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Computer Science and Mathematics
Abbott, Stephen and Torrence, Bruce.
Math Horizons, November 2009, Volume XVII, Issue 2 (Includes: A Conversation With Masha Gessen; Getting A Handle On Poincare; Gaussian Guesswork; Stochastic Calculus And The Nobel Prize Winning Black-Scholes Equation; The Circle-Squaring Problem Decomposed; Soggy Jogging in Flatland: a 2D Analysis Of Running In The Rain; Tricky Factoring, Pythagorean Triples, and Heron's Formula; Book Reviews; The Playground; Aftermath: A Politician's Apology).
Mathematical Association Of America.
Vertical crease down the center otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Ausnit, Christine N.
Ada in Practice (with 79 illustrations).
Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0387961828.
Bartlett, Josiah; Creelman, George W.;Rich, Ernest E.; Ewing, Cecil A. Wilson, George R. and McCormick, Islay F.
Algebra Review Exercises (Especially Adapted to Preparation For College-Entrance Examinations).
Ginn and Company.
Pages tanned. Covers scuffed. Text marks and notes on end pages otherwise Reading Copy. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Bauer, Douglas.
Lecture Notes In Discrete Math (Fall 2009-MA 134).
New Textbooks.
Covers slightly scuffed. Minor wtiting on inside of front cover and first page otherwise Good. Paperback.
Berenstein, Carlos A.
Lecture Notes in Mathematics Volume 1275: Complex Analysis 1-Proceedings of the Special Year held at the Univ. of Maryland, College Park, 1985-1986.
Springer- Verlag.
Pages tanned.Lower portion of front cover (one inch x four inches) is worn otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0387183566.
Berger, Raymond M.
Computer Programmer Job Analysis Reference Text.
American Federation of Information Processing Societies, Inc.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Bigsbee, Earl Milton.
Math Tables: Five Place Log and Trig Tables; Natural Trigonometric Functions; Derivatives Integrals; Compound Interest; Annuities; Natural Logarithms; Degrees to Mils.
Littlefield, Adams.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Blocher, Chris.
Client Productivity Tools - Introduction (Book 2. Student Manual).
The Chubb Institute.
Papercovers. Spiral Spine otherwise Good. Paperback.
Boehm, George A.W.
The New World of Math (Illustrated with diagrams by Max Gschwind.).
Dial Press.
Pages slightly tanned. Covers scuffed. Contents are clean. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Boyd, Ian.
Calculator Games (40 Exciting Games and Tricks! INCLUDES CALCULATOR !).
Pages tanned. Minor text marks otherwise Good. Paperback.
ISBN: 0816742243.
Boyle, Darwin. Ross Rothmeier, Brad Shannon, Ron West.
Visual Basic 4 Developer's Guide (CD-Rom contains project files developed by the authors, Edit Pro v3.5, V Bnet vI.D. Harness power of OLE2 and the VB OLE custom controls. Incorporate the latest TCP/IP technologies into your programs. Mail-enable your .
SAMS Publishing.
1996 First Ed.
Good with CD-Rom. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0672307839.
Brophy, Peter.
Cobol Programming: An Introduction For Librarians.
Clive Bingley.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0208015272.
Burgess, Thomas K.; Druschel, Joselyn A.and Kunkel, Douglas F.
LOLA II: Library On-Line Acquisitions Systems at Washington State University (Computerized Acquisitions Systems Series Volume 1, Issue 3, 1974).
The Larc Association, Inc.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Carpenter, Dale and Drake, George F.
Arithmetic 8: The World Of Numbers (Illustrated by Robert Meyers).
Top and bottom of pine is worn. Pages tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Carpenter, Thomas P.: Fennema, Elizabeth; Franke, Megan Loef; Levi, Linda; Empson, Susan B.
Children's Mathematics: Cognitively Guided Instruction. ( Textbook ONLY. CD(s) NOT present.).
Lower right corner bumped. Contents are clean and tight. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0325001375.
Carroll, Lewis.
Pillow Problems and a Tangled Tale (Volume II of Mathematical Recreations of Lewis Carroll. An unabridged and unaltered republication of two books Pillow Problems and A Tangled Tale).
Dover Publicaions.
Circa 1968.
Pages slightly tanned. Covers scuffed and some edge wear otherwise contents are clean. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Caudle, Brad and Caudle, Richard.
Division Rap (The quick fun way to learn division concepts and facts. Included remainders and introduction to long division. Book and Cassette tape).
Rock 'N Learn.
As New sealed in plastic. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 1878489089.
Christian, Kaare.
A Guide to Modula-2 (with 46 illustrations).
Corners slightly worn otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0387962425.
Cohen, Daniel and Susan.
The Kid's Guide to Home Computers (Games galore with your own affordable, easy-to-used computer! Illustrated).
Pocket Books.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0671493612.
D'Ippolito, Frank and Generazzo, Sue.
Algebra Review Study Card (A two-fold six-sided review card designed to fit into a three-hole notebook).
Pearson Education.
Good. Paperback.
ISBN: 9780321394736.
Disney, Ralph L. and Ott,Teunis J. ( Editors).
Applied Probability-Computer Science: The Interface Vol. I.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 3764330678.
Donovan, Kathleen.
Client Productivity Tools - Intermediate (Book Two. Student Manual).
The Chubb Institute.
Papercovers. Spiral Spine otherwise Good. Paperback.
Edson, Kate.
Word 6.0 For The Mac: A Practical Approach (Bonus Disk [NOT CD] Includes Sample Templates, Forms and Macros. Disk is included.).
MIS Press.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 1558283730.
Encarnacao, J.; Schuster, R.; Voge, E.
Product Data Interfaces in CAD/CAM Applications: Design, Implementation and Experiences (with l47 figures).
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 3540151184.
Erickson, Jonathan and Blake, Deirdre.
Dr. Dobb's Journal: Software Tools For the Professional Programmer # 352 September 2003 "Distributed Computing" (Includes: Creating Java Grid Services; Integrating .Net & J2EE with Web Services; Task Farming & The Message Passing Interface; Data Sharing with P2PDatashare; ANT, CPPTasks, & Multiplatform C/C++ Projects; Music Information Retrieval Systems; Portability & The Arm Processor; Programming Paradigms; Embedded Space.).
CMP Media.
Front Cover and First 2 Pages have a 2" x 4" Tear on lower left corner otherwise Good, Tight and Legible. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Erickson, Jonathan and Blake, Deirdre (Editors).
Dr. Dobb's Journal: Software Tools For The Professional Programmer #348 May 2003. "Algorithms" (Includes: Dynamic Programming; The Square List Data Structure; The Mithra Authentication Protocol; Graph Canonicalization: XML and Rational Databases, Single Assignment C and FPGA's, Programmable Logic: FPGA's and CPLD's; Software Testing. This issue includes C#, Java, Linux, .Net, XNL, C/C++).
CMP Media.
Residue of mailing label on cover otherwise Good, Tight and Legible. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Erickson, Jonathan and Blake, Deirdre (Editors).
Dr. Dobb's Journal: Software Tools For The Professional Programmer #350 July 2003. "Java Programming"(Includes: Dynamic Proxies in Java and .Net; Java and C Library Routines; Java's Threadlocal and Concurrent Programming; Javaserver Pages 2.0; Distriuted Loadbuilds; Jelly: AN XML-Based Scripting Language. This issue includes Java, .Net, C/C++, Linux C#, XML).
CMP Media.
Front Cover and First 2 Pages have a 2" x 4" Tear on lower left corner otherwise Good, Tight and Legible. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Erickson, Jonathan and Blake, Deirdre (Editors).
Dr. Dobb's Journal: Software Tools For The Professional Programmer #351 August 2003 "Software Design" (Includes Cleanroom Software Engineering; Lightweight Aspect-Oriented Programming; UML 2.0 and Model-Driven Architectures; Real-Time Signal Analysis and Real-Time Linux: Part II This issue includes Java, Win 32, UML, C/C++, Linux, XML).
CMP Media.
Residue of mailing label on cover otherwise Good, Tight and Legible. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Erickson, Jonathan and Blake, Deirdre (Editors).
Dr. Dobb's Journal: Software Tools For The Professional Programmer #353 October 2003 "C++ Palooza!" (Includes: Comparing C/C++ Compilers; C++ String Performance; The MTLIB Memorey-Tracking Library; Java 2D and Web Pages; Autologout For Application Security; Quantifying Popular Programming Languages. This issue includes C/C++, .Net, Java, Linux, C#, Win32, Python).
CMP Media.
Front Cover and First 2 Pages have a 2" x 4" Tear on lower left corner otherwise Good, Tight and Legible. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Erickson, Jonathan and Blake, Deirdre (Editors).
Dr. Dobb's Journal: Software Tools For The Professional Programmer #354 November 2003 "Computer Security" (Includes: Red-Team Application Security Testing; Helix: Fast Encryption and Authentication; SAML and Single Sign-On; HDTV and Broadcast Flags; Command-Line Argument Processing and ARGV Library; C++ Compilers and ISO Conformance. This issue includes Python, .Net, Java, Linux, C/C++, Win32, XML).
CMP Media.
Residue of mailing label on cover otherwise Good, Tight and Legible. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Erickson, Jonathan and Blake, Deirdre (Editors).
Dr. Dobb's Journal: Software Tools For The Professional Programmer #358 March 2004 "Programming Languages" (Includes: Fostering Little Langages; The Bistro Programming Language; Prototyping Interpreters Using Python LEX-YACC; Collection Enumeration: Loops, Iterators, and Nested Functions; Building A Custom Rule Engine With Prolog; Security and Pseudorandom Number Generators; Instant Messaging: A Programmer's Tool?; Faster Image Processing With Openmp; A Struts Tool For Previewing Forms and Generating Beans; The Business Case For Software Security; Adding .Net Control Properties; Tech Tips; Transaction Processing; Porting Small-C).
CMP Media.
Front Cover and First 2 Pages have a 2" x 4" Tear on lower left corner otherwise Good, Tight and Legible. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Erickson, Jonathan and Blake, Deirdre (Editors).
Dr. Dobb's Journal: Software Tools For The Professional Programmer #363 August 2004 "Testing and Debugging" (Includes: Continuous Integration and .NET: Part I; Testing Java Servlets; The JPYDBG Debugger; Pseudorandom Testing; Performance and System Testing; Optimizing Pixomatic For X86 Processors: Part I; HTTP Response Splitting; Aspect-Oriented Programming and C++; C++ and the Perils of Double-Checked Locking: Part II; When Format Strings Attack!; The Subersion Version-Control Program; Runtime Monitoring and Software Verification.).
CMP Media.
Residue of mailing label on cover otherwise Good, Tight and Legible. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Erickson, Jonathan and Blake, Deirdre (Editors).
Dr. Dobb's Journal: Software Tools For The Professional Programmer #364 September 2004 "Distributed Computing" (Includes: Grid Computing and The Linda Programming Model; Debugging, Message-Oriented Middleware, and Distributed Systems; Stream-Control Transmission Ptrotcal; Continuous Integration and .NET: Part II; RFID Blocker Tags; Optimizing Pixomatic For x86 Processors: Part II; Band-In-A-Box, Finale, and Music XML; The Ot Designer IDE; Eclipse and General-Purpose Applications; Writing Plug-Ins in C/C++ For Eclipse CDT; Contributing To Eclipse; Tools For Domain-Specific Modeling; Bluetooth and Remote Device User Interfaces.).
CMP Media.
Front Cover and First 2 Pages have a 2" x 4" Tear on lower left corner otherwise Good, Tight and Legible. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Erickson, Jonathan and Blake, Deirdre (Editors).
Dr. Dobb's Journal: Software Tools For The Professional Programmer #366 November "Computer Security" (Includes: A Conversation With Avi Rubin; Secure Web Forms and Struts Framework; Zig Bee Wireless Sensor Networks; Wireles USB; Telephony and the Parlay Specification; Practical Secure Port Knocking; Binary XML; Web Services and Apache Axis; Distributed Compilation; Eclipse and Tools for Embedded Systems Development; Factoring For Eclipse; The VISA I/O API and .NET).
CMP Media.
Front Cover and First 2 Pages have a 2" x 4" Tear on lower left corner otherwise Good, Tight and Legible. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Erickson, Jonathan and Blake, Deirdre (Editors).
Dr. Dobb's Journal: Software Tools For The Professional Programmer #373 June 2005 "Testing and Debugging" (Includes: Omniscient Debugging; Examining Software Testing Tools; Dissecting Error Messages; Debugging Production Software; System Verification with SCV; Portability and Data Management; Performance Monitoring with PAPI; The Technical Report on C++ Library Extensions; Measuring the Benefits of Software Reuse; Loadable Modules and the Linux 2.6 Kennel; ASP.NET and Multiplatform Environments; Hardware-Assisted Breakpoints. This issue includes C/C++, .NET, Java, Linux, C#, Win 32).
CMP Media.
Front Cover and First 2 Pages have a 2" x 4" Tear on lower left corner otherwise Good, Tight and Legible. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Etling, Don.
Putting Pascal To Work.
Tab Books.
1986 First Ed.
ISBN: 0830603913.
Feibel, Werner.
Using QuickC ( Fully compatible with Microsoft C ).
Osborne McGrw - Hill.
Price sticker on rear cover otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0078812925.
Fennell, Francis "Skip", Reys, Barbara J., Reys, Robert E., Webb, Arnold W.
Mathematics Unlimited: Student Resource Book.
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.
Name on inside of front cover. Contents are clean and tight. Good. FORMER SCHOOL BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0030217199.
Ferris, Timothy., ed.
The World Treasury of Physics, Astronomy, And Mathematics (With a foreword by Clifton Fadiman).
Little Brown.
1991 First Ed.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0316281298.
Filano, Albert E.
Practice Exercises In Basic Mathematics: Level E ( Illustrated by Ada K. Thompson ).
Continential Press, Inc.
Pages tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK . Paperback.
ISBN: 0845421182.
Froman, Robert.
Arithmetic For Human Beings (An anti-textbook for people who loathe arithmetic).
Simon and Schuster.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK . Hardcover.
ISBN: 0671216171.
Frye, Gleason.
Algebra: 4002. Grade Level 10 thru 12 ( Operations with fractions, simultaneous equations with two unknowns, operations with exponents; exponents and their laws, exponential equations, operations with radicals, factoring, completing the square of the binomial. Program developed by educators with degrees from Universities of Michigan, Delaware, Princeton, California, Columbia, Harvard, Wellesley, Boston and NYU.) Automated Speed Learning: The Teacher Machine Method).
Universal Electronics Laboratories.
Good Plus. Paperback.
Frye, Gleason.
Arithmetic: 4004 Grade Level: 7 thru 9; Whole numbers, reading and writing large numbers, common fractions, mixed numbers, decimal fractions.).
Universal Electronics Laboratories.
Glenn, John A. and Littler, Graham (Editors).
Dictionary of Mathematics.
Barnes & Noble.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 038920451X.
Glover, David.
The Cavern of Clues: Math Quest. ("Be a Hero! Create your own adventure to uncover Black Beard"s gold.).
QEB Publishing.
Top corners bumped. Contents are clean and tight. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 9781609920876.
Golding, Annette L.; Rebecca Kutlin; and Bob Remillard.
TelePort/Gold II Fax/Modem User's Guide.
Global Village Communication.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Good, Travis, MD and Gosser, Kris.
Complete Cloud Compliance: How Regulated Industries De-Risk the Cloud and Kickstart Transformation.
Datica Health, Inc.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 9781518453816.
Gordon, Caryl L.
Client Productivity Tools - Intermediate (Book One. Student Manual).
The Chubb Institute.
Papercovers. Spiral Spine otherwise Good. Paperback.
Green, Bradley.
Programming Problems: A Primer for The Technical Interview. Volume II: Advanced Algorithms.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 9781484964095.
Halvorson, Michael and Rygmyr, David.
Learn Basic For The Apple Macintosh Now.
Microsoft Press.
ISBN: 1556153147.
Hartzell, Richard P. and Zorn, Robert L.
The Average Finder.
Mafex Associates, Inc.
Papercovers. Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK . Paperback.
Heiserman, David L.
Programming in BASIC For The IBM Personal Computer.
Prentice Hall.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0137294506.
Hill, G.A.
A Geometry for Beginners.
Ginn and Company.
Pages tanned. Cover is spotted. Spine edges are slightly worn. Notes on front end pages otherwise contents are clean and tight. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Hirsch, Morris W.; Stout, Edgar Lee and Hsiand, Wu-chung.
Bulletin (New Series) of the American Mathematical Society Volume 16, Number 2, Pages 179-332 (Includes: Functional Analysis and Additive Arithmetic Functions; Braids, Hypergeometric Functions and Lattices; The Steinberg Representation; Research Announcements; Book Reviews).
American Mathematical Society.
Papercovers. Lower left corner is stained on outside cover otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical.
Ihrig, Sybil and Emil Ihrig.
Quark X Press for Windows Inside and Out (Covers Vrsion 3.1 Guides You Quickly from Fundamentals to Advanced Concepts So You Gain a Thorough Understanding of Quark X Press for Windows).
Osborne/ McGraw Hill.
Front cover slightly creased otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0078818486.
Jones, Alden and Chris Triessl.
PFS: Window Works: Version 2.0 User's Guide.
Spinnaker Software Corporation.
Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Katsaropoulos, Chris.
PowerPoint 97 for Windows: Quick Reference Guide (Includes Keyboard Shortcuts).
DDC Publishing.
Spiral spine. Very Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 156243490X.
Keal, H.M. and Leonard, C.J.
Mathematics for Electrical Students.
John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Pages tanned. Margin and text notes otherwise Good Reading Copy. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Kessener, L.R.A.
Data Structures For Raster Graphics: Proceedings of A Workshop Helt at Steensel, the Netherlands, June 24-298, 1985 (with 80 figures).
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 3540163107.
Kling, Judith A.
Client Operating Systems - Introduction (Version 1.2 Student Manual).
The Chubb Institute.
Papercovers. Spiral Spine. Front cover has vertical crease otherwise Good. Paperback.
Kling, Judith A.
Client Operating Systems - Introduction (Version 1.3 Student Manual).
The Chubb Institute.
Papercovers. Spiral Spine otherwise Good. Paperback.
Koch, Marianna Jones and Barbata, Jean Beatty.
Figures That Count: Mathematics For Nurses.
Littlefield, Adams.
Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Kochan, Anna and Cowan, Derek.
Implementing CIM: Computer Integrated Manufacturing.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0387163522.
Koepfinger, Joseph L.
IEEE Standard Digital Interface for Programmable Instrumentation (Sponsor IEEE Instrumentation & Measurements Group-American Nat. Standards Institute.
Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Kowalik, Janusz S. (Editor).
High-Speed Computation.
Pages slightly tanned. Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK . Hardcover.
ISBN: 3540128859.
Layde, Durward C. and Busch, Daryle H.
Introduction To Qualitative Analysis (Second Edition).
Allyn & Bacon.
Pages slightly tanned. Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Linn, Charles F.
Odd Angles: Thirty-three Mathematical Entertainments.
Doubleday and Company.
1971 First Edition.
Pages slightly tanned. Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0385079230.
Logan, J. David.
Partial Differential Equations (Second Edition U.. ISBN No. 0387209530).
Covers scuffed. Good Reading Copy. Few Text Marks. Paperback.
ISBN: 818128318X.
Lord, Harvey G.
Beyond Games: Programming For Real, Book 1 (With Photographs by Kathrn J. Lord).
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0689311524.
MARC Development Office.
Information On the MARC System (Fourth Edition).
Library of Congress.
Papercovers. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK . Paperback.
ISBN: 0844401307.
Maxwell, E.A.
Fallacies In Mathematics.
Cambridge University Press.
Pages slightly tanned. Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Mayo, Don and Cathy Vesecky.
Microsoft Word 97 for Windows: Quick Reference Guide.
DDC Publishing.
Spiral spine. Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 1562434551.
McClanahan, David.
Power Builder 5: A Developer's Guide (Complete coverage of Power Builder Desktop, Power Script and the Power Builder Painters. CD-ROM Included).
M&T Books.
Good PLus with CD-ROM. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 1558514732.
McGowan, Andrew.
Music Time User's Guide Version 2.0 For Windows (Includes: a separate eight page Installation Guide; a 3.5 inch disk in the original sealed envelope and the original Registration Card).
Passport Designs, Inc.
Good Plus. Paperback.
McQuillen, Kevin.
System/360-370 Assembler Language (DOS) Edited by Mike Murach.
Mike Murach and Associates, Inc.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0911625011.
Mehlhorn, Kurt.
Data Structures and Algorithms 1: Sorting and Searching (With 87 Figures).
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 038713302X.
Messina, Paul and Murli, Almerico (Editors).
Practical Parallel Computing: Status and Prospects (Volume 3 Issue 6 of the International Journal Concurrency: Practice and Experience. This selection of papers was first presented at a conference held in Capri, Italy in June, 1990).
John Wiley and Sons.
Pages slightly tannedCovers scuffed with slight moisture marks on inside of cover. Text is clean and tight. Good Reading Copy. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0471931829.
Meyer, Stuart L.
Data Analysis For Scientists and Engineers.
Peer Management Consultants.
Front cover has a diagonal crease on lower right side otherwise Good and Clean. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0963502700.
Moore, David S.; McCabe, George P.; Craig, Bruce A.
Introduction to the Practice of Statistics with Student CD. (Sixth Edition).
W. H. Freeman and Company.
ISBN: 9781429216227.
Moore, Maurice J.
Mini-regression: A Small Computer Program for Performing Multiple Regression Analysis (Family Planning Research and Evaluation Manual Number 14).
University of Chicago.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Mossberg, Thomas; Bogue, Elizabeth J. and Mulder, Ronald.
ADDLIB; A Packaged Computer Program for Processing Address and Library Information (Family Planning Reasearch and Evaluation Manual Number 9).
The University of Chicago.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Mueller, John Paul and Williams, Robert A. .
The Novell CNA/CNE Study Guide (Disks not included).
Windcrest/ McGraw-Hill.
Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Disks not included. Paperback.
ISBN: 0079119042.
Murray, Daniel A.
Introductory Course in Differnetial Equations.
Longmans, Green and Company.
Pages slightly tanned. Small crack at the top of the spine. Writing on the end pages otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Murray, Katherine.
Microsoft Office Your Way: Smart Solutions For Small Businesses.
Microsoft Press.
Good . Paperback.
Ogren, David F. and Gee, Martin.
iPlanet Application Server: Designing and Building J2EE Solutions (CD-ROM Included).
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK . Paperback.
ISBN: 076454909X.
Ottmann, Thomas.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 267 Automata, Languages, & Programming 14 International Colloquium Karlaruhe, Germany July 13-17, 1987.
Pages tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0387180885.
Paulos, John Allen.
Innumeracy: Mathematical Illiteracy And Its Consequences.
Hill and Wang.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK . Paperback.
ISBN: 0679726012.
Pfaff, Gunther (Editor).
User Interface Management Systems: proceedings of Workshop on User Interface Management Systems held in Seeheim, Germany, Nov. 1-3, 1983 (with 69 figures).
Pages slightly tanned. Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 038713803X.
Powell, James E.
Microsoft Access 2: Instant Reference (Second Edition. The perfect referece for beginners and veterans alike. Expertly written and filled with step-by-step directions. Alphabetically organized for easy reference.).
Notes on back end page otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0782114695.
Rain, Diana.
Microsoft Outlook 98: Visual Reference Basics (Teaches 100 Basic Features).
DDC Publishing.
Spiral spine. Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 1562436392.
Rajaraman, V.
Computer Programming In Fortran IV(Second Edition, Many Diagrams).
Prentice Hall of India.
Cover spine missing. Covers practically detached and scuffed. Page edges at corners are bent. Contents intact. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Rathbone, Andy.
Windows 95 For Dummies (Special Pocket Edition Given Free With The Purchase of Larger Volume. This small pocket edition is the only volume offer for sale).
IDG Books.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Ritchie, Graeme D.
Computational Grammar: An Artificial Intelligence Approalch to Linguistic Description.
Harvester Press.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0389200484.
Rozsa, Gyorgy.
Scientific Information And Society.
Mouton (Netherlands).
Pages slightly tanned. bottom page edge has a small ink mark otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Rubinsky, Yuri and Murray Maloney.
SGML on the Web: Small Steps Beyond HTML (The perfect introduction to SGML for HTML user. Comtains SGML publishing and browsing software on the CD-Rom which is included).
Prentice Hall.
Good. CD Included. Paperback.
ISBN: 0135199848.
Schlieve, Paul L.
Demystifying TCP/IP (Second Edition).
Wordware Publishing.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 1556225393.
Schneider, Al.
Fundamentals of IBM PC Assembly Language.
Tab Books.
1984 First Edition.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0830617102.
Schwartz, Karl.
Microsoft DOS 6: Quick Reference Guide.
Spiral spine. Good Plus. Paperback.
ISBN: 1562431005.
Schwartz, Karl and Cassano, Angelo.
DDC Quick Reference Guide for Microsoft MS-DOS Version 5.0.
Dictation Disc Company.
Spiral spine. Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 1562430122.
Sherwood, Walter.
Internet Activities For Math: Challenging.
Teacher Created Materials, Inc.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 1576901939.
Shew, Gertrude W.
A Student's Drill and Review Book in Plane Geometry.
Iroquois Publishing Company, Inc.
Cloth spine is loose. Covers scuffed and name written on front cover. Bottom right corner of some pages are dogearred otherwise Reading Copy. NOT EX_LIBRIS. Paperback.
Spencer, Kenneth L. and Kenneth C. Miller.
OLE-Remote Automation Visual Basic 4 (Step-by-Step Implementation; In depth error handling coverage; Integrates OLE Remote Automation with numerous working samples. Disk included.
Front end page slightly creased otherwise Good Plus with disk included. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0132443104.
Staff of Research and Education Association.
The Pre-Calculus Problem Solver: A Complete Solution Guide to Any Textbook ( 2006 ).
Reasearch and Education Association .
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0878915567.
Stallings, William.
Data And Computer Communications.
Prentice Hall .
Corners slightly bumped otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 8120312406.
Stallings, William.
Handbook of Computer-Communications Standards Volume 1: The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Model and OSI-Related Standards.
Howard W. Sams & Co.
Name on front end page otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0672226642.
Steinhauer, Lauren.
Macromedia Director 4 for Macs for Dummies (A Reference for the Rest of Us).
IDG Books.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 1568849168.
Stevenson, Mark.
Worksheets For Classroom Or Lab Practice for Basic Mathematics Through Applications Fourth Edition.
Pearson/Addison Wesley.
Good Plus. Clean. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 9780321536310.
Stone, John C. and Millis, James F.
Higher Arithmetic.
Benj. H. Sanborn and Company.
Pages tanned otherwise Good Plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
Szuprowicz, Bohdan.
Multimedia Tools For Managers (Interactive multimedia, Multimedia systems in business presentations, management-communication systems, management-information systems).
American Management Association.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0814402542.
Tassin, Anthony G.
Automation of Acquisitions at the Earl K. Long Library University of New Orleans (Computerized Acquisitions Systems Series Volume 1, Issue 4: 1974).
The Larc Association, Inc.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Teague, E. Clayton.
Evaluation, Revision and Application of the NBS Stylus/Computer System For the Measurement of Surface Roughness.
U.S. Dept. of Commerce.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Teare, Robert F.
Automated Technical Operations Unified Ordering Cataloging Systems At the Libraries of The Claremont Colleges (Computerized Cataloging Systems Series Volume 1, Issue 3 1975).
The LARC Association, Inc.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0882571168.
The Learning Company.
Challenge of the Ancient Empires! Super Solvers. ( A strategy adventure game that runs on IBM Pc, XT, AT, PS/2, and compatibles with 512K and on Tandy 1000 family with 640K. Includes one 3.5 disk (Program/Artifact Disk), two 5.25" disks (Program Disk and Artifact Disk), user's guide, ready reference card, and introductory letter from William A. Dinsmore. All items are in the original box.).
The Learning Company.
Good. Paperback.
The LeBlond Group.
PC Magazine Guide to Using Quattro Pro 3.0/4.0.
Ziff - Davis Press.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 1562760718.
Trueblood, Cecil R.
Metric Measurement: Activities and Bulletin Boards.
The Instructor Publications Inc.
Top right corner slightly bent otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Tulien, Sean.
Video Games: A Graphic History. ( Amazing Inventions ).
Graphic Universe Lerner Publishing Group.
Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 9781728420189.
Underwood, Lynn and David Segai.
dBase III Plus; IBM PC (DDC Quick Reference Guide).
Dictation Disc Company.
Spiral Edge. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0936862572.
Von Bochmann, Gregor.
Concepts For Distributed Systems Design (with 107 figures).
Pages tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0387120491.
Wada, Eiiti.
Logic Programming 1985 Proceedings of the 4th Conference Tokyo, Japan, July 1-3, 1985.(Lecture Notes In Computer Science Volume 221.).
Pages tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 0387164790.
Waldron, Helen J., ed.
Proceedings of the American Society For Information Science Volume 10-Innovative Developments in Information Systems: Their Benefits and Costs (36th Annual Meeting Oct. 1973).
Greenwood Press.
Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0877154104.
Weiss, Sholom M. and Kulikowski, Casimir A.
A Practical Guide to Designing Expert Systems.
Rowman and Allanheld.
Front end page has slight staining otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
ISBN: 0865981086.
Wood, Dorothy A.
Practice Handbook Of The Multiplication Facts.
Dorothy A. Wood.
Covers scuffed.Corners bumped. Contents are clean and tight. Good Reading Copy. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Crestron SIMPL Windows Software: Installation and Operations Guide (Version 1.40.05 or later).
Crestron Remote Control Systems.
Circa 2000.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Enfocus PitStop Professional 6.0 User Manual.
Enfocus Software.
GoLive CS2: Basic-Student Manual.
Thomson/Course Technology.
Spiral Spine. Edges of front cover slightly curled otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
ISBN: 1418848018.
LabSim, CourseSim, ExamSim: Introduction To Computing- Operating Systems: The Lessons Only Experience Can Teach (Two CD's in a plastic case).
Plastic case is cracked along top edge otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover.
LabSim, CourseSim, ExamSim: Introduction To Computing: Hardware: The Lessons Only Experience Can Teach (One CD in a plastic case).
Paint Shop Photo Album 4: User's Guide (Everything you need to enhance, organize and share digital photos).
Jasc Software.
Partner Plus Communications System Release 4.1: Installation (518-455-227, Comcode 107879199, Issue 2, August 1996).
Lucent Technologies/Bell Labs.
Programs For Improving Elementary And Secondary School Education In Mathematics.
National Science Foundation.
Papercovers. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus .NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Pycon 2014: Montreal April 9-17-2014 (The illustrated brochure distributed to conference attendees. An invaluable reference resource.).
Python Software Foundation.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Python: A Programming Language Changes the World. Case Studies and Success Stories Volume One.
Python Software Foundation.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Softkey's One Stop CD-Shop: Instruction Manual (Installation and use manual for the following One Stop CD Shop programs: CNN Newsroom Global View; Time Almanac 1990's; Key Clip Art; Key Fonts; Key Gourmet; MPC Wizard 2.0; Sport Image-World Cup 1994; UFO; Slob Zone 3D; Viceo Cube; Game Empire).
Softkey International.
Papercovers. Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
True DB Grid Pro 5.0: Data Aware Active X Grid Control for Microsoft Visual Basic ("Rio Bravo" Version 5.0. The official upgrade grid for Microsoft Visual Basic.).
APEX Software Corporation.
Front cover has slight stain. Covers scuffed otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
TurboCAD Version 5: Reference Manual.
Clean, Good Reading Copy. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Webster's Data Base Version 1: Quick Reference Guide.
Cosmi Software.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Webster's New World Outliner + (Software for IBM personal computers. Contains a 360K 5.25 inch disk. Has an On-line Outline Processor + Dos Guide and Personal Organizers. Boxed set in original packaging. Never opened).
Simon and Schuster Software.
ISBN: 0139481672.
Webster's Word Processor Home/Office: Manual.
Cosmi Software.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Word Attack Plus! Spanish (Program Manual).
Davidson and Associates, Inc.
Good Plus. Paperback.
Formula One/VBH User's Guide (High performance software for manipulating data for Microsoft Visual Basic, Visual C++, and Other Languages Version 1.01).
Visual Tools, Inc.
Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
Starting a Revolution in Office Efficiency: A Handbook of Word Processing Procedures, Equipment Data, and Conversion Techniques.
Geyer-McAllister Publications.
Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback.
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