Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs

  • Allen, H.C. The Anglo-American Relationship Since 1783. Adam & Charles Black (London). 1959. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $4.82
  • Anderson, Jack with James Boyd. Fiasco (The Real Story behind the Disastrous Worldwide Energy Crisis Richard Nixon's "Oilgate"). Times Books. 1983. Page corners are bent otherwise Reading Copy. Hardcover. ISBN: 0812909437. $2.87
  • Armstrong, Hamilton Fish. Foreign Affairs: An American Quarterly Review-Volume 45-Number 2-JAnuary, 1967 (Includes McGeorge Bundy; Thomas L. Hughes; Edwin O. Reischauber; Lucian W. Pye; Mark Gayn; Philip W. Bonsal; Harold Brown; William Diebold Jr; Margaret Mead; Marshall I. Goldman; Herbert Feis; Raul S. MangLApus; E. A. Bayne). Council on Foreign Relations. 1967. Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical. $5.00
  • Armstrong, Hamilton Fish (Editor). Foreign Affairs: An American Quarterly Review 46, Number 3 (Includes: Vietnam-Must We Invade the North?, Squaring the Error, The Complexities of Negotiation, Power In A Sieve; German Policy Toward the East; The ABM, Proliferation and International Stability; Where Is Britain Heading?; India in Transition-Politics Of Manoeuvre, Economic Development: Performance and Prospects, Friends and Neighbors; Italy the Fragile State; Why We Should Trade with the Soviets; Man and Myth in Political Africa; Recent Books). Council On Foreign Relations, Inc. 1968. Papercovers are scuffed.Pages tanned otherwise contents are clean and tight.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical. $5.00
  • Armstrong, Hamilton Fish (Editor). Foreign Affairs: An American Quarterly Review Volume 42, Number 2 (Includes: Polycentrism and Western Policy; Detente Through Firmness; The Pakistan-American Alliance: Stresses and Strains; Aid, Trade and Economic Development-Issues Before The U.N. Conference, What Policy For Commodities?, The Changing Political Context; The Challenge To Military Professionalism; Toward Unity In Africa; British Defense Policy Under Labor; New Perspective On the North; Soviet Second Thoughts On Tsarist Colonialism; Czech Stalinists Die Hard; Recent Books). Council On Foreign Relations, Inc. 1964. Papercovers are slightly scuffed otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical. $5.00
  • Armstrong, Hamilton Fish (Editor). Foreign Affairs: An American Quarterly Review Volume 43, Number 2 (Includes: The Search For Consensus-A New Effort To Build Europe, Organizing Western Defense; Communist China's Capacity To Make War; What Kind Of Radicalism For Africa?; Good Neighborhood; Slow-Down In the Pentagon; U.S.A. and U.A.R.: A Crisis In Confidence; Brazil: Complex Giant; Troubled India and Her Neighbors; Communist Rule In Eastern Europe; Balance Sheet of Soviet Foreign Aid; Recent Books). Council On Foreign Relations, Inc. 1965. Papercovers are creased with edge tears otherwise Good Reading Copy.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical. $5.00
  • Armstrong, Hamilton Fish (Editor). Foreign Affairs: An American Quarterly Review Volume 46, Number 1 (Includes: The Russian Revolution-Fifty Years After Its Nature and Consequences, Origins Of the Cold War, The Soviet Economic Reform, The Kremlin and the Third World, What Is Left Of Communism?; Vietnam: Crisis Of Indecision; Asia After Vietnam; Malnutrition and National Development; China's Next Phase; Growing Independence In Canadian-American Relations; The Population Crisis: Reasons For Hope; Gold and the Dollar; Living With the Real Japan; Recent Books). Council On Foreign Relations, Inc. 1967. Papercovers are scuffed and slightly creased otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical. $5.00
  • Armstrong, Hamilton Fish (Editor). Foreign Affairs: An American Quarterly Review Volume 46, Number 2 (Includes: Policy and People; Illusions of Distance; The Framework of East-West Reconciliation; Is the Gap Technological?; Promise In Indonesia; The Arab-Israeli War-How It Began, The Consequences of Defeat, Israel's Administration and Arab Refugees; A Regional Solution For Vietnam; The American Style: Our Past And Our Principles; Western Integration and the People's Democracies; Northeast Thailand: Tomorrow's Vietnam?; Recent Books). Council On Foreign Relations, Inc. 1968. Papercovers. Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical. $5.00
  • Armstrong, Hamilton Fish (Editor). Foreign Affairs: An American Quarterly Review Volume 47, Number 2 (Includes: The Vietnam Negotiations; Color In World Affairs; NATO after the Invasion; Lessons Of Czechoslovakia; Intelligence and Foreign Policy: Dilemmas Of A Democracy; Russia Enters the Middle East; Our Foreign Affairs Machinery: Time For An Overhaul; Postwar Development In Vietnam; A New Atlantic Role For Canada; Japan: Eye On 1970; The U.N. and Human Rights; South Africa: Are There Silver Linings?; Recent Books). Council On Foreign Relations, Inc. 1969. Papercovers are creased on the edges otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical. $5.00
  • Armstrong, Hamilton Fish (Editor). Foreign Affairs: An American Quarterly Review Volume 48, Number 2 (Includes: Mortgaging The Old Homestead; The Congressional Presence In Foreign Relations; France and Germany: Less Divergent Outlooks; U.S. Military Policy-Limits To Intervention, When and How To Use SALT, Dilemmas Of the Arms Traffic; The Church In Latin America; Greece Under the Colonels; Cuba Revisited After Ten Years Of Castro; Arab Palestine: Phoenix Or Phantom?; China, Russia and the United States; Japanese Culture and the Business Boom; Brain Drain Or Overflow? Recent Books). Council On Foreign Relations, Inc. 1970. Papercovers. Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical. $5.00
  • Armstrong, Hamilton Fish (Editor). Foreign Affairs: An American Quarterly Review Volume 50, Number 2 (Includes: The New Economics and U.S. Foreign Policy; The CIA and Decision-Making; The Foreign Policy of the New Canada; The Other South Vietnam: Toward the Breaking Point; Japan Global Engagement; South Africa: The Politics Of Fragmentation; Esat Germany Between Moscow and Bonn; The President and the Military; Pollution: Precedent and Prospect; Korea and the Emerging Asian Power Balance; The End of the Weimar Republic; Recent Books). Council On Foreign Relations, Inc. 1972. Papercovers are slightly scuffed.Pages tanned otherwise contents are clean and tight.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical. $5.00
  • Barnaby, Frank. Chemical Disarmament: Some Problems of Verification (An Examination of the types of data to be reported internationally from economic, statistical & other methods by a national verification organization controlling warfare materials). Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. 1973. Paperback.Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 0391002937. $41.00
  • Barnett, A. Doak and Edwin O. Reischauer, ed. The United States and China: The Next Decade (National Committee on United States- China Relations). Pall Mall Press (London). 1970. Good plus.NOT EX-LIBR. Hardcover. $6.25
  • Barry, Joseph. Passions and Politics: A Biography of Versailles (32 pages of photographs). Doubleday. 1972. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0385041322. $3.25
  • Bartlett, C.J. Castlereagh (British Foreign Secretary. Extensive work in Ireland, in Indian affairs, in the war against Napolean and as Foreign Secretary and Leader of the House of Commons). Macmillan (London). 1966. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $3.25
  • Bellot, Leland J. William Knox: The Life and Though of an Eighteenth-Century Imperialist. Univeristy of Texas Press. 1977. Good Plus. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0292790074. $3.97
  • Bendiner, Elmer. A Time For Angels: The Tragicomic History of the League of Nations. Alfred A. Knopf. 1975. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0394481836. $3.00
  • Beschloss, Michael R. May Day: Eisenhower Khrushchev and the U-2 Affair. Harper & Row. 1986 First Edition. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $3.44
  • Bhagwati, Jagdish. In Defense Of Globalization. Oxford University Press. 2004. Good.NOT EX-LIBIS. Hardcover. ISBN: 0195170253. $2.87
  • Biggar, C.R.W. Sir Oliver Mowat: A Biographical Sketch-Vol. II. AMS. 1971 reprint of 1905 edition. Corners slightly bent otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $9.75
  • Blackman, Ann. Seasons Of Her Life: A Biography Of Madeleine Korbel Albright. Scribner. 1998. Good Plus Exlibris Copy . Hardcover. ISBN: 0684845644. $2.25
  • Boardman, Robert., Editor. The Management of Britain's External Relations (Examines the course of British foreign policy since 1945. Introduces the theoretical and empirical research done in foreign policy decision-making). Barnes & Noble. 1973. Good plus.This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0333122593. $5.25
  • Bohlen, Charles E. The Transformation of American Foreign Policy. Macdonald (London). 1970. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0356031845. $11.75
  • Boylan, Boyd and Rex Lode. The Third Eye of America (America The Strong is now America The Hesitant). Lyle Sutart. 1968. Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $4.25
  • Bradley, David. No Place To Hide (Atomic Testing "Bikini" Tests 1940's). Little, Brown. 1948. Cover scuffed and slightly stained otherwise Good Reading Copy.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $2.87
  • Brandon, Henry. Anatomy of Error: The Inside Story of The Asian War On The Potomac, 1954-1969. Gambit. 1969 First Printing. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $4.25
  • Briggs, Ellis. Anatomy of Diplomacy: The Origin and Execution of American Foreign Policy. David McKay. 1968. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $3.75
  • Broad, Lewis. Winston Churchill: The Years of Achievement - A Biography. Hawthorne Books. 1963 - 1st ed. Front cover has a scratch otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $2.87
  • Broad, Lewis. Winston Churchill: The Years of Preparation - A Biography. Hawthorne Books. 1958 - First Edition. Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $2.87
  • Brogan, D.W. American Aspects (A collection of essays concentrated on the American scene from a reappraisal of the Civil War to the state of Anglo-American relations to a British view on American politics and culture and an important look at the U.S. from the British perspective of the Kennedy assassination). Hamish Hamilton (London). 1964. Pages tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $6.35
  • Buchan, Susan. The Sword of State: Wellington After Waterloo. Houghton Mifflin Co. 1928. Volume is very good. Dust jacket is tattered.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $4.97
  • Burd, Van Akin. The Rusking Family Letters: The Correspondence of John James Rusking, His Wife, and Their Son, John 1801-1843. Cornell University Press. 1973. As New in a slipcase with original shrink wrap. 2 Volume set never opened. Illustrated.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0801407257. $13.50
  • Bury, J.P.T. The Historical Journal Volume I, No. 1 (Contains a Review Article entitled Bismarck, Salisbury & the Mediterranean Agreements of 1887 which reviews Colin L. Smith's book. The Embassy of Sir Wm. White at Constantinople 1886-1891. Another review of studies. Cambridge University Press. 1958. Paperback-Good Plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $11.00
  • Butler, Geoffrey. Studies In Statecraft: Being Chapter, Biographical and Bibliographical, Mainly on the Sixteenth Century. Kennikat Press. 1970 reprint of 1920 edition. Cover slightly scuffed otherwise this book was Never Read. Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $5.00
  • Byrd, James G. ("Mike"). Brat: Bentwaters and Woodbridge 1955-1959. trafford publishing. 2010. Inscribed and signed by author on copyright page. Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 9781425187217. $8.95
  • Callahan, James Morton. American Foreign Policy in Canadian Relations. Cooper Square Publishers, Inc. 1967. Pages sightly tanned otherwise Good Plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $4.94
  • Campbell, Greg. The Road To Kosovo: A Balkan Diary. Westview Press. 1999. Pages slightly tanned otherwise good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0813335892. $2.87
  • Clark, Dora Mae. The Rise of The British Treasury: Colonial Administration in the Eighteenth Century. David & Chares:Newton Abbot. 1960. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $4.00
  • Cleveland Harlan; Mangone, Gerard J. and Adams, John Clarke. The Overseas Americans (Government workers, businessman, missionaries. Why they go abroad. How they work. How they spend their leisure. Why some succeed and other fail. How they and their spouses adjust. Whom to pick to work overseas. How to educate them as overseas Americans). McGraw-Hill. 1960. Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $2.87
  • Cobban, Helena and Falk, Richard. Ukraine: Stop the Carnage, Build the Peace! Report on a series of public online conversations held by Just World Educational in March 2022. Just World Educational. 2022. Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 9798803424215. $5.95
  • Cox, Donald. America's New Policy Makers: The Scientists' Rise to Power. Chilton. 1964 (First ed). Good. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $4.75
  • Crapol, Edward P. Editor. Women and American Foreign Policy: Lobbyists, Critics, and Insiders (Second Edition). A Scholarly Resources Inc. 1992. Pages slightly tanned otherwise good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 0842024301. $2.00
  • Crocker,George N. Roosevelt's Road To Russia. Henry Regnery. 1961. Pages tanned.This book was never read.Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $2.00
  • Curtin, Philip D. Imperialism (The aim of this volume of documents is to expose various views of imperialist ideology, with the necessary consequence of concentrating on the imperial theory of France and Great Britain, the two powers that built the largest and most diverse overseas empires.). Macmillan. 1972. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0333017021. $12.75
  • Curtis, William Eleroy. The United States And Foreign Powers (Chautauqua Reading Circle Literature). The Chautauqua-Century Press. 1892. Pages tanned. Outter page edges slightly foxed otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $6.75
  • Dahlitz, Julie and Dicke, Detlev. The International Law of Arms Control and Disarmament: Proceedings Of The Symposium Geneva, 28 February - 2 March 1991. United Nations. 1991. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 9211333431. $68.75
  • Davidson, Kerry. Twentieth-Century Civilization. Barnes & Noble. 1975. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $2.87
  • de Robien, Louis. The Diary of A Diplomat In Russia 1917-1918. Praeger. 1969. Small triangular piece missing from top right corner of front end sheet otherwise Good Plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $6.65
  • Department of State. U.S. Policy in the Middle East: November 1974-February 1976 (The Department of State Selected Documents No.4 Bureau of Public Affairs Office of Media Services). Government Printing Office. 1976. Papercovers are slightly scuffed otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical. $7.50
  • Divine, Robert A. American Foreign Policy (A Documentary History Meridian Documents Of American History. Meridian Books. 1962. Cover scuffed otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $2.00
  • Divine, Robert A. The Illusion of Neutrality: Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Struggle Over the Arms Embargo. Quadrangle. 1968. Covers slightly scuffed.Good. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $2.00
  • Divine, Robert A. (Editor). American Foreign Policy Since 1945 (Through the writings of many of the men who were involved in crucial decisions during the Cold War years and after, Mr. Divine offers a superb chronicle of American diplomacy). Quadrangle Books. 1961. Cover slightly scuffed otherwise Good. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $2.87
  • Dreier, John C. The Organization of American States and the Hemisphere Crisis (Published for the Council on Foreign Relations). Harper and Row. 1960 First Edition. Cover slightly scuffed. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $3.85
  • Dulles, Allen., ed. Great True Spy Stories. Harper & Row. 1968. Small stain on front end page otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $2.87
  • Fairbank, John King. The United States And China (Revised and enlarged). Viking. 1969. Pages slightly tanned otherwise good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $2.00
  • Fay, Bernard. Franklin, The Apostle of Modern Times (illustraded). Little, Brown. 1929. Pages tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $3.00
  • Feiling, Keith. British Foreign Policy 1660-1672. Frank Cass. 1968 reprint of 1930 ed. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $18.75
  • Fenno, Richard F. (Editor). The Yalta Conference (Problems In American Civilization Series). D.C. Heath. 1955. Pages tanned otherwise Good. . Paperback. $2.00
  • Fontaine, Andre. History of the Cold War: From The October Revolution to theKorean War, 1917-1950. Secker & Warburg (London). 1968. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $3.00
  • Foss, Michael. Undreamed Shores: England's Wasted Empire in America. Harrap (London). 1974. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0245519823. $2.97
  • Galtung,Johan. The European Community:A Superpower In The Making. Universitetsforlaget/George Allen & Unwin. . Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 0043270425. $2.87
  • Gardner, Richard N. Blueprint for Peace: Being the Proposals of Prominent Americans to the White House Conference on International Cooperation. McGraw-Hill. 1966 - First Edition. Good.This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $5.00
  • Gerson, Louis L. John Foster Dulles (A Volume in the American Secretaries of State and their Diplomacy Series). Cooper Square Publishers, Inc. 1967. Good Plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $3.25
  • Graham, Bob. Intelligence Matters: The CIA, The FBI, Saudi Arabia, and The Failure of America's War On Terror. Random House. 2004. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 1400063523. $2.25
  • Greenbaum, Louis S. Talleyrand Statesman Priest: The Agent-General of the clergy and the Church of France at the End of the Old Regime. Catholic University of America Press. 1970. Copies of this book were purchased from a warehouse. They are unused but they were not published with a dust jacket & the covers are white cloth. Covers reflect scuffing from being in a warehouse but contents are Good Plus. Hardcover. $30.00
  • Grose, Peter. Gentleman Spy: The Life of Allen Dulles. Houghton Mifflin Company. 1994. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0395516072. $4.50
  • Gruber, Michael. The English Revolution: A Concise History and Interpretation (Foreword by James E. Farnell). Ardmore Press. 1967. Good Plus. This book has never been read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $6.00
  • Gunsaulus, Frank Wakeley. William Ewart Gladstone: A Biographical Study. American Educational League. 1898. Cover scuffed and corners slightly bent. Very small pin whole on spine and small bruise on rear cover otherwise Good. Hardcover. $4.96
  • Haig, Alexander M. Caveat: Realism, Reagan, And Foreign Policy. Macmillan. 1984. Pages tanned otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK . Hardcover. ISBN: 0025473700. $2.87
  • Haig, Alexander M. Inner Circles: How America Changed The World-A Memoir (Written with Charles McCarry). Warner Books. 1992. Pages slightly tanned otherwise good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 044651571X. $2.87
  • Hargreaves-Mawdsley, W.N., ed. Spain Under The Bourbons, 1700-1833: A Collection of Documents. University of South Carolina. 1973. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0872492893. $3.99
  • Harriman, W. Averell. America and Russia In A Changing World: A Half Century of Personal Observations. George Allen and Unwin (London). 1971. Good Plus.This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0049230557. $5.75
  • Havran, Martin J. Caroline Courtier: The Life of Lord Cottington (1957-1652 Served the early Stuart monarchs in Spain and in Parliament. Became a privy councillor and Chancellor of the Exchequer during 'eleven years 'tyranny of Charles I). Macmillan (London). 1973. Good Plus. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0333144058. $4.70
  • Hendrick, Burton J. The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page (Two volume set). Doubleday. 1923. Back cover of Volume 2 has scratches otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $7.75
  • Hibbert, Christopher. Wellington: A Personal History ( Elected Prime Minister in 1827 he was an influential advisor). Addison-Wesley. 1997. Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0201632322. $2.87
  • Hobson, J.A. Richard Cobden: The International Man. Ernest BennLimited (London). 1968. Good Plus. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $4.94
  • Hoge, James F. (Editor). Foreign Affairs, March/April 2005: Volume 84, Number 2 (Includes: The Overstretch Myth; Mind the Gap; All The Presidents' Men; Taking On Tehran; Ukraine's Orange Revolution; Preventing War Over Taiwan; Sinking Globalization; The Development Challenge; The Right Way To Promote Arab Reform; The Struggle To Transform The Military; Outsourcing War; The Choice; The Flip Side Of the Record; Red-Handed; Recent Books On International Relations; Letters To the Editor). Foreign Affairs. 2005. Papercovers. Lower right corner slightly creased otherwise clean, tight copy. Periodical. $3.90
  • Hoge,Jr., James F. (Editor). Foreign Affairs January/February 2004; Volume 83, Number 1 (Includes The Politics Of Aids; Beyond The Abu Sayyaf; The Strategy Of Partnerships; The Saudi Paradox; Don't Cry For Cancun; How To Stop Nuclear Terror; The Terrorist Threat In Africa; Kenya After Moi; Mexico At An Impasse; The Reluctant Partner; North America; Second Decade; A Duty To Prevent; Reviews And Responses). Council On Foreign Relations. 2004. Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical. $4.00
  • Hoge,Jr., James F. (Editor). Foreign Affairs March/April 2007: Volume 86, Number 2 (Includes: Iraq's Civil War; Time For Detente With Iran; The New New World Order; Unprepared For A Pandemic; Blowing The Horn; How Able is Abe; India's Democratic Challenge; The Moderate Muslim Brotherhood; College Goes Global; The Underfunded Pentagon; Reviews And Responses). Council On Foreign Relations. 2007. Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical. $4.00
  • Hoge,Jr., James F. (Editor) and Rose, Gideon (Managing Editor). Foreign Affairs: January / February 2007, Volume 86, Number 1. ( Includes: The United States, Iraq, and the War on Terror by Lee Kuan Yew; The Clash of Emotions by Dominique Moisi; The Challenge of Global Health by Laurie Garrett; Fidel's Final Victory by Julia E. Sweig; Saving Afghanistan by Barnett R. Rubin; A Battle for Global Values by Tony Blair; Hands Off Hedge Funds by Sebastian Mallaby; Has Globalization Passed Its Peak by Rawi Abdelal and Adam Segal; The Faces of Chinese Power by David M. Lampton; Negotiating With Terrorists by Peter R. Neumann; The Real Meaning of Military Transformation by Thomas L. McNaugher; Civil Rights, Uncivil Wrongs by Andrew Rudalevige; Recent Books on International Relations.) . Council On Foreign Relations, Inc. 2007. Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $4.00
  • Hoge,Jr., James F. (Editor) and Rose, Gideon (Managing Editor) . Foreign Affairs: January/February 2008, Volume 87, Number 1. ( Includes: Changing China: Long Time Coming by John L. Thornton, The Rise of China and the Future of the West by G. John Ikenberry, China's New Dictatorship Diplomacy by Stephanie Kleine-Ahlbrandt and Andrew Small, Reconsidering Revaluation by David D. Hale and Lyric Hughes Hale; The Myth of the Authoritarian Model by Michael McFaul and Kathryn Stoner-Weiss; The Costs of Containing Iran by Vali Nasr and Ray Takeyh; Europe's Eastern Promise by Ronald D. Asmus; Global Corporate Citizenship by Klaus Schwab; Public Footprints in Private Markets by Robert M. Kimmitt; Stopping Nuclear Terrorism by Michael Levi; A New Realism by Bill Richardson; America's Priorities in the War on Terror by Michael D. Huckabee; Anglo-Saxon Attitudes by Owen Harries; Recent Books on International Relations.). Council On Foreign Relations, Inc. 2008. Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $4.00
  • Hoge,Jr., James F. (Editor) and Rose, Gideon (Managing Editor). Foreign Affairs: July/ August 2007, Volume 86, Number 4. ( Includes: Campaign 2008: Renewing American Leadership by Barack Obama, Rising to a New Generation of Global Challenges by Mitt Romney: A New Deal for Globalization by Kenneth f. Scheve and Matthew J. Slaughter; Overhauling Intelligence by Mike McConnell; The Return of Authoritarian Great Powers by Azar Gat; Grand Strategy for a Divided America by Charles A. Kupchan and Peter L. Trubowitz; A False Choice in Pakistan by Daniel Markey; Turkey Rediscovers the Middle East by F. Stephen Larrabee; Nigeria's Rigged Democracy by Jean Herskovits; Better and Better by James Surowiecki; The Long Haul by Aaron L. Friedberg; Entente Infernale by Walter Russell Mead; Seeing Red by Donald Sassoon; The Art of Peace by Chester A. Crocker.). Council On Foreign Relations, Inc. 2007 . Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $4.00
  • Hoge,Jr., James F. (Editor) and Rose, Gideon (Managing Editor). Foreign Affairs: July/August 2009, Volume 88, Number 4. ( Includes: Globalization in Retreat by Roger C. Altman; Tamed Tigers, Distressed Dragon by Brian P. Klein and Kenneth Neil Cukier; The Pentagon's Wasting Assets by Andrew F. Krepinevich, Jr.; Flipping the Taliban by Fotini Christia and Michael Semple; Tehran's Take by Mohsen M. Milani; The Real War in Mexico by Shannon O'Neil; The Russia File by Robert Legvold; Pirates, Then and Now by Max Boot; The Battle for Thailand by Bertil Lintner; Africa's Capitalist Revolution by Ethan B. Kapstein; Can the Right War Be Won? by Steven Simon; A hegemon's Coming of Age by Walter Russell Mead; India's Fortune by Edward Luce; Which Way Is History Marching? by Azar Gat, Daniel Deudney and G. John Ikenberry, and Ronald Ingelehart and Christian Welzel; Get Smart by Joseph S. Nye, Jr..). Council On Foreign Relations, Inc. 2009. Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $4.00
  • Hoge,Jr., James F. (Editor) and Rose, Gideon (Managing Editor). Foreign Affairs: May/June 2006, Volume 85, Number 3. ( Includes: Saddam's Delusions; The View From The Inside by Kevin Woods, James Lacey, and Williamson Murray; Latin America's Left Turn by Jorge Castaneda; In Search of Hugo Chavez by Michael Shifter; The Special Relationship, Then and Now by Lawrence D. Freedman; The Long War against Corruption by Ben W. Heineman and Fritz Heimann; The Return of Saving by Martin Feldstein; The Middle Ages by John Rapley; What to Do About Climate Change by Ruth Greenspan Bell; The Tipping Points by Daniel Yankelovich; The Globally Integrated Enterprise by Samuel Palmisano; Through Our Friends' Eyes by Walter Russell Mead; A Bitter Prize by Tom Segev; Recent Books on International Relations.). Council On Foreign Relations, Inc. 2006. Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $4.00
  • Hoge,Jr., James F. (Editor) and Rose, Gideon (Managing Editor). Foreign Affairs: May/June 2007, Volume 86, Number 3. ( Includes: China's Space Odyssey by Bates Gill and Martin Kleiber; Smooth Sailing by Dennis Blair and Kenneth Lieberthal; Ending the Trade War in Washington by Stuart E. Eizenstat and Marney L. Cheek; Al Qaeda Strikes Back by Bruce Riedel; How Biofuels Could Starve the Poor by C. Ford Runge and Benjamin Senauer; Healthy Old Europe by Nicholas Eberstadt and Hans Groth; Containing Russia by Yuliya Tymoshenko; The End of National Currency by Benn Steil; Bush and the Generals by Michael C. Desch; Let Women Rule by Swanee Hunt; Atypically French by Sophie Pedder; The Prophet of Moderation by Jonathan Laurence; Defying Orders, Saving Lives by Richard Holbrooke; Recent Books on International Relations.). Council On Foreign Relations, Inc. 2007. Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $4.00
  • Hoge,Jr., James F. (Editor) and Rose, Gideon (Managing Editor). Foreign Affairs: May/June 2009, Volume 88, Number3. ( Includes: The Mushroom Cloud That Wasn't by Michael Krepon; Tomorrow's Institution Today by Amitai Etzioni; The G-2 Mirage by Elizabeth C. Economy and Adam Segal; Deng Undone by Derek Scissors; State Capitalism Comes of Age by Ian Bremmer; Necessity, Choice, and Common Sense by Leslie H. Gelb; Diplomacy, Inc. by John Newhouse; Farm Futures by Carherine Bertini and Dan Glickman; The Key to Kiev by Adrian Karatnycky and Alexander J. Motyl; The King and Us by David Ottaway; The Perils of apology by Jennifer Lind; A Tale of Two Wars by Zbigniew Brzezinski; The Ways of Syria by Fouad Ajami; Comparing Crises by Robert Madsen and Richard Katz; Recent Books on International Relations.) . Council On Foreign Relations, Inc. 2009. Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $4.00
  • Hoge,Jr., James F. (Editor) and Rose, Gideon (Managing Editor). Foreign Affairs: November/December 2007, Volume 86, Number 6. ( Includes: Security and Opportunity for the Twenty-first Century by Hillary Rodham Clinton; An Enduring Peace Built on Freedom by John McCain; Losing Russia by Dimitri K. Simes; Can the War on Terror Be Won? by Philip H. Gordon; A Disciplined Defense by Richard K. Betts; Washington's Eastern Sunset by Jason T. Shaplen and James Laney; Winning Asia by Victor D. Cha; The Old Turks' Revolt by Omer Taspinar; America's Strategic Opportunity With India by R. Nicholas Burns; Asia's Forgotten Crisis by Michael Green and Derek Mitchell; Jerusalem Syndrome by Walter Russell Mead; COIN of the Realm by Colin H. Kahl; A Quiet Revolution by Francis Fukuyama; Recent Books on International Relations.). Council On Foreign Relations, Inc. 2007. Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $4.00
  • Hoge,Jr., James F. (Editor) and Rose, Gideon (Managing Editor). Foreign Affairs: November/December 2009, Volume 88, Number 6. ( Includes: Securing the Information Highway by Wesley K. Clark and Peter L. Levin; Losing Controls by Mitchel B. Wallerstein; The dollar and the Deficits by C. Fred Bergsten; The Nukes We Need by Keir A. Lieber and Daryl G. Press; The Forgotten Front by Christopher S. Bond and Lewis M. Simons; Russia Reborn by Dmitri Trenin; In the Quicksands of Somalia by Bronwyn Bruton; Changing North Korea by Andrei Lankov; Tokyo's Trials by Yoichi Funabashi; Turkey's Transformers by Morton Abramowitz and Henri J. Barkey; The Suicide of the East? by Philip D. Zelikow; Free Markets, Free Muslims by Jon B. Alterman; The Future of U.S. Military Power by Thomas Donnelly, Philip Dur, and Andrew F. Krepinevich, Jr.; Recent Books on International Relations.). Council On Foreign Relations, Inc. 2009. Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $4.00
  • Hoge,Jr., James F. (Editor) and Rose, Gideon (Managing Editor). Foreign Affairs: September/October 2006, Volume 85, Number 5. ( Includes: Is There Still a Terrorist Threat? by John Miller; After Proliferation by Stephen Peter Rosen; The Next Secretary-General by Brian Urquhart; God's Country? by Walter Russell Mead; How to Keep the Bomb From Iran by Scott D. Sagan; The Next War of the World by Niall Ferguson; Mexico's Disputed Election by Luis Rubio and Jeffrey Davidow; France and Its Muslims by Stephanie Giry; Global NATO by Ivo Daalder and James Goldgeier; The Real Online Terrorist Threat by Evan F. Kohlmann; The Rise of Intelligence by David Kahn; Questions of Fairness by Robert H. Wade; The Dream Palace of the Empire by L. Carl Brown; Nuclear Exchange by Peter C. W. Flory, Keith Payne, Pavel Podvig, Alexei Arbatov, Keir A. Lieber, and Daryl G. Press: and Recent Books on International Relations.). Council On Foreign Relations, Inc. 2006. Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $4.00
  • Hoge,Jr., James F. (Editor) and Rose, Gideon (Managing Editor). Foreign Affairs: September/October 2009, Volume 88, Number 5. ( Includes: An Agenda for NATO by Zbigniew Brzezinski; The Default Power by Josef Joffe; Low and Behold by Edward L. Morse; The Dollar Dilemma by Barry Eichengreen; The Death of Dayton by Patrice c. McMahon and Jon Western; Without Conditions by Deepak Malhotra; Climate Countdown: Copenhagen's Inconvenient Truth by Michael A. Levi, The Other Climate Changers by Jessica Seddon Wallack and Veerabhadran Ramanathan, The Low-Carbon Diet by Joel Kurtzman; All (Muslim) Politics Is Local by Charles Tripp; The Unbalanced Triangle by Stephen Kotkin; Born Again in the U.S.A. by Timothy Samuel Shah; Recent Books on International Relations.). Council On Foreign Relations, Inc. 2009. Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $4.00
  • Holland, R.F., ed. Perspectives on Imperialism and Decolonization: Essays in Honour of A.F. Madden. Frank Cass. 1984. Good Plus. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0714632422. $19.00
  • Huntington, Samuel P. and Warren Demian Manshel. Foreign Policy: Number 11, Summer 1973. National Affairs Inc. 1973. Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $13.25
  • Huntington, Samuel P. and Warren Demian Manshel. Foreign Policy: Number 14, Spring 1974. Nationa Affairs Inc. 1974. Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $13.25
  • Huntington, Samuel P. and Warren Demian Manshel. Foreign Policy: Number 15, Summer 1974. National Affairs Inc. 1974. Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $13.25
  • Huntington, Samuel P. and Warren Demian Manshel. Foreign Policy: Number 5, Winter 1971-1972. National Affairs Inc. 1972. Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $13.25
  • Huntington, Samuel P. and Warren Demian Manshel. Foreign Policy: Number 6, Spring 1972. National Affairs Inc. 1972. Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $13.25
  • Huntington, Samuel P. and Warren Demian Manshel. Foreign Policy: Number 7, Summer 1972. National Affairs Inc. 1972. Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $13.25
  • Huntington, Samuel P. and Warren Demian Manshel. Foreign Policy: Number 9, Winter 1972-1973. National Affairs Inc. 1973. Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $13.25
  • Huntington, Samuel P. and Warren Demian Manshel. Foreign Policy: Numbner 8, Fall 1972. National Affairs Inc. 1972. Writing on front cover otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $12.25
  • Hyland, William G. Mortal Rivals: Understanding The Pattern Of Soviet-American Conflict. Touchstone/Simon and Schuster. 1987. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 0671668714. $3.67
  • Ishihara, Shintaro. The Japan That Can Say No: Why Japan Will Be First Among Equals (Foreword by Ezra F. Vogel). Simon & Schuster. 1991. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0671758535. $2.87
  • Jacobsen, David with Gerald Astor. Hostage: My Nightmare in Beirut (Middle East Hostage Crisis in 1985. Illustrated). Donald I. Fine. 1991. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 1556112653. $2.87
  • Jenkins, Brian. Fenians and Anglo - American Relations During Reconstruction. Cornell University Press. 1969. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0801405009. $4.40
  • Jones, J.R. Britain and Europe in the Seventeenth Century. W.W. Norton. 1966. Pages are slighty tanned otherwise Good.This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $3.25
  • Jones, Wilbur Devereux. The American Problem in British Diplomacy, 1841-1861. Macmillan. 1974. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0333153855. $3.25
  • Katzenstein, Peter J. (Editor). Between Power And Plenty: Foreign Economical Policies Of Advanced Industrial States. The University of Wisconsin Press. 1986. Minor text marks otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 0299075648. $2.87
  • Kennedy, John F. The Strategy of Peace (The foreign policy speeches and statements on defense, peace, national security and related domestic issues of a leading, presidential candidate are here edited by an eminent historian, Allan Nevins). Harper & Brothers. 1960. Page and cover edges are slightly worn otherwise text is clean. Paperback. $1.35
  • Kissinger, Henry. For The Record: Selected Statements 1977-1980. Weidenfeld and Nicolson and Michael Joseph (London). 1981. Volume Good PLus, Dust Jacket Tattered. Hardcover. ISBN: 0718120256. $2.87
  • Kleveman, Lutz. The New Game: Blood And Oil In Central Asaia. Grove Press. 2003. Pages slightly tanned otherwise good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 0802141722. $2.87
  • Knorr, Klaus; Black, Cyril E.; Garvey, Gerald and Bienen, Henry (Editors). World Politics: A Quarterly Journal Of International Relations Volume XXIV, Number 2 (Includes: Economic Interdependence and Foreign Policy In the Seventies; The Dynamics Of the Chinese Cultural Revolution; Deterrence In the MIRV Era; The "Correlates Of War" Project: Interim Report and Rationale; Securing Authority: The View From the Top; National Priorities: Demands, Resources, Dilemmas). Center Of International Studies, Princeton University. 1972. Papercovers. Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical. $5.75
  • Knorr, Klaus; Black, Cyril E.; Garvey, Gerald and Bienen, Henry (Editors). World Politics: A Quarterly Journal Of International Relations Volume XXIV, Number 3 (Includes: Nation-Building Or Nation-Destroying?; The Uses Of Foreign Policy In Indonesia: An Approach To the Analysis Of Foreign Policy In the Less Developed Countries; The 1971 Soviet Central Committee: An Assessment Of the New Elite; Communist Power In A War Of National Liberation: The Case Of China; Social Structure and Political Competition: The Italian Case; Social Science and Soviet Administrative Behavior). Center Of International Studies, Princeton University. 1972. Papercovers are slightly scuffed otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical. $5.75
  • Knorr, Klaus; Black, Cyril E.; Garvey, Gerald and Murphy, Walter F.(Editors). World Politics: A Quarterly Journal Of International Relations Volume XXV, Number 1 (Includes: Re-Visioning The Future Of the Third World: An Ecological Perspective On Development; Ecomonic Stagnation and The Emergence Of the Political Ideology Of Chilean Underdevelopment; The Decision To Deploy the ABM: Bureaucratic and Domestic Politics in the Johnson Administration; Individual Preference Versus Role-Constraint In Policy-Making: Senatorial Response To Secretaries Acheson and Dulles; Theory Si, Data No! A Decade Of Cross-National Research; Social Sciences and Statistics; Political Ideology and Economic Modernization In Spain). Center Of International Studies, Princeton University. 1972. Papercovers. Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical. $5.75
  • Knorr, Klaus; Black, Cyril E.; Garvey, Gerald and Murphy, Walter F.(Editors). World Politics: A Quarterly Journal Of International Relations Volume XXV, Number 4 (Includes: The Dividend Nations Of the International System; Gratuity Or Tyranny: The Korean Alliances; Endemic and Planned Corruption In A Monarchial Regime; Size and Foreign Policy Behavior: A Test Of Two Models; The Diplomatic Importance Of States, 1816-1970: An Extension and Refinement Of the Indicator; Bureaucracy, Political Parties, and Political Development; In Search Of Chinese National Character Via Child-Training). Center Of International Studies, Princeton University. 1973. Papercovers are scuffed otherwise contents are clean and tight.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical. $5.75
  • Knorr, Klaus; Black, Cyril E.; Garvey, Gerald and Murphy, Walter (Editors). World Politics: A Quarterly Journal Of International Relations Volume XXV, Number 2 (Includes: Technology, International Competition, and Economic Growth: Some Lessons and Perspectives; Toward A Framework For the Study of Political Change In The Iberic-Latin Tradition: The Corporative Model; The Salience Of Gains In Third-World Integrative Systems; Pen, Sword, and People: Military Regimes In the Formation Of Political Institutions; The Counter-Core Role Of Middle Powers In Processes Of External Political Integration; On Clausewitz: A Passion For War). Center Of International Studies, Princeton University. 1973. Papercovers. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical. $5.75
  • Korten, David G. Globalizing Civil Society: Reclaiming Our Right To Power (THe Open Media Pamphlet Series). Seven Stories Press. 1998. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 1888363592. $2.87
  • Krug, Mark. Aneurin Bevan: Cautious Rebel. Thomas Yoseloff. 1961. Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $1.95
  • Kutakov, Leonid N. Japanese Foreign Policy on the Eve of the Pacific War: A Soviet View (Edited with a foreword by George Alexander Lenson. The Diplomatic Press. 1972. Page edges slightly tanned otherwise good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0910512159. $14.99
  • Lafeber, Walter. America, Russia, And The Cold War 1945-1966. John Wiley . 1967. Underlining of text otherwise Good Reading Copy. Paperback. ISBN: 0471511420. $2.00
  • Landau, David. Kissinger: The Uses of Power. Houghton Mifflinq. 1972. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0395143667. $2.87
  • Lawson, Leonard Axel. The Relation of British Policy to the Declaration of the Monroe Doctrine (Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy in the faculty of Political Science). Columbia University. 1922. X-Libris-Good Reading Copy. Hardcover. $8.50
  • Lecar, Helene. The Russian Revolution: A Concise History and Interpretation (Foreword by Ellsworth Raymond). Ardmore Press. 1967. Good.This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $6.00
  • Lefever, Ernest W. Ethics and United States Foreign Policy. Meridian Books. 1957. Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $1.53
  • Link, Arthur S. The Higher Realism of Woodrow Wilson and Other Essays (Foreword by Dewey W. Grantham). Vanderbilt University Press. 1971. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $6.25
  • Loomis, Stanley. The Fatal Friendship: Marie Antoinette, Count Fersen and the Flight to Varennes (Count Axel Fersen was a Swedish nobleman. Was he killed at the hands of a mob in a Stockholm square because he took part in the planning & execution of the Royal family's. Davis-Poynter (London). 1972. Good Plus. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0706700473. $3.00
  • Louis-Philippe. Memoirs 1773-1793 (Translated and with an Introduction by John Hardman.Foreword by Henri,Comte de Paris.). Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich. 1977-First English Edition. Good Plus. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0151588554. $3.25
  • Lowe, C. J. Salisbury and The Mediterranean: 1886-1896. Routledge & Kegan Paul (London). 1965. Good Plus. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $9.45
  • Lunt, W.E. History of England (17 Maps). Harper & Brothers. 1928. Writing on end pages, margin notes and underlining otherwise Reading Copy. Hardcover. $2.87
  • Macomber, William B. Diplomacy For the 70's Summary: A Program of Management Reform For the Department of State. U.S. Department of State. 1970. Papercovers. Front cover has horizontal tear otherwise Good Clean Reading Copy. Periodical. $4.00
  • Marshall, P.J. Problems of Empire: Britain And India 1757-1813. George Allen and Unwin (London). 1968. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $25.00
  • Marwick, Arthur. Britain In the Century of Total War: War, Peace and Social Change 1900-1967. Atlantic Monthly Press. 1968 First American Edition. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $3.00
  • Matthews, Herbert L. A World In Revolution: A Newspaperman's Memoir (N.Y. Times Reporter who covered the Spanish Civil War & who found Castro in the Sierra Maestra (1957) & who details the battle worldwide between the powers of freedom and totalitarianism). Charles Scribner's Sons. 1971. Small triangular piece missing from top right corner of front end sheet otherwise Good Plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0684125366. $5.00
  • Mawson, C.O. Sylvester. Dictionary of Foreign Policy Terms (The most useful selections from 42 languages - French and Latin to Hindustani, Russian and Turkish.). Thomas Y. Crowell. 1963. Cover slightly scuffed otherwise Good.This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $5.99
  • McCarthy, Justin. Reminiscences (Author was an advocate of home rule fro Ireland-2 volume set). Harper & Brothers. 1899. Light foxing. Pages 125-141 of vol. II have moisture mark on lower right corner otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $10.00
  • McElwee, William. History of England. Barnes & Noble. 1971. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $2.87
  • McLellan David S., edq. Among Friends: Personal Letters of Dean Acheson. Dodd, Mead. 1980. Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0396077218. $4.00
  • McNamara, Robert S. The Essence of Security: Reflections in Office. Harper and Row. 1968 First Edition. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $2.87
  • Mee, Charles L. Meeting At Potsdam. M. Evans & Company. 1975. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0873116747. $2.87
  • Menges, Constantine C. Inside the National Security Council: The true Story of the Making and Unmaking of Reagan's Foreign Policy. Simon & Schuster. 1988. Paperback-Good Plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 0671687344. $2.87
  • Metcalf, Michael F. Russia, England and Swedish Party Politics 1762-1766: The Interplay between Great Power Diplomacy and Domestic Politics During Sweden's Age of Liberty. Almqvist & Wiksell International (Stockholm). 1977. Covers scuffed otherwise Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0874719046. $6.48
  • Meyer, Karl E. World Policy Journal Volume XXIII, No. 3, Fall 2006 (Includes: The Forgotten Bargain: Nonproliferation and Nuclear Disarmament; The Road Not Taken In The Middle East: A Memo To The Absent "Quartet"; Ailing Southeast Asia: A Reckoning Looms; China's Latin Leap Forward; From the G8 to the "E8": Is The Globalization Tide Turning? Evangelicals And World Affairs; The Pursuit of Truth: A Talk with George Soros; etc). World Play Institute. 2006. Papercovers. Pages tanned otherwise Good. Periodical. $4.00
  • Mingst, Karen A. Essentials Of International Relations (Fourth Edition). W.W. Norton. 2008. Papercovers slightly curled otherwise Good Reading Copy. Periodical. ISBN: 9780393928976. $2.75
  • Morgon, Thomas E. Congressional Review of International Agreements (Hearings before theSubcommittee on International Security and Scientific Affairs of the Committee on International Relations House of Representatives-94th Congress. G.P.O. 1976. Paperback-Good Plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $13.50
  • Morgon, Thomas E. The Palestinian Issue in Middle East Peace Efforts (Hearings Before the Special Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on International Relations House of Representatives-94th Congress). G.P.O. 1976. Paperback-Good Plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $14.50
  • Morris, James. The Road to Huddersfield: A Journey to Five Continents (History of the World Bank). Pantheon Books. 1963 First Printing. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $2.87
  • Morris, Roger. Uncertain Greatness: Henry Kissinger and American Foreign Policy. Harper & Row. 1977 First Edition. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0060130970. $3.00
  • Murillo, Mario A. with Jesus Rey Avirama. Columbia And The United States: War, Unrest, And Destabilization. Seven Stories Press. 2004. Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 1583226060. $2.87
  • Mydans, Carl and Shelley Mydans. The Violent Peace: A Report on Wars in the Postwar World (Numerous photographs). Atheneum. 1968. Good Plus.This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $4.00
  • Neal, Fred Warner., ed. The Repuirements of Democratic Foreign Policy: Congress, The President, Partisanship, the Foreign Policy Establishment & the Media (Vol. VI of 4 vols. Ed. From the proceedings of PACEM IN TERR'S III A National Convocation to consider new opportunities. Center For The Study of Democratic Institutions. 1974. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $9.95
  • Newhouse, John. De Gaulle and the Anglo-Saxons (Relations among France, U.S., and Britain in the Gaullist era: diplomatic skirmishes, nuclear bargains, politics of conflict and peace). Viking. 1970. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $2.75
  • Newman, Karl J. European Democracy Between the Wars. George Allen and Unwin, Ltd (London). 1970. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0049400312. $3.90
  • Newton, A.P. and J.Ewing. The British Empire Since 1783: Its Political and Economic Development (13 Illustrations and 8 Maps). Methuen (London). 1929. Pages tanned otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $6.25
  • Noble, C. Bernard. Christian A. Herter (The American Secretaries of State and their Diplomacy Series Volume 18). Cooper Square Publishers, Inc. 1970. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $24.25
  • Northedge, F.S. (Editor). The Foreign Policies of the Powers (Northedge has brought together an outstanding group of political scientists, each a specialist in the politics and foreign policy of a specific country). Frederick A. Praeger. 1969. Pages tanned otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $1.75
  • Northedge, F.S. and M. J. Grieve. A Hundred Years of International Relations. Praeger (London). 1971. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $4.05
  • Nye, Joseph S. The Paradox Of American Power: Why The World's Only Superpower Can't Go It Alone. Oxford University Press. 2002. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0195150880. $1.99
  • O'Gorman, F. The Whig Party and the French Revolution (Book breaks new ground in discussing the size, structure and nature of the Whig Party of Charles Fox, Duke of Portland & Edmund Burke shows why the party was susceptible to the impact of the French Revolution). Macmillan (London). 1967. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $17.25
  • Oberdorfer, Don. The Turn From the Cold War To A New Era: The United States and the Soviet Union 1983-1990. Poseidon Press. 1991. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0671707833. $2.87
  • Odlozilik, Otakar. The Hussite King: Bohemia in European Affairs 1440-1471. Rutgers University Press. 1965. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $5.95
  • Ogley, Roderick. The Theory and Practice of Neutrality in the Twentieth Century (Discusses various forms and shapes of neutrality such as neutralization, traditional neutrality, ad hoc neutrality and non-alignment). Barnes & Noble. 1970. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $13.25
  • Pacini, Marcello. Cultural Relations Between Italy And The United States: Mutual Interests and Suggestions For Joint Action. ( These remarks were made by Mr. Pacini, Director of the Giovanni Agnelli Foundation, at a Conference in Florence in May 1978, whose subject was "Italy and USA: Mutual Judgements".). Giovanni Agnelli Foundation. 1978. Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY ITEM. Paperback. $9.65
  • Palm, Goran. As Others See Us (European Writer-Activist Views The Explosive Confrontation of The Third World and The West. Bobbs-Merrill. 1968. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $6.25
  • Pearson, Drew. Drew Pearson Diaries 1949-1959. Holt Rinehart and Winston. 1974 First Edition. Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0030014263. $3.00
  • Perkins, Dexter. The Diplomacy of a New Age: Major Issues in U.S. Policy Since 1945 (The Rift, the Marshall Plan, the North Atlantic Pact, American Policy in the Far East, the U.S. and Latin America). Indiana University Press. 1968. Good Plus. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0253117003. $4.98
  • Pfaff, William. The Wrath of Nations: Civilization and the Furies of Nationalism. Simon & Schuster. 1993. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0671728296. $2.87
  • Podhoretz, Norman. The Present Danger: "Do We Have The Will To Reverse The Decline of American Power?". Simon & Schuster. 1980. Top right page corners have slight moisture mark otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0671413953. $2.87
  • Postgate, Raymond. Story of a Year: 1798. Harcourt, Brace & World. 1969 - First Edition. Good Plus. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $5.50
  • Pranger, Robert J. Implications of the 1976 Arab-Israeli Military Status. American Enterprise Institute. 1976. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. ISBN: 0844732095. $10.00
  • Prasad, Bimal. Indo-Soviet Relations 1947-1972: A Documentary Study. Allied Publishers. 1973. Pages tanned otherwise Reading Copy. Hardcover. $22.48
  • Prescott, Julian K. A History of the Modern Age. Doubleday & Co. 1971. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $3.15
  • Prisco, Salvatore. John Barrett, Progressive Era Diplomat: A Study of a Commerical Expansionist, 1887-1920. University of Alabama. 1973. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0817351620. $6.00
  • Queller, Donald E. The Office of Ambassador In The Middle Ages. Princeton University Press. 1967. Good Plus. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $9.75
  • Raley, Harold C. Jose Ortega Y Gasset: Philosopher of European Unity. University of Alabama. 1971. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0817366121. $5.75
  • Ramsay, A.A.W. Sir Robert Peel (Principal architect of the modern Conservative party. His statesmanship guided the country out of severe difficulties and dangers to stability and security when the rest of Europe was often at the mercy of revolution). Barnes & Noble. 1971 reprint of 1928 ed. Good Plus. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0389041823. $11.64
  • Ranum, Orest and Patricia., ed. The Century of Louis XIV (Selected documents which illustrate that governing elites, men of faith and men of letters overwhelmingly shared Louis XIV's priorities of diplomacy, war, religious orthodoxy and culture). Macmillan (London). 1972. Good Plus. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0333075374. $3.75
  • Read, Donald. Documents from Edwardian England 1901-1915 (Cites a variety of sources including newspapers, books, speeches, political tracts and letters to examine many topics including the coming of World War I). Harrap (London). 1973. Good Plus. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $8.00
  • Reid, Loren. Charles James Fox: A Man For The People (British Foreign Secretary). University of Missouri Press. 1969. Good Plus. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0826200761. $4.00
  • Remington, Robin Alison. The International Relations of Eastern Europe: A Guide To Information Sources. Gale Research. 1978. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $13.00
  • Roberts, J.M. Europe In The 20th Century-Volume I 1900-14: Readings in 20th Century History. Taplinger. 1971. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0800825233. $3.75
  • Robertson, Charles L. International Politics Since World War II: A Short History. John Wiley. 1966. Paperback-Good Plus.This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $3.70
  • Robertson, James Oliver. American Myth, American Reality. Hill & Wang. 1980. Pages slightly tanned. Line across top of page edges otherwise Good Plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0809025043. $2.25
  • Roosevelt, Eleanor and Ferris, Helen. Partners: The United Nations And Youth. Doubleday. 1950. A one inch by five inch rectangular section of top right corner of front end page is missing otherwise Good Reading Copy. Hardcover. $3.25
  • Rowdon, Maurice. The Spanish Terror: Spanish Imperialism in the Sixteenth Century (8 Illustrations and Eight Maps). St. - Martins Press. 1974. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0094580707. $3.40
  • Rowny, Ambassador Edward L. It Takes One To Tango (Author served as an arms control negotiator for five presidents-Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan and Bush). Brassey's Inc. 1992. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0028810376. $6.75
  • Sarkissian, Arshag O. and Whelan, Joseph G. World Communism, 1964-1969 A Selected Bibliography Volume II: Prepared By the Congrssional Research Service Library of Congress at the Request of thye Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws of the Committee On the Judiciary United States Senate. 92nd Congress, 1st Session. Library of Congress. 1971. Papercovers. Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical. $6.50
  • Scott, Andrew M. and Raymond H. Dawson. Readings In the Making of American Foreign Policy. Macmillan. 1965 Frist printing. Extensive highlighting otherwise Good Reading Copy. Hardcover. $3.80
  • Senn, Alfred Erich. The Russian Revolution in Switzerland 1914-1917. Universtity of Wisconsin Press. 1971. Top corners slightly bent otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0299059413. $4.56
  • Seton-Watson, Hugh. The New Imperialism: A Background Book (Russian Imperialism). Rowman & Littlefield. 1961,1971. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $3.80
  • Silfen, Paul Harrison. Essays in French and German History: World History In Six Dimensions. Exposition-University Book. 1976 - 1st Edition. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $18.50
  • Smith, Goldwin. Three English Statesmen: A Course of Lectures on the Political History of England (Pym, Cromwell, Pitt). Harper & Brothers. 1867. Slight foxing edges worn otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $9.00
  • Smith, Ralph Stuart. The United States and The Third World: A Discussion Paper. Department of State. 1973. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $8.50
  • Snow, C.P. Corridors of Power. Charles Scribner's Sons. 1964. Pages slightly tanned otherwise good reading copy. Hardcover. $2.50
  • Sobel, Robert. The American Revolution: A Concise History and Interpretation (Foreword by Broadus Mitchell). Ardmore Press. 1967. Good Plus.This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $4.50
  • Sobel, Robert. The French Revolution: A Concise History and Interpretation (Foreword by Owen Connelly). Ardmore Press. 1967. Cover scuffed otherwise Good without interior marks.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $3.50
  • Stern, Lawrence H., Kevin J. Lacoble, Zenon X. Zygmont. An Assessment of Potential Markets for Small Satellites. Center for Innovative Technology. 1989. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $15.00
  • Sulzberger, C.L. A Long Row of Candles: Memoirs and Diaries 1934-1954. Macmillan Company. 1969. Pages slightly tanned otherwise. Good Plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $4.50
  • Sulzberger, C.L. . The Last of the Giants. Macmillan. 1971. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good Plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $4.50
  • Symcox, Geoffrey., ed. War, Diplomacy and Imperialism, 1618-1763. Walker and Co. 1974. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $6.15
  • Talbott, Strobe. The Master Of The Game: Paul Nitze And The Nuclear Peace. Alfred A. Knopf. 1988. Pages tanned otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0394568818. $2.87
  • Taylor, Marie Hansen. On Two Continents: Memories of Half A Century. Doubleday, Page & Company. 1905. Right side cover edges are discolored and bent. Right side of some pages have moisture stains. Volume is Tight, Intact and Legible. Hardcover. $5.00
  • Taylor, Robert Lewis. Winston Churchill: An Informal Study of Greatness. Doubleday. 1952. Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $2.87
  • Teltsch, Kathleen. Crosscurrents At Turtle Bay: A Quarter-Century of the United Nations. Quadrangle Books. 1970. Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $2.87
  • Thayer, William Roscoe. The Life and Letters of John Hay (Two Volumes). Houghton Mifflin. 1915. Covers slightly scuffed and name written on both title pages otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $7.45
  • The Center For the Study Of Democratic Institutions. Anti-Ballistic Missile: Yes or No?: A Special Report from the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions (Introduction by Hubert H. Humphrey. Epilogue by William O. Douglas. Donald G. Brennan and Leon W. Johnson argue for. Jerome B. Wiesner and George S. McGovern argue against). Hill and Wang. 1969. Covers slightly scuffed otherwise Good. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $5.25
  • The History Circle. British-American Discords and Concords: A Record of Three Centuries. G.P. Putnam's Sons. 1918. Pages tanned otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $4.00
  • Thompson, J.M. Lectures on Foreign History 1294-1789. Basil Blackwell (Oxford). 1965. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $2.76
  • Thompson, Kenneth W. American Diplomacy and Emergent Patterns(Combination of historic knowledge, philosophic insight and political judgement regarding the old diplomacy and the new diplomacy). New York Univeristy Press. 1962. Good Plus. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $7.00
  • Thomson, David. World History From 1914 to 1961. Oxford University Press. 1963. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $4.25
  • Thomson, David., Intro. France: Empire and Republic, 1850-1940 Historical Documents. Macmillan. 1968. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $4.40
  • Tull, G.K. and Bulwer, P. McG. Britain and the World in the Nineteenth Century. Blandford Press (London). 1966. Page edges slightly tanned.Scuff spot on front cover otherwise good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $4.25
  • Ungar, Sanford J. Estrangement: America and The World-A Carnegie Endowment Book. Oxford University Press. 1985. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0195037073. $2.87
  • Usherwood, Stephen. Europe, Century by Century (80 Illustrations). Drake Publishers. 1973. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $5.50
  • Vincent, John., ed. Disraeli, Derby and The Conservative Party: Journals and Memoirs of Edward Henry, Lord Stanley. Barnes & Noble. 1978. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK . Hardcover. ISBN: 0064972143. $13.75
  • Vineberg, Robert. Summary and Review of Studies of the VOLAR Experiment, 1971: Installation Reports for Forts Benning, Bragg, Carson, and Ord, and HUMPRO Permanent Party Studies (VOLAR refers to Volunteer Army Attitude Study). Dept. of the Army. 1972. Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $18.00
  • Von Uexkull, Detlev ( Editor ). Arms and The Woman: the Diaries of Baron Boris Uxkul. (Von Uxkull was present in Napolean's fateful Russian campaign as a soldier.Translated by Joel Carmichael). Secker & Warburg (London). 1966. Pages slightly tanned. Outer page edges slightly foxed. Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $8.00
  • Walton, Richard. Beyond Diplomacy: A Background Book on American Military Intervention. Parents' Magazine Press. 1970. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $4.25
  • Ward, Richard. Development Problems For the 1970's (Author served as chief of planning of the U.S. Agency For International Development. Book examines the problems of developing nations). Dunellen. 1973. Small spot on exterior page spine otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $16.00
  • Watt, Richard M. The King's Depart The Tragedy of Germany: Versailles and the German Revolution. Simon and Schuster. 1968. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $9.00
  • Weidle, Wladimir. Russia: Absent and Present. John Day. 1952. Pages slightly tanned otherwise good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $6.75
  • Weiner, Margery. The Sovereign Remedy: Europe After Waterloo. St. Martin's Press. 1973. Pages slightly tanned otherwise good.This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $4.25
  • Weintal, Edward. Facing the Brink: An Intimate Study of Crisis Diplomacy. Charles Scribner's Sons. 1967. Pages slightly tanned otherwise Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $3.00
  • Wellborn, Fred W. Diplomatic History of the United States (Quick review and to the point). Littlefield, Adams and Company. 1970. Book slightly bent otherwise good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $2.87
  • Wellons, Philip A. Passing the Buck: Banks, Governments, and Third World Debt. Harvard Business School. 1987. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. ISBN: 0071032762. $7.50
  • Wells, Donald A. The War Myth (The rationalization of war-making in Western thought with an analysis of the human dilemmas that cause war). Pegasus. 1967. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $2.87
  • White, Andrew Dickson. Autobiography of Andrew Dickson White (With Portraits)-TWO VOLUME SET. The Century Company. 1907. Pages slightly tanned. Corners slightly bumped otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $20.50
  • White, Theodore H. Fire In the Ashes: Europe In Mid-Century. William Sloane Associates. 1953. Good.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $2.87
  • Willis, F. Roy. France, Germany and The New Europe 1915-1963. Stanford University Press. 1965. Good Plus. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $3.00
  • Wittmer, Felix. Flood-Light on Europe: A Guide To The Next War. Charles Scribner's Sons. 1937. Spine portion of cover has some staining. Edges of spine are worn. Small triangular piece missing from top right corner of front end page otherwise Good. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $16.25
  • Yost, Charles. The Insecurity of Nations: International Relations In the Twentieth Century. Pall Mall Press (London). 1968. Good plus. NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Hardcover. $2.50
  • ____. Emergency Military Assistance for Israel and Cambodia; Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Relations United States Senate Ninety-Third Congress First Session on S2692 and H.R. 11088. G.P.O. 1973. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $10.50
  • ____. Reports and Papers of the Expert Group Meeting On Social and Psychological Aspects of Fertility Behaviour (Bangkok, 10-19 June 1974. Asian Population Studies Series No.26 United Nations. Prepared by the Economic and Social Commission For Asia and the Pacific). United Nations. 1974. Papercovers. Spine bumped otherwise Good Plus. This book was never read.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical. $16.00
  • ____. U.S. Policy in the Middle East:November 1974-February 1976 (The U.S. Department of State Selected Documents No.4). U.S. Government Printing Office. 1977. Papercovers. Good Plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Periodical. $7.00
  • ____. U.S. Policy With Respect to Mainland China: Hearings Before the Committee On Foreign Relations United States Senate Eighty-Ninth Congress Second Session (March 8,10,16,18,21,28,30, 1966). U.S. Government Printing Office. 1966. Papercovers. Good Reading Copy. Periodical. $7.45
  • ____. United Nations General Assembly Thirty-Second Session General Assembly Provisional Verbatum Record of the Seventh Meeting (Held at Headquarters, New York, on Monday, 26 September 1977, at 3p.m. Speakers included: Mr. Mojsov, Yugoslavia; Montiel Arguello, Nicaragua; Mr. Simonet, Belgium; Mr. Facio, Costa Rica; Mr. Frydenlund, Norway; Mr. Valda, Bolivia; Mr. Hatoyama, Japan; Mr. Gromyko, USSR; Mr. Lasso, Ecuador; Mr. Malik, Indonesia; Dr. Owen, United Kingdom; Mr. Andersen, Denmark; Mr. Shahi, Pakistan; Mr. Khalatbar, Iran; Mr. Kodjo, Togo; Mr. Obenga, Congo; Mr. Von Wechmar, Germany; et.al.). United Nations. 1977. Papercovers. Good Plus. Periodical. $16.00
  • _____. Arms Control & Disarmament Agency (Hearings Before the Subcommittee on National Security Policy and Scientific Developments of the Committee on Foreign Affairs House of Representatives 93rd Congress). GPO. 1974. Paperback-Good Plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $7.50
  • _____. Détente (Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Europe of the Committee on Foreign Affairs House of Representatives 93rd Congrerss). GPO. 1974. Paperback-Good Plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $11.50
  • _____. Food Problems of Developing Countries: Implications For U.S. Policy (Hearings Before the Subcommittee on International Resources, Food and Energy on The Committee on International Relations House of Representatives 94th Congress). GPO. 1975. Paperback-Good Plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $15.00
  • _____. Human Settlements in Europe: Post-War Trends and Policies. United Nations. 1976. Paperback-Good Plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $9.00
  • _____. Insular Southeast Asia: A Bibliographic Survey (Australia, Indonesia Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore) {Numerous detailed maps}. Department of the Army. 1971. Good plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $13.00
  • _____. Negotiation and Statecraft (Hearings Before the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Government Operations, United States Senate. Parts I, Part II, Part III). GPO. 1973. Paperback. Good Plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK (One complete set). Paperback. $31.75
  • _____. Soviet Intelligence & Security Services, 1964-70: A Selected Bibliography of Soviet Publications, With Some Additional Titles From Other Sources (Prepared at request of subcommittee to investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act & etc. GPO. 1972. Paperback-Good Plus.NOT A FORMER LIBRARY BOOK. Paperback. $5.87
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