cracks. There is a small label on outer spine and a label on front cover. Contents are clean. Hardcover.
Sargent, Frederick.
Human Ecology: A Guide to Information Sources (Vol 10 in the Health Affairs Information Guide Series).
Gale Research.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0810315041.
Satterlee, George Reese.
Outlines of Human Embryology: A Medical Student's Handbook of Embryology-First Edition.
John Wiley and Sons.
Pages tanned. Covers scuffed. Bottom of spine is torn at hinge attachments. Cover edges and corners are worn. Some margins notes otherwise Good. Hardcover.
Savage, G.C.
The Nervo-Muscular Mechanism of the Eyes and Routine in Eye ( Three full-page plates and four cuts.).
McQuiddy Printing Company.
Pages tanned. Covers scuffed. Contents are clean and tight. . Hardcover.
Sayce, Valerie and Fraser, Ian.
Exercise Can Beat Your Arthritis: An Easy-To-Follow Program Of Low-Impact Exercise. ( Keep Your Joints Mobile; Increase Your Muscle Strength; Strengthen Your Bones and Ligaments; Increase Your Ability to Perform Daily Tasks.).
Avery Publishing.
Top right corner slightly bumped otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0895293927.
Schafer, Edward Albert.
A Course of Practical Histology (Second Edition. Illustrated).
Lea Brothers and Company.
Pages tanned. Small label on outer spine. Top and bottom of spine slightly worn.Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Schafer, Edward Albert.
A Course of Practical Histology: Being an Introduction to the Use of the Microscope (With Illustrations on Wood).
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned.Top of spine is worn. Small label on outter spine. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Schafer, Sir Edward Albert.
The Essentials of Histology: Descriptive and Practical for the Use of Students (Eleventh Edition).
Lea and Febiger.
Pages tanned. Name on front end page. Corners slightly bumped. Outer page edges are spotted but marks do not appear on the inside of the pages of the volume. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Schafer,Paul W.
Pathology In General Surgery.
University of Chicago Press.
Schlant, Robert C.
1987: The Year Book of Cardiology.
Year Book Medical.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Schreiber, Martin J. with Breitenbucher, Cathy.
My Two Elaines: Learning, Coping, and Surviving as an Alzheimer's Caregiver.
Book Publishers Network.
2017 Third Edition.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 9781945271212.
Scribens, Sunny.
Baby Dream Sonando con Bebe. ( Text in English and Spanish. " a story, a snuggle, a stretch, a song - babies wind down in all kinds of ways. How do you and your baby get ready to rest? Profusely illustrated.).
Barefoot Books.
Contents are clean and tight. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 9781782857969.
Scudder, Charles Locke.
The Treatment of Fractures: With Notes Upon a Few Common Dislocations (Fourth Edition, Thoroughly Revised with 688 Illustrations.).
W.B. Saunders and Company.
Pages slightly tanned. Corners bumped. Contents are clean and tight. Good. Hardcover.
Sears, Barry.
Mastering the Zone: The Next Step In Achieving Superhealth and Permanent Fat Loss.
Regan Books.
1997 First Edition.
Pages tanned. Contents are clean. Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0060391901.
Seiler, Carl.
Handbook of the Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases of the Throat, Nose, and Naso-Pharynx (Second Edition. Thoroughly Revised and Greatly Enlarged with Seventy-Seven Illustrations.
Henry C. Lea's Son and Company.
Pages tanned. Top edge of the spine is missing. Top of front hinge is cracked. top of rear hinge is torn. Corners are bumped and worn. Contents clean and tight. Hardcover.
Selzer, Richard.
Raising the Dead: A Doctor's Encounter with His Own Mortality.
Whittle Books.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 067085414X.
Shaffer, Newton M.
A Lecture on the Pathology, Symptoms and Diagnosis of Ankle-Joint Disease (Pamphlet reprinted from the Annals of Anatomy and Surgery.).
Annals of Anatomy and Surgery.
Paper pamphlet. Pages tanned. Good Condition. Paperback.
Shands, A. R.
Pott's Disease And Some Of its Complications. ( A 15 page pamphlet rarely seen for sale.).
Southern Surgical and Gynecological Association.
Pages tanned. Paper covers chipped along the edges, corners and front hinge. Contents are clean and tight. Paperback.
Shands, A. R.
The Treatment Of Weak Feet And Flat Feet. ( A seven page pamphlet reprint of an article from Washington Medical Annals 1902.).
Washington Medical Annals.
Pages tanned. Covers scuffed. cover edges and corners chipped. Contents are clean and tight. Paperback.
Shands, A. R.
Treatment of Club-Foot in Children Under Three Years Old. ( A seven page pamphlet of an article from The American Journal Of Obstetrics in 1903.).
William Wood & Company.
Pages tanned. Paper covers are present but detached. Covers are chipped along the edges. Contents are clean and tight. Paperback.
Shands, A.R.
Case of Harelip Complicated with Intermaxillary Fissure (A paper pamphlet reprinted from Virginia Medical Semi-Montly. Six pages with three photographs.).
Virginia Medical Semi-Monthly.
Pages tanned. Paper covers are missing otherwise clean and tight. Paperback.
Sharkey, Thomas.
The Eating Man's Diet (An exciting approach to weight reduction based on a scientificall designed plan that allows you to eat anything you want.).
Grosset and Dunlap.
Good.This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Simon, Charles E.
A Manual of Clinical Diagnosis: By Means of Laboratory Methods for Students, Hospital Physicians, and Practitioners (Seventh Edition, Enlarged and Thoroughly Revised. Illustrated with 168 Engravings and 25 Plates).
Lea and Febiger.
Pages tanned. Cover edges are worn. Corners are well worn. Institutional stamp on the top of the title page. Contents are clean. Hardcover.
Simon, Charles E.
A Manual of Clinical Diagnosis: By Means of Microscopical and Chemical Methods, for Students, Hospital Physicians, and Practitioners (Fifth Edition, Thoroughly Revised and Enlarged. Illustrated with 150 Engravings and 22 Plates in Colors).
Lea Brothers and Company.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom of spine is worn. Lower cover edges and corners reflect shelf wear. Dedication to an institution written on the top of title page. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Skloot, Rebecca.
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.
Retangular piece missing from top of front end page. Contents are clean and tight. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 9781400052189.
Smith, Edward.
Consumption: Its Early and Remediable Stages.
Blanchard and Lea.
Pages tanned. Top edge of spine has 1/2 inch strip missing. Bottom of spine is worn. Corners are slightly rubbed. Top outer corner of the first five pages are creased otherwise contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Smith, Eustace.
On the Wasting Diseases of Infants and Children: Second American Edition From the Second Revised and Enlarged English Edition.
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Top edge of spine has 1/8 inch strip missing. Bottom of spine is worn. Front and rear hinges are cracked and weak. Corners are well worn. Book edges are well worn. Contents are clean and intact. Hardcover.
Smith, J. Lewis.
A Treatise on the Diseases of Infancy and Childhood (Fifth Edition, Thoroughly Revised with Illustrations).
Henry C. Lea's Son and Company.
Pages tanned. Front end page has a one inch section across the top of the page missing. Small hole on lower part of front hinge. Top of rear hinge is slightly worn. Bottom edges of cover and bottom corners are worn. Name stamped on outer page edges and on front end page. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Smith, J. Lewis.
A Treatise on the Diseases of Infancy and Childhood (Seventh Edition, Thoroughly Revised, with Fifty-One Illustrations).
Lea Brothers and Company.
Pages tanned. Top of spine is worn and cracked. Top of rear hinge is cracked. Corners are slightly worn. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Smith, Janet Jennings.
10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse: How to Lose Up to 15lbs. in 10 Days. ( New and improved condensed version.).
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 9781500403393.
Smith, K. M.
Cambridge Univ. Press.
Cover slightly scuffed. Pages slightly tanned otherwise good.This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Smith, Mickey C. (Editor).
Journal Of Pharmaceutical Marketing And Management, Volume 2, Number 2, Winter 1987.
American Association Of Pharmaceutical Scientists.
Pages tanned otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Smith, Roswell C.
English Grammar Of The Productive System: A Method Of Instruction Recently Adopted In Germany And Switzerland. ( Designed for Schools and Academies.).
Butler & Williams .
Pages tanned. Heavy foxing with some blotches, Covers scuffed. Corners bumped. Contents are tight. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Smith, Stephen.
Doctor In Medicine: and Other Papers on Professional Subjects.
Arno Press and The New York Times.
1972 reprint of 1872 edition.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0405039727.
Soda, Takemune.
Drug-induced Sufferings: Medical, Pharmaceutical & Legal Aspects (Proceedings of the Kyoto International Conference Against Drug-Induced Sufferings, 14-18 April, 1979).
Excerpta Medica.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Solly, S. Edwin.
A Handbook of Medical Climatology: Embodying its Principles and Therapeutic Application with Scientific Data of the Chief Health Resorts of the World (Illustrated in Black and Colors).
Lea Brothers and Company.
Pages tanned. Edges of spine slightly worn. Book plate on inside of front cover. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Solomon, Charles.
Pharmacology and Therapeutics (100 illus.).
J.B. Lippincott.
1952 - 6th ed.
Pages tanned. Minor underlining in pencil otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Sophian, Lawrence H.; Piper, David L. and Schneller, George H.
The Sulfapyrimidines: Sulfadiazine, Sulfamerazine, Sulfamethazine.
The Press of A. Colish.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Spencer, Selden.
A Practical Guide to the Examination of the Ear (With an Introductory Chapter by H.N. Spencer).
C.V. Mosby.
Pages tanned. Corners bumped. Covers scuffed. Contents clean. Hardcover.
Spiro, Howard M.
Clinical Gastroenterology (Illustrated).
Macmillan Company.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Spock, Benjamin and Parker, Steven.
Dr. Spock's Baby And Child Care (Revised and Updated 7th Edition. Illustrations by Sharon Scotland).
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0525944176.
Squibb, Edward R.
Report On the New or Fifth Decennial Revision of the United States Pharmacopoeia, To the Medical Society of the State of New York (Pamphlet reprinted from the New York Medical Journal).
D. Appleton and Company.
Pages tanned. Paper covers are worn. Top right corner of cover and the top corner of the first twelve pages are worn away. Text is intact. Contents are clean. Paperback.
Squibb, Edward R.
The Medical Association and the Pharmacopoeia of the United States of America (This pamphlet is especially addressed to those bodies which were represented in the national convention for revising the Pharmacopoeia and which are represented in the American Medical Association and the American Pharmaceutical Association).
Eagle Print.
Pages tanned. Paper covers are worn. Small institutional stamp on front cover. Contents are clean and intact. Paperback.
Starling Medical College.
Catalogue of the Offices and Students of Starling Medical College, For the Session of 1849-1850 (A sixteen page pamphlet without covers that includes graduates 1848-49; students enrolled in 1848-49 and their hometown; a list of lectures; regulations; fees and necessary books.).
Starling Medical College.
Pages tanned. Covers missing otherwise clean and legible. Paperback.
Starr, Paul.
The Logic of Health - Care Reform (Pulitzer Prize winning sociologist examines health care and argues a plan that addresses the needs of everyone.).
Whiittle Direct Books.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 1879736098.
Stecker,Floyd W.and Trombka,Jacob I.(Editors).
Gamma-Ray Astrophysics:A Symposium Held At NASA Goddard Space Flight Center April 30 to May 2,1973,Sponsored By The National Aeronautics And Space Administration And The American physical Society.
National Aeronautics And Space Administration.
Good Plus.This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Stevens, Arthur Albert.
A Manual of Therapeutics.
W. B. Saunders.
Pages tanned. Corners slightly bumped. Institutional book plate on inside of front cover. Contents are clean and tight. Good. Hardcover.
Stevens, Arthur Albert.
Modern Materia Medica and Therapeutics: Fourth Edition Thoroughly Revised in Conformity with the Eighth Edition (1905) of the United States Pharmacopoeia.
W. B. Saunders and Company.
Pages tanned. Institutional book plate inside of front cover. Covers slightly scuffed. Contents are clean and tight. Good. Hardcover.
Stewart, Francis T.
A Manual of Surgery For Students and Physicians (with 504 Illustrations.).
P. Blakiston's Son and Company.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom of spine are worn with vertical cracks. Lower edge of front cover is worn away. Leather cover are well worn. ontents are clean and tight. . Hardcover.
Stille, Alfred and Maisch, John M.
The National Dispensatory: Containing the Natural History, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Actions, and Uses of Medicines. Including those Recognized in the Pharmacopaeias of the U.S., Great Britain and Germany, with Numerous References to the French Codex. (Third Edition, Thoroughly Revised, with Numerous Additions-with 311 Illustrations).
Henry C. Lea's Son and Company.
Pages tanned. Rear cover is missing. Front cover is present but detached. Leather on outter spine is worn and torn. Contents are clean and intact. Hardcover.
Stimson, Lewis A.
A Practical Treatise on Fractures and Dislocations (Third Edition, Revised and Enlarged with 336 illustrations and 32 plates in monotint.
Lea Brothers and Co.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom of spine slightly worn. Corners slightly worn. Name stamped on front end page. Contents are clean and tight. Good. Hardcover.
Stitt, E. R.
Practical Bacteriology, Blood Work and Animal Parasitology: Including Bacteriological Keys, Zoological Tables and Explanatory Clinical Notes-Sixth Edition, Revised and Enlarged (With 1 Plate and 177 Other Illustrations Containing 637 Figures).
P. Blakiston's Son and Company.
Pages tanned. Soft cloth covers with vertical creases.. Edges are worn. Top and bottom of spine is well worn with tears at hinge edges. Contents are clean. Hardcover.
Stitt, E. R.
Practical Bacteriology, Bloodwork and Animal Parasitology: Including Bacteriological Keys, Zoological Tables and Explanatory Clinical Notes (With 86 illustrations).
P. Blakiston's Son and Co.
Pages slightly tanned. Top and bottom edges of spine are worn. Lower right corner of front cover is bent. Cover edges are slightly worn. Some notes in pencil on inside of covers. Good Reading Copy. Hardcover.
Stokes, William.
Lectures on Fever: Delivered in the Theatre of the Meath Hospital and County of Dublin Infirmary.
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. This volume was an in-house copy of the publisher that is bound in stiff paper with a tape spine. Cover edges are well worn with pieces worn away. Outer hinges are well worn. Contents are clean and intact. Paperback.
Strumpell, Adolf.
A Text-Book of Medicine For Students and Practitioners (Third American Edition with one hundred and eighty-five illustrations in the text and one plate).
D. Appleton and Company.
Pages tanned. Top of spine is worn. Top edge of front hinge is cracked. Cover edges and corners slightly rubbed. Corners slightly bumped. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Strumpell, Adolf Dr.
A Text-Book of Medicine: For Students and Practitioners (With 185 Illustrations in the Text, and One Plate. Third Edition).
D. Appleton and Co.
Pages tanned. Corners bumped. Contents are clean. Hardcover.
Sturges, Octavius.
An Introduction to the Study of Clinical Medicine: Being a Guide to the Investigation of Disease for the Use of Students.
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Top of spine is slightly worn. Bottom of spine is cracked where attached to front and rear hinges. Small label on outer spine. Contents are clean. Hardcover.
Sussman, Aaron and Goode, Ruth.
The Magic of Walking (Revised Edition. The most complete guide ever published to the joys of walking-for pleasure, for health, for serenity-in city, in county, in America and abroad. Plus a glorious ramble through the literature of walking).
Simon and Schuster.
Pages tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0671255681.
Tait, Lawson.
Diseases of Women and Abdominal Surgery-VOLUME I ONLY (Illustrated).
Lea Brothers and Company.
Pages tanned. 'The Property of Lea Brothers & Co.' stamped on outside of front cover. This stamp was used by the publisher to guarantee that their office copies would remain in-house. Cloth cracked at the top of front hinge. Corners bumped and worn. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Taitz, Sonia.
Mothering Heights: Reclaiming Motherhood From the Experts.
William Morrow.
1992 First Edition.
Signed by author on front end page otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0688105882.
Tamplin, R.W.
Lectures on the Nature and Treatment of Deformities: Delivered at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, Bloomsbury Square (With Numerous Illustrations).
Ed. Barrington and Geo. D. Haswell.
Pages tanned. Front cover and end page is detached. Rear cover is missing. Outer spine is cracked and chipped. Contents are clean and intact. Hardcover.
Taussig, Rebekah.
Sitting Pretty: The View From My Ordinary Resilient Disabled Body.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 9780063428904.
Taylor, Alfred S.
Medical Jurisprudence. ( Fourth American from the Fifth and Improved London Edition. Edited with additions by Edward Hartshorne.).
Blanchard and Lea.
Pages tanned. Brown circular spot visible on pages 303-312 but text is legible. Cover edges and corners are worn. Name on inside of front cover and on title page. Contents are tight. Hardcover.
Taylor, Alfred Swaine.
The Principles and Practice of Medical Jurisprudence. (VOLUME ONE ONLY of a two volume set. Second Edition Illustrated).
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom of spine are missing two inch sections. Front and rear hinges are crcked and weak. Cover edges and corners are worn. Contents are clean. Cloth on spine is badly torn with the last inch at bottom missing. Front cover loose. Corners rubbe. Hardcover.
Taylor, Alfred Swaine.
The Principles And Practice Of Medical Jurisprudence. VOLUME II ONLY of a two volume set. SECOND EDITION.
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom edges of spine are well worn. Cloth on outer spine is detached from front cover. Cover edges and corners are worn. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Taylor, Alfred Swaine and Reese, John J.
A Manual of Medical Jurisprudence (Eighth American Edition, with illustrations on wood).
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Outer spine has clear scotch tape from top and bottom. Front hinge is weak and cracked on the inside. Corners are bumped and worn. Page 269/270 was torn in half and taped back together otherwise contents are clean. Hardcover.
Taylor, Henry Ling.
Orthopedic Surgery For Practioners (With Two Hundred and Fifty-Four Illustrations).
D. Appleton and Company.
Pages tanned. One inch section at the bottom of spine is missing. Rear hinge is cracked and loose. Outer covers are loose. Contents are intact and legible. Hardcover.
Teigen, Philip M.
Wood's Library of Standard Medical Authors 1879-1886: A Checklist.
National Library of Medicine.
Papercovers are slightly scuffed otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Teitelbaum, Jacob MD.
The Healing Power of Red Ginseng: The Revolutionary New HRG80 Difference--Discover Noble Ginsenosides. ("Boosts Energy, Relieves Fatigue and Exhaustion, Fights Cancer, Diabetes, Alzheimer's and More, Enhances Sexual Performance.").
To Your Health Books.
Lower right corner bumped. Contents are clean and tight. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 9780998265865.
The Editors of Market House Books Ltd.
The Bantam Medical Dictionary.
Bantam Books.
ISBN: 0553284983.
The Editors of Merriam-Webster.
Webster's New Explorer Medical Dictionary (A Valuable medical reference for every family. Clear, up-to-date definitions of over 35,000 commonly used medical terms. Includes brand names and generic equivalents for frequently prescribed medicines).
Federal Street Press.
Pages tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 1892859076.
Thom, Burton Peter.
Syphilis: (Illustrated with 69 engravings).
Lea and Febiger.
Pages tanned. Contents are clean and tight. Good. Hardcover.
Thomas, Lewis.
The Youngest Science: Notes of a Medicine-Watcher.
Viking Press.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 067079533X.
Thomas, Mai.
Grannies Remedies (Wisdom and experience of a grandmother who lived in Wales and compiled a pharmacopeia of folk-medicine.).
Gramercy Publishing.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Thomas, T. Gaillard.
A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of Women (Fifth Edition, Enlarged and Thoroughly revised containing 265 engravings on wood).
Henry C.Lea's Sons and Co.
Pages tanned. Covers are scuffed and stained. Cover edges are well worn. Front cover is loose due to cracked and weak inner part of front hinge. front end page has erasure marks and owner's name. Contents are intact and legible. Hardcover.
Thomas, Theodore Gaillard.
A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of Women (Fourth Edition, Thoroughly Revised; With 191 Illustrations on Wood. Thomas is believed to have performed the First Vaginal Ovariotomy).
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. This volume was an in-house copy of the publisher that is bound in stiff paper with a tape spine. Front cover is present but detached. Top corner edge of front cover is missing. Contents are clean and tight. Paperback.
Thomson, William A.R.
Black's Medical Dictionary (31st ed. With plates and 444 illus.).
Adam & Charles Black (London).
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0713616547.
Thorne, W. Bezly.
The Schott Methods of the Treatment of Chronic Diseases of the Heart with An Account of the Nauheim Baths, and of the Therapeutic Exercises(Fifthe Edition. Illustrated).
P. Blakinston's Sons and Co.
Pages tanned. Covers slightly scuffed. Light foxing. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Tirard, Nestor.
A Textbook of the Medical Treatment of Diseases and Symptoms (Adapted to the United States Pharmacopaeia by E. Quin Thorton, M.D.).
Lea Brothers and Company.
Pages tanned. Contents are clean and tight. Good. Hardcover.
Tirard, Nestor.
A Textbook of the Medical Treatment of Diseases and Symptoms: Adapted to the United States Pharmacopaeia by E. Quin Thorton.
Lea Brothers and Co.
Pages tanned. Small tear on top edge of spine. Institutional book plate inside of front cover. Name on title page. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Tobe,John H.
Your Prostate:Its Functions And Malfunctions As Well As All Known Methods Of Treatment And Prevention (Two volumes in one.).
Provoker Press.
Hinge that attaches frontcover to the spine is cracked.Pages are tanned otherwise contents are clean and tight.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK . Hardcover.
Todd, Robert Bentley and Bowman, William.
The Physiological Anatomy and Physiology of Man (With numerous illustrations. Part Fourth. Section Second. Page 725 to end with title preface, contents, etc.).
Blanchard and Lea.
Pages tanned. This volume was an in-house copy of the publisher that is bound in stiff paper with a tape spine. Front cover and front end page are present but detached. Cover edges are worn and the lower right corner of front cover is missing. Hinges are worn. Contents are clean and intact. Paperback.
Toland, Hugh Huger.
Lectures on Practical Surgery (Second Edition. Illustrated).
Lindsay and Blakiston.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom edges of spine are worn. Corners are bumped and slightly worn. Name on front end pages. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Tracy, David F.
How To Sleep Without Pills (Introduction by T.S. Welton M.D.).
Wilshire Book Company.
This book was never read.Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Trousseau, A. and Pidoux, H.
Treatise on Therapeutics-Ninth Edition Revised and Enlarged, with the Assistance of Constantine Paul. THREE VOLUME SET.
William Wood and Company.
Pages tanned. Cover edges and corners slightly rubbed. Book plate on inside of front cover of each volume. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Trudeau, Kevin.
The Weight Loss Cure "They" Don't Want You To Know About.
Alliance Publishing Group, Inc.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0978785150.
Tyrer, Peter.
Insomnia: Overcoming Common Problems.
Sheldon Press (London).
Pages tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0859691519.
Tyson, James.
A Guide to the Practical Examination of Urine: For the use of Physicians and Students (Sixth Edition,Revised and corrected with a colored plate and wood engravings).
P. Blakiston, Son and Company.
Pages tanned. Name written across title page and impressed into title page. Top edge of spine is slightly worn otherwise good plus. Hardcover.
U.S. Department of Health Education and Welfare.
Smoking and Health: Report of the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service.
D.Van Nostrand Company, Inc.
Pages slightly tanned.Covers scuffed otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Ubell, Earl.
How to Save Your Life (By changing or breaking the normal, everyday habits that affect your health-working, relaxing, exercising, eating, drug-taking, drinking, smoking and sex).
Harcourt, Brace and Jovanovich, Inc.
1973 First Edition.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 015142179X.
Ullrich, Helen D.
Health Maintenance Through Food & Nutrition: A Guide To Information Sources (Vol. 7 in the Health Affairs Information Guide Series).
Gale Research.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0810315009.
Underhill, Frank P.
A Manual of Selected Biochemical Methods: As Applied to Urine, Blood and Gastric Analysis.
John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Pages slightly tanned. Names on front end page. Some text marks otherwise Good. Hardcover.
Underhill, Frank P.
Toxicology or the Effects of Poisons.
P. Blakiston's Son and Company.
Pages slightly tanned. Name on front end page otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Vallery-Radot, Rene .
The Life of Pasteur: Translated from the French by Mrs. R.L. Devonshire (With an Introduction by Sir William Osler).
Doubleday, Page and Company.
Pages tanned. Top of spine is slightly worn otherwise Good Reading Copy. Hardcover.
Van Fleet, Frank .
The History, Aim and Purpose of the Medical Societies of the State and Counties of New York (Pamphlet reprinted from the Medical News).
The Medical News.
Pages tanned. Front and rear covers are worn and torn. Front cover is taped down the center. Rear cover has 1/2 inch section missing. Page edges have a moisture stain otherwise contents are clean and intact. Paperback.
Van Tilburg, Christopher.
Mountain Rescue Doctor: Wilderness Medicine In The Extremes Of Nature.
St. Martin's Press.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0312358873.
Veasey, Clarence A.
A Manual of Diseases of the Eye: For Students and General Practitioners (Illustrated with 194 Engravings and 10 Colored Plates).
Lea Brothers and Company.
Pages tanned. Top edge of first 50 pages slightly discolored. Front cover scuffed. Name on front end page. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Vierordt, Oswald.
A Clinical Textbook of Medical Diagnosis for Physicians and Students: Based on the most Recent Methods of Examination. Authorized Translation with Additions by Francis H. Stuart (Third Revised Edition with 178 Illustrations).
W. B. Saunders Company.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom of spine is worn. Book plate on inside of front cover. Top left side edge of front end page has a one inch vertical tear. Contents are clean and tight. . Hardcover.
Vinovskis, Maris A.
An Epidemic of Adolescent Pregnancy: Some Historical and Policy Considerations.
Oxford University Press.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0195049977.
Wade, Carlson.
All Natural Pain Relievers (Hundreds of "natural medicines" to be used for healing almost every possible ache and pain. Foreword by William S. Keezer).
Parker Publishing.
Pages tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 013022376X.
Wade, Carlson.
Nutritional Healers: How to Eat Your Way to Better Health.
Parker Publishing Company, Inc.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0136272339.
Wagner, Frederick B.
Centennial Memoir of James Aitken Meigs, M.D. ( A reprint of an article published in Transactions & Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia.).
Signed by the author on the front page. Bottom of item slightly curled otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY ITEM. Paperback.
Wagner, Frederick B.
Department Of Retrospection - The Jefferson Medical College Connection: A Letter From Sir William Osler. ( Reprinted from Transactions & Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia.).
Signed by author on the title page. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY ITEM. Paperback.
Wagner, Frederick B.
Quest for the Grave of Dr. Nathaniel Chapman ( Reprint of an article published in JAMA.).
Journal of the American Medical Association.
Signed by author on the title page. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY ITEM. Paperback.
Wagner, Frederick B.
Revisit Of Samuel D. Gross, M.D. ( Reprint from Surgery, Gynecology & Obstetrics.).
Signed by author on front page. Some margin marks in text otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY ITEM. Paperback.
Wagner, Frederick B.
The Jefferson-Dunglison Grandfather Clock ( A reprint of an article published i Transactions & Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia.).
Signed by the author on the front page. Bottom of item slightly curled otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY ITEM. Paperback.
Wagner, Frederick B.
The Physician's Gold-Headed Cane ( An article reprinted from Transactions & Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia.).
Signed by the author on the front page. Bottom of item slightly curled otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY ITEM. Paperback.
Wagner, Frederick B.
Thomas Jefferson University: Tradition and Heritage (Foreword by Lewis W. Bluemle. Illustrated).
Lea and Febiger.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0812112105.
Wainwright, J.W.
A Syllabus of New Remedies and Therapeutics Measures: With Chemistry, Physical Appearance and Therapeutic Application.
G.P. Engelhard and Company.
Pages tanned. Corners bumped. Book plate inside of front cover otherwise Good. . Hardcover.
Walker, George.
Studies In The Experimental Production Of Tuberculosis In The Genito-Urinary Organs.
The Johns Hopkins Hospital Reports.
Pages slightly tanned. Papercovers are well worn along the edges and loose. Front hinge has a vertical tear along lower section of front cover. The lower outer corners of pages 193 thru 222 have a one inch by four inch section missing. This does affect the text in any way. Contents are clean and intact. Name and stamp o front cover. FORMER LIBRARY VOLUME. Paperback.
ISBN: circa 1910.
Wall, Francis P. and Zeidber, Louis D.
Health Guides and Guards (Third Edition).
Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Pages tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Walton, G.L. and Paul, W.E.
The Clinical Value of Astereognosis and Its Bearing Upon Cerebral Localization (A paper pamphlet reprinted from The Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases).
The Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases.
Vertical crease down the center of pamphlet otherwise clean and legible. Paperback.
Walton, George L.
The Localization of the Reflex Mechanism (A seven page pamphlet reprinted from the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.).
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.
Pages tanned. Paper covers are detached and stapled to text. Cover edges are well worn with edges missing especially the corners. Contents are intact and legible. Paperback.
Walton, George L. and Brooks, W.A.
Observations On Brain Surgery Suggested by a Case of Multiple Cerebral Hemorrhage (A paper pamphlet reprinted from the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal.).
Damrell and Upham (Boston).
Vertcal crease down the center of pamphlet otherwise good. Paperback.
Walton, George L. and Paul, W.E.
Contribution to the Study of the Achilles Jerk and the Front-Top (A eleven page pamphlet reprinted from the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.).
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.
Pages tanned. Paper covers are detached and stapled to text. Cover edges are worn. Name and numbers written on front cover. Contents are clean and intact. Paperback.
Walton, George L. and Paul, W.E.
Contributions to the Study of the Cortical Sensory Areas (A twenty-three page pamphlet reprinted from "Brain".).
John Bale, Son (London).
Pages tanned. A one inch by one inch circular stain on lower part of front cover. A name and three sets of numbers are written on front cover. Contents are clean and tight. Paperback.
Warshaw, Hope S. and Webb, Robyn.
The Diabetes Food and Nutrition Bible: A Complete Guide To Planning, Shopping, Cooking, And Eating (With a Foreword by Graham Ken).
American Diabetes Association.
Minor underlining otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 158040037X.
Watson, B.A.
An Experimental Study of Anaesthetics (A pamphlet extracted from the Transactions of the American Surgical Association.).
Collins, Printer.
Papes tanned. Paper cover edges are worn with some tears. Contents are clean and intact. Paperback.
Watson, Dr. John.
The True Physician: Dr. John Watson's Anniversary Discourse Delivered Before the New York Academy of Medicine, November 7, 1860. (Dr. Watson was the President of the Academy.).
Samuel S. and William Wood.
Pages tanned. Paper covers. Front cover has the number 719 glued on in two locations and has a vertical crease. Contents are clean and tight. Paperback.
Watson, Thomas.
Lectures on the Principles and Practice of Physic; Delivered at King's College, London (Third American from the Last London Edition. Revised with Additions by D. Francis Condie.
Lea and Blanchard.
Pages tanned. Some foxing.Leather Cover edges, corners and hinges are worn. Ink spot on outer page edges but the stain is not on the inner part of the pages and does not affect text. Contents have some minor pencil marks but are tight and legible. Paperback.
Webster, David H.; Keil, Frank C.; Jones, Marvin F.; Kelly, Joseph D. and Graef, Fred.
Nursing In Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat (Eighth Edition. Illustrated).
W. B. Saunders Company.
Cover slightly scuffed otherwise Good and Tight.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Weight Watchers.
Start Living, Start Losing: Inspirational Stories That Will Motivate You Now (Foreword by Sarah the Duchess of York. Advance uncorrected proof bound as a paperback book).
John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 9780470189146.
Weil, Andrew.
Healthy Aging: A Lifelong Guide To Your Physical And Spiritual Well-Being.
Alfred A. Knopf.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0375407553.
Weise, Freida O.
Health Statistics: A Guide to Information Sources (Vol 4 in the Health Affairs Information Guide Series).
Gale Research.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0810314126.
Welch, Martha.
Holding Time: How To Eliminate Conflict, Temper Tantrums and Sibling Rivalry and Raise Happy, Loving, Successful Children.
Simon and Schuster.
Volume is slightly curled preventing publisher from selling it. Donated to a charitable book sale. Never read. Good. Paperback.
ISBN: 0671688782.
Wells, H. Gideon.
Chemical Pathology: Being a Discussion of General Pathology from the Standpoint of the Chemical Processes Involved-Fourth Edition, Revised and Reset.
W. B. Saunders Company.
Pages tanned. Institutional stamp on inside of covers. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Wells, J. Soelberg.
A Treatise on the Diseases of the Eye: Fourth American from the Third English Edition, with Copious Additions (Illustrated with 257 Engravings on Wood and Six Colored Plates, Together with Selections from the Test-Types of Prof. E. Jaeger and Prof. H. Snellen).
Henry C. Lea's Son and Company.
Pages tanned. Top edge of spine is worn and torn at the front and rear hinges. Labels on outer spine. Corners are bumped. Contents are clean. Hardcover.
Wendt, Edmund Charles.
A Treatise on Asiatic Cholera (Illustrated with Maps and Engravings).
William Wood and Company.
Pages tanned. Covers scuffed. Top and bottom edges of spine are worn. Spine has vertical tear and outer label is missing. Title page has institutional stamps. Contents are clean. Maps intact. Cover edges and corners are worn. FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Wermuth, Susanna H.
"I've Tried It All! Now What?!" The New Rules For Diet Dropouts (How Dr. Phil, Bob Greene, Jenny Craig and all those other experts may have only made us fatter. Letter from Oprah Inside!).
Top Shelf Books.
Good Plus. Never Read. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 1590940261.
West, Charles.
Lectures on the Diseases of Infancy and Childhood (Fifth American from the Sixth Revised and Enlarged English Edition.
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom of spine are worn. Top of spine is chipped where it attaches to rear cover. A small label is on outer spine. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
West, Charles.
Lectures on the Diseases of Infancy and Childhood (Fifth Edition-From the Sixth Revised and Enlarged English Edition).
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Name on front end pages. Outer side of hinges show slight wear. Lower corners are worn. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
What To Expect.Project. (Heidi Murkoff, Lisa Bernstein-Dubno and Naomi Rand).
Baby Basics: Your Month-by-Month Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy. (Profusely Illustrated).
March Of Dimes.
Spiral pine. Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Whitaker, Robert H. and Borley, Neil R.
Instant Anatomy (Second Edition. The clever structure of the information in this volume facilitates accurate and speedy retrieval of anatomical facts.).
Blackwell Science.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0632054034.
White, W. Hale.
Materia Medica, Pharmacy, Pharmacology and Therapeutics: Edited by Reynold W. Wilcox-Fifth American Edition.
P. Blakiston's Son and Company.
Pages tanned. Book plate inside of front cover. Contents are clean and tight. Good. . Hardcover.
White, William T.
An Anniversary Discourse Delivered Before the New York Academy of Medicine, Novemeber 16, 1876 (A n original pamphlet, not a reproduction.).
D. Appleton and Company.
Pages tanned. Paper cover slightly torn at top of spine otherwise contents are clean and tight. Paperback.
Whyte, H.M.
Eat to Your Heart's Content: The Theory and Practice of Eating and Cooking to Avoid Coronary Heart Disease (With menus and recipes suggested by Peggy Whyte. Foreword by Warren McDonald).
Hawthorn Books, Inc.
1962 First American Edition.
Cover slightly scuffed. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Wilcox, Reynold Webb.
Materia Medica and Pharmacy (Seventh Edition, Revised).
P. Blakiston's Son and Company.
Pages tanned. Corners slightly bumped. Book plate on inside of front cover. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Wilcox, Reynold Webb.
Materia Medica and Pharmacy-Sixth Edition (Based on the Fifth Edition of White and Wilcox's "Materia Medica and Therapeutics).
P. Blakiston's Son and Company.
Pages tanned. Book plate inside of front cover. Contents are clean and tight. Good. . Hardcover.
Wilder, Burt G. and Gage, Simon H.
Anatomical Technology as Applied to the Domestic Cat: An Introduction to Human, Veterinary, and Comparative Anatomy (With Illustrations).
A.S. Barnes and Company.
Pages tanned. Front cover is present but detached as is outer spine. Contents are clean and intact. Hardcover.
Wilkinson, Joseph ( Editor ).
Great Meals, Great Snacks, Great Kids: The American Health Foundation Guide. ( Chapters by: Jeanine Barone, M.S.; Betty-Jean Carter, M.S.; Lisa Cohn,M.M.Sc.R.D.; Donna Cross, Grad. Dip. H.Sci.; Arlene Spark, ed.D., R.D.; Christine L. Williams, M.D., M.P.H.; Ernst L. Wynder, M.D..).
American Health Foundation / Scholastic.
Williams, Charles J.B.
Principles of Medicine Comprising General Pathology and Therapeutics, and a Brief General View of Etiology, Nosology, Semeiology, Diagnosis, Prognosis and Hygienics (Edited with additions by Meredith Clymer. Fourth American Edition.
Blanchard and Lea.
Pages tanned. This volume was an in-house copy of the publisher that is bound in stiff paper with a tape spine. Cover edges ans corners are worn with some edges missing. Approximately eleven pages have tears. Contents are clean and intact. Hardcover.
Wilson, Erasmus.
Plates Illustrative of Wilson on Diseases of the Skin (Seventh Edition).
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned and slightly foxed. Rear cover has black marks. Front hinge has a one inch tear. Contents are clean and intact. Hardcover.
Winckel, F.(Franz).
The Pathology and Treatment of Childbed: A Treatise for Physicians and Students (From the second German edition with many additional notes by the author. Translated by James Chadwick).
Henry C. Lea.
Pages tanned. Covers are nearly detached..Cloth on the outer spine is well worn and chipped with sections missing. Contents are clean and intact. Hardcover.
Winter, George B.
Principles of Exodonita as Applied to the Impacted Mandibular Third Molar: A Complete Treatise on the Operative Technic with Clinical Diagnoses and Radiographic Interpretations (Drawings by Tom Jones).
American Medical Book Company.
A pamphlet with two tears along the top edge and some scuffing of covers otherwise tight and legible. Periodical.
Witschi, Emil.
Development of Vertebrates.
W. B. Saunders Company.
1956 First Edition.
Pages slightly tanned. Covers scuffed. Minor text marks otherwise Good Reading Copy. Hardcover.
Wodehouse, P. G.
Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves.
Arrow Books.
Residue of a small price sticker on top right corner of front cover otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 9780099513957.
Wolcott, Mark W. (Editor).
Ferguson's Surgery of the Ambulatory Patient-Fifth Edition.
J. B. Lippincott Company.
Institutional Copy with hospital name stamped on end pages otherwise Good. Paperback.
ISBN: 0397503334.
Wood, Francis Carter.
Chemical and Microscopical Diagnosis (Third Edition with 194 Illustrations in the Text and 9 Colored Plates).
D. Appleton and Company.
Pages tanned. Covers slightly scuffed. Some underlining of text. Good Reading Copy. Hardcover.
Wood, Horatio C.
Therapeutics: Its Principles and Practice (Thoroughly Revised and Rewritten by Horatio C. Wood, Jr. Fourteenth Edition).
J. B. Lippincott Company.
Pages tanned. Book plate on inside of front cover. Writing on front end page. Contents are clean. Good. Hardcover.
Woodruff, Sir Michael.
On Science and Surgery (Author, knighted in 1969, was the President of the British Association for Cancer Research and Professor Emeritus of Surgery, University of Edinburgh).
Edinburgh at the University Press.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0852243030.
Wurtman, Richart J. and Wurtman, Judith J. (Editors).
Nutrition And The Brain Volume 2: Control Of Feeding Behavior And Biology Of The Brain In Protein-Calorie Malnutrition.
Raven Press.
Pages slightly tanned. Minor text marks in pencil otherwise Good. Hardcover.
ISBN: 089004046X.
Wyden, Peter and Barbara.
How the Doctors Diet.
Trident Press.
Pages tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Wynter, Andrew.
Subtle Brains and Lisson Fingers Being Some of the Chisel-Marks of Our Industrial and Scientific Progress.
Singing Tree Press.
1969 reprint of 1863 edition.
Pages slightly tanned. Covers scuffed. Covers slightly bent outward. Contents are clean and tight. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Yeo, I. Burney.
A Manual of Medical Treatment or Clinical Therapeutics-TWO VOLUME SET ( Revised Edition- Eleventh Edition.).
W.T. Keener and Company.
Book plate on inside of front cover. Name on title page. Corners slightly bumped. Contents are clean and intact. Hardcover.
Yunus, Uzma MD.
Left Boob Gone Rogue: My Life With Breast Cancer.
ISBN: 9781729070819.
Zabarenko, Ralph N. and Zabarenko, Lucy M.
The Doctor Tree: Developmental Stages in the Growth of Physicians.
University of Pittsburgh Press.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0822933705.
Ziegler, Ernst.
A Text-Book of Pathological Anatomy and Pathogenesis (Translated and Edited for English Students by Donald Mac Alister) Part II-Special Pathological Anatomy-Sections I-VIII. Wood's Library of Standard Medical Authors.).
William Wood and Company.
Pages tanned. Contents are clean and tight. Good. Hardcover.
Ziegler, Ernst.
A Textbook Of General Pathological Anatomy and Pathogenesis. ( Translated and edited for English students by Donald Mac Alister. ).
William Wood & Company.
Pages tanned. Contents are clean and tight. Good. Hardcover.
Ziegler, Ernst.
A Textbook of Pathological Anatomy and Pathogensis (Translated and Edited For English Students by Donald Mac Alister.THREE PARTS COMPLETE in ONE VOLUME.).
William Wood and Company.
Pages tanned. Top and bottom edges of spine are worn and cracked. Front hinge is weak and has two holes. Front cover is loose. Corners are worn. Book plate on the inside of front cover. Contents are clean and intact. Hardcover.
Zinczenko, David with Ted Spiker.
The Abs Diet: The Six-Week Plan To Flaten Your Stomach And Keep You Lean For Life.
Rodale .
Good. Hardcover.
ISBN: 1594860696.
Life After Cancer Treatment: A Guide for People Who Were Treated for Cancer. ( Facing Forward Series.).
National Cancer Institute.
Spiral metal spine. Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Physician's Guide to the Right Medicines.
Boardroom, Inc.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
A Popular Treatise on Vegetable Physiology: With Numerous Cuts.
Lea and Blanchard.
Pages tanned. Top of spine is worn and missing a 1/8 inch strip. Bottom of spine is worn and slightly torn. Outter spine has two labels. Contents are clean and tight. Hardcover.
Annual Announcement of the Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery For the Session 1870-71.
H. Watkin and Company.
Paper pamphlet. Pages slightly tanned. Covers present but detached otherwise contents are legible and intact. Paperback.
Discover the Power of STEM CELLS (Stem cell research is paving the way to a new realm of therapeutic possibilities. As scientists around the world unveil the fascinating capabilities of these celluar tools, experts believe that stem cells will be the "pills of tomorrow." In Miracle Cell, you learn about groundbreaking stem cell discoveries that are creating treatment options for patients with blood and immune disorders, spinal cord injuries, and heart disease. This is on a CD).
Cord Blood Registry. Films For Humanities and Science.
A CD in very good condition. Periodical.
Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary Twenty-Third Edition.
W. B. Saunders Company.
Covers are scuffed. Outer hinges are worn. Page 783-784 is taped otherwise contents are clean. Hardcover.
Dorland's Pocket Medical Dictionary (20th Edition Abridged from Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary).
W.B. Saunders Company.
Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Eating Hints: Tips & Recipes For Better Nutrition During Cancer Treatment.
National Cancer Institute.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Editorial Research Reports On Medical Issues (Contraceptives and Society; Medical Ethics; Infant Healthy; Abortion Reform; Heroin Addiction; Future Of Psychiatry; Plight Of The Aged; Health Insurance).
Congressional Quarterly, Inc.
Papercovers. Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Essential Facts About Cancer: A Handbook for the Medical Profession.
American Society for the Control of Cancer.
Pages tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Hearing Levels Of Children By Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics: United States (Hearing levels in the better ear of children 6-11 years of age, by region, race, size of place of residence, grade in school, and selected economically related variables).
U.S. Department Of Health, Education and Welfare.
Papercovers. Good Plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Lea Brothers & Company Classified Catalogue of Medical and Surgical Publications. ( A 32 page annotated list of publications for sale. This catalogue was probably removed from one of their publications.).
Lea Brothers & Company.
Circa 1895.
Pages slightly tanned. First and last pages are present but nearly detached. Outside edges of some pages are chipped. Contents are clean. Paperback.
Life Cycle Of Entamoela Histolytica: Part I Of The Three-Part Course "Amebiasis: Laboratory Diagnosis" (A self-instructional lesson).
U.S. Department Of Health, Education and Welfare.
Papercovers. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Listers Prepared Case in Diabetic Self Rising Flour (A one page, three fold analysis and explanataion advertisement distributed to physicians in the 1920's. Also included is a Lister Brothers, Inc., order blank dated 1924. A rare advertisement).
Lister Brothers.
Circa 1924.
Slightly tanned.The three fold page is Good. Order blank has writing on the rear otherwise Good. Paperback.
Managing Your Child's Eating Problems During Cancer Treatment.
National Cancer Institute.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Medlars Indexing And Searching Aids (Contents: Hints For Index Medicus Users: Medlars Indexing Of Eponymous Syndromes; Medlars Indexing Of Neoplasms. This is a copy made by the National Technical Information Service).
National Library Of Medicine.
Papercover. Pages tanned otherwise Good Reading Copy. Periodical.
Meet the Lloyd Library (A nine page illustrated brochure).
Lloyd Library.
Papercover. Good Plus. Periodical.
Memorial Meeting Commemorating Thirty Years of Long Island College Hospital (A fourteen page commemorative pamphlet distributed on the evening of December 23, 1887.).
Long Island College Hospital.
Pages tanned.Edges are slightly worn otherwise contents are clean and tight. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Monographic Medicine: General Index.
D. Appleton and Company.
Pages tanned. Institutional Copy. Good. Hardcover.
New Modern Drugs: The Journal of Ethical Pharmaceuticals. Issues of January, April, July 1941; January, April, July 1942; October 1943; January, April, July, October 1944; January, April, July 1945; January, April, July 1946 (23 issues).
The Yorke Publishing company./ The American Journal of Surgery, Inc.
Report of the Select Committee of the Senate of the United States on the Sickness and Mortality on Board Emigrant Ships.
Beverly Tucker, Senate Printer.
Pages tanned and slightly foxed. Pages have a moisture stain but are legible. Corners slightly bumped. Volume is tight. Hardcover.
Selected References On Hospital Equipment.
U.S. Department Of Health, Education and Welfare.
Shaping Up For the Long Run: Whether Measured In Miles or Years (A twenty-four page pamphlet distributed by Best Foods, a Unit of CPC North America).
CPC International.
Lower right corner is creased otherwise Good Plus. Paperback.
Squibb's Materia Medica-1906 Edition: A Complete Alphabetical List of all the Squibb products, embracing the articles in the United States Pharmacopoeia (8th Revision) and the National Formulary, together with the non-official Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals and New Remedies in general use. Also Squibb's Medicinal Tables.
E.R. Squibb and Sons.
Pages tanned. Corners slightly bumped. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Syphilis: Modern Diagnosis and Management.
U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
The First Bound Supplement to the Pharmacopoeia of the U.S.A. (12th revision - 1st U.S.P. XII Bound Supplement - 1943).
Mack Printing.
Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
The Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine: Library Guide (This volume is number 9 in the series "Guide to the Harvard Libraries").
The Francis A. Countway Library.
Papercovers. Very Good. Periodical.
The Jefferson Medical College and Its Hospital Circular of Information: Announcements For the One Hundred Fifteenth Annual Session 1939-1940 - Register of Students For 1938-1939 and the Graduates, class of 1939.
Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia.
Paper cover edges are worn otherwise Contents are Clean and Tight. Paperback.
The National Library of Medicine (A 16 page illustrated brochure).
Department of Healthy and Human Services.
Papercovers. Good Plus. Periodical.
The New York Academy of Medicine Library Special Collections A single page, three fold illustrated brochure).
NY Academy of Medicine.
Circa 1980.
Papercovers. Good. Periodical.
The Soviet Five-Year Plan For Public Health (Translated from the Russian document titled:"Basic Trends In The Development Of Public Health In The Five-Year Plan Of The National Economy Of The USSR During The Years 1971-1975).
U.S. Department Of Health, Education and Welfare.
Transactions of the Vermont State Medical Society for the Year 1914.
Tuttle Company.
Pages tanned otherwise good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Twenty-Seventh Annual Report of the State Department of Health of New York for the Year Ending December 31, 1906.
J.B. Lyon Company.
Pages tanned. The edges of the front cover reflect are worn and the cloth is torn in spots. Front hinge has a hole. Contents are intact and clean. All charts and diagrams are present.Former institutional stamp on title page. Hardcover.
White Paper on Drug Abuse: A Report to the President From the Domestic Council Drug Abuse Task Force (Reprinted by U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare-Public Health Service-Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Papercover. Good Plus. Periodical.
World Health Statistics Annual 1970: Volume 1- Vital Statistics And Causes Of Death (Annuaire De Statisiques Sanitaires Mondiales).
World Health Organization.
Papercovers. Good Reading Copy. Periodical.
Young People With Cancer: A Handbook For Parents.
National Cancer Institute.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Better Homes and Gardens Baby Book.
Better Homes and Gardens.
New Normal Journal. ( Hologic: The Science of Sure / Amgen.).
Tigerlily Foundation.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
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